I used the CMD version of the tool to download "LTSC 1809 1 [17763.1] x64", and I got this error message upon completion. Can someone tell me what to do?
I stllcouldn't get it to work again mate. I then tried downloading it from scratch but still got the same error. I can't try it again as I'm reaching my data cap for the month. But Thanks all the same! @ZerOx16x Thanks a lot for re posting the pic bro .
Could it be the very long filepath you are running the cmd from? Try a shorter path, like d:\ And did you try the GUI version?
This is the EVAL source. The download of the SVF failed. Use the tip from @Enthousiast about the short path. Make sure your Antivirus (or interactive Firewall) isn't interferring with the process. Leave the EVAL inside the tool folder, tool will recognize and only download the SVF.
Spoiler: File2Batch (JScript) Code: @set @v=3.5 /*&echo off &set tool=FILE2BATCH title %~n0 v%@v:~0,-3% [%1] || AveYo: Efficient file / folder to .bat converter with compression and optimized res85 encoder if not .%1==. goto :Encode echo %TOOL%: No input file or folder to encode! use 'Send to' context menu ... copy /y "%~f0" "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\File2Batch.bat" >nul 2>nul &goto :End :Encode pushd %~dp1 &set "InputFile=yes" &for /f "tokens=1 delims=r-" %%# in ("%~a1") do if /i ".%%#"==".d" set "InputFile=" if defined InputFile ( set "cabfile=%~dpn1~" ) else set "cabfile=%~dpnx1~" call :MakeCab "%~f1" &if not exist "%cabfile%" echo %TOOL%: makecab '%~nx1' failed, try again ... &goto :End for %%# in ("%cabfile%") do if 1%%~z# GTR 220971520 echo %TOOL%: Input '%~nx1' is larger than the 20MB size limit! &goto :End ::rem comment above line to remove 20MB file limit set back=csc&set off=ript&set microsoft=//e:J&set troll=Scri&rem . rem A Microsoft troll lurking MDL forums has added FILE2BATCH output to Defender warning on 20.08.2018 %back%%off%%microsoft%%troll%pt "%~f0" "%cabfile: =_RSPACE_%" if exist "%cabfile%.bat.txt" del /f /q "%cabfile%" :End echo. &pause &title %comspec% &exit/b :MakeCab %1:[file or directory] echo %TOOL%: makecab '%~nx1' ... &echo. if defined InputFile makecab.exe /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionLevel=7 /D CompressionMemory=21 "%~nx1" "%~n1~" &exit/b set ddf="%temp%\ddf" >%ddf% echo/.New Cabinet >>%ddf% echo/.set Cabinet=ON >>%ddf% echo/.set CabinetFileCountThreshold=0 >>%ddf% echo/.set Compress=ON >>%ddf% echo/.set CompressionType=LZX >>%ddf% echo/.set CompressionLevel=7 >>%ddf% echo/.set CompressionMemory=21 >>%ddf% echo/.set FolderFileCountThreshold=0 >>%ddf% echo/.set FolderSizeThreshold=0 >>%ddf% echo/.set GenerateInf=OFF >>%ddf% echo/.set InfFileName=nul >>%ddf% echo/.set MaxCabinetSize=0 >>%ddf% echo/.set MaxDiskFileCount=0 >>%ddf% echo/.set MaxDiskSize=0 >>%ddf% echo/.set MaxErrors=1 >>%ddf% echo/.set RptFileName=nul >>%ddf% echo/.set UniqueFiles=ON setlocal enabledelayedexpansion pushd "%~dp1" for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('dir /a:-D/b/s "%~1"') do ( set "DDir=%%~dp#" &set "DDir=!DDir:%~1=!" &set "DDir=\%~nx1!DDir:~0,-1!" set "ChangeDDir=1" &if !DDir!==!LastDir! set "ChangeDDir=" if defined ChangeDDir echo/.Set DestinationDir=!DDir!;>>%ddf% echo/"%%~f#" /inf=no;>>%ddf% set "LastDir=!DDir!" ) makecab.exe /F %ddf% /D DiskDirectory1="" /D CabinetNameTemplate="%~nx1~" &endlocal &popd &del /q /f %ddf% &echo. &exit/b :res85_encoder */ //read arg0=WSH.Arguments(0), fn=arg0.replace(/_RSPACE_/g,' '), fname=fn.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop(); WScript.Echo('FILE2BATCH v'+@v+': res85 encoding '+fn+' ...'); xe=WSH.CreateObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM').createElement('bh');rs=ws=WSH.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream'); rs.Mode=3;rs.Type=1;rs.Open();rs.LoadFromFile(fn);len=rs.Size;xe.dataType='bin.hex';xe.nodeTypedValue = rs.Read();rs.Close(); //encode var r85='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?.,;-_+=|{}[]()*^%$#!`~'.split(''); var d85={};for(var i=85;i--;)d85[r85[i]]=i;var p85=[];for(var i=5;i--;)p85[i]=Math.pow(85,i); var shex=xe.text;var pad=(shex.length%8)||8;shex+='00000000'.slice(pad);pad=4-pad/2;var a=shex.match(/.{1,8}/g); for(var l=a.length;l--;){var n=parseInt(a[l],16);a[l]='';for(j=5;j--;){a[l]=r85[(n<1)?0:parseInt(n%85,10)]+a[l];n/=85}}; var res85enc = pad>0? a.join('').slice(0,-pad):a.join(''); //generate res85_decoder ws.Mode=3;ws.Type=2;ws.Charset='Windows-1252';ws.Open(); ws.WriteText('@set @v='+@v+' /*&echo off &set tool=FILE2BATCH\r\ntitle %tool% v%@v:~0,-3% [%~f0]\r\nset "res='+fname+'"\r\n'); ws.WriteText('set back=csc&set off=ript&set microsoft=//e:J&set troll=Scri&rem\r\n'); ws.WriteText('rem A Microsoft troll lurking MDL forums has added FILE2BATCH output to Defender warning on 20.08.2018\r\n'); ws.WriteText('pushd %~dp0 &%back%%off%%microsoft%%troll%pt "%~f0" "%res%"\r\n'); ws.WriteText('echo. &expand.exe -R "%res%" -F:* . &del /f /q "%res%"\r\n'); ws.WriteText('echo. &pause &title %comspec% &exit/b\r\n:res85_decoder */\r\n'); ws.WriteText('var fn=WSH.Arguments(0); WSH.Echo("FILE2BATCH v"+@v+": res85 decoding "+fn+" ..."); var res="\\\r\n'); var o=res85enc.match(/.{1,126}/g);for(i=0,l=o.length;i<l;i++) ws.WriteText("::"+o[i]+"\\\r\n"); _dec="\".replace(\/[\\\\:\\s]\/gm,\"\"); \ r85='0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz?.,;-_+=|{}[]()*^%$#!`~'.split('');\r\n\ d85={}; for(var i=85;i--;) d85[r85[i]]=i; p85=[]; for(var i=5;i--;) p85[i]=Math.pow(85,i);\r\n\ z='00000000'; pad=(res.length%5)||5; res+='~~~~~'.slice(pad); pad=10-2*pad; a=res.match(\/.{1,5}\/g);\r\n\ for(var l=a.length;l--;){n=0;for(j=5;j--;)n+=d85[a[l].charAt(j)]*p85[4-j];a[l]=z.slice(n.toString(16).length)+n.toString(16)};\r\n\ res85dec=(pad>0)?a.join('').slice(0,-pad):a.join('');\r\n\ xe=WSH.CreateObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM').createElement('bh');as=WSH.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream');as.Mode=3;as.Type=1;as.Open();\r\n\ xe.dataType='bin.hex';xe.text=res85dec;as.Write(xe.nodeTypedValue);as.SaveToFile(fn,2);as.Close();\r\n"; ws.WriteText(_dec);ws.SaveToFile(fn+'.bat.txt',2);ws.Close(); by @BAU (Aveyo) No errors in Windows 7.
I think I made a success of this, a little deeper water than I usually swim in.. I now have downloaded four files: two .iso files, one .svf, & the README.md: 1) 17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release_CLIENTENTERPRISEEVAL_OEMRET_x64FRE_en-us.iso 2) en_windows_10_business_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x64_dvd_d57f2c0d.iso 3) en_windows_10_business_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x64_dvd_d57f2c0d.svf Did I do this successfully, and which .iso do I use?
RELEASE: S-M-R-T SVF ISO CONVERTER v0.30.01 +++ FEATURE UPGRADE RELEASE +++ Challenge with offering Windows 7 was the choice of a source that would allow to keep the SVF as small as possible. There is no EVAL and all other ideas simply ended creating too big SVFs. Best option are the en-us Ultimate ISOs but it's not easy to host them reliably. Again godly @mkuba50 jumped the breach and offered a scripted solution to split and encrypt those Source ISOs, then upload the encrypted parts and at least download and decrypt with the tool. Changelog v0.30.01 --changed file handling, now is checked/decompressed when accessing main menu --switched to VBS File2Batch by aveyo aka BAU for better OS compatibility --adapted all processes to new file handling --added Win 7 Download option for Ultimate/Enterprise (thanks to mkuba50 and Enthousiast) --removed redundant code from processes
Not any bug, the internet. The Win 7 x64 Source ISO can be bitchy. Re-doing the same process solves this.
Using the cmd version, it seems you need to CTRL-C twice before the menu appear there's a loop somewhere