At startup the tools check the files folder and decompresses it if not present. Just wait a moment, do not break the process or the tool won't work.
On some machines the decompression takes ages. One time when testing this I needed to wait 15 minutes before the decompression was completed...
I see, but I think I waited for quite a while. Still, the tool downloaded my test of Windows 7 Ultimate correctly so I think it did its things anyway.
RELEASE: S-M-R-T SVF ISO CONVERTER v0.30.08 +++ FEATURE UPDATE RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.30.08 --removed file decompression, too error-prone
The errors are due to file links expiring too fast in some cases. We are addressing this issue atm in the background and switch to a new file host. Some glitches to solve. The file compression is appealing ... but error-prone and slow (unfortunately).
RELEASE: S-M-R-T SVF ISO CONVERTER v0.30.15 +++ FEATURE UPDATE RELEASE +++ Changelog v0.30.15 --switched to a more reliable host for Windows 7 sources (thanks to mkuba50 and Enthousiast)
I know I am dumb for asking this as many would have before me,, but what do I have to do in order to get the iso for windows 10 1809 ltsc?? Do i have to first download the regular techbench iso or straightaway start the vlsc process?? I am a novice and so confused right now so any help would be really appreciated...