@xpress Download 1. 17763.107.101029-1455.rs5_release_svc_refresh_CLIENT_LTSC_EVAL_x86FRE_en-us.iso 2. SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_LTSC_2019_32-bit_English_MLF_X21-96424.exe All in same folder - execute SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_LTSC_2019_32-bit_English_MLF_X21-96424.exe Conversion: SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_LTSC_2019_32-bit_English_MLF_X21-96424.ISO + SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_LTSC_2019_32-bit_English_International_MLF_X21-96426.svf = SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_LTSC_2019_32-bit_English_International_MLF_X21-96426.ISO
@Sajjo Thank you for all your help I downloaded it.This ISO is activable using the right tool, Right ?
@Sajjo - Worked Perfectly. Thanks for your help! I'm guessing the 96426.iso would never work with the tool? unless the SVF file in the tool is based on LTSC_EVAL_x86FRE_en-us.iso (different to Enthousiast's SVF)
Not with the "automatic" process no, but you can do it manual. The trick is to know which source is a *.svf based on. A tool like SVF eXtractor can easily output that info with expected name and sha1. In a command prompt to extract info: Code: smv.exe lv "name_on_svf.svf" Normally the source info is provided - like I quoted
@Sajjo mystery solved, the fact that the name of the zip file with that .iso in the end didn't make me think to unzip that. Now I did unzip that and with a two step process 1)first only en-consumer ino and it-consumer svf in the folder that with SVF_extractorproduced the it-consumer iso 2) only it-consumer iso and it-business svf in the folder that with SVF_extractor produced the it-business iso like yours. I finally did it. Thank you again for all your help.
Thanks for confirming The script file needs to be run twice because you have to extract second source file to ectract last svf file. Last iso will be identical to the one I posted - compare sha1 will confirm that. Thanks again.
@Sajjo - I'll have a play around with that tool. I Hadn't heard of it before. Thanks for sharing the knowledge
Thanks. Will there be any need to download svf to iso. But I already downloaded iso. I assume there wont be, will there?
Can you explain to me please, what is the difference between iso that I have downloaded, and those youve posted?
I don't post iso's. You already have your iso, and the tool i linked at will create an iso with install.esd or multiple install.swm files, to fit a FAT32 formatted USB key.
They are different iso files according to hash, thats why Im asking? I have also downloaded iso using your method via cmd. Are these Eval, or Non-eval? Do I need SVF file to convert Eval to Non-eval? If so where do I get it?