Tool to Insert/Replace SLIC in Phoenix / Insyde / Dell / EFI BIOSes

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by andyp, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. KuDeSnik

    KuDeSnik MDL Novice

    Feb 3, 2011
    Sorry, it is not possible - not my pc, and I have no access to it any more... the only thing i had i already posted - the result bios... (archive attached to my first post). So let assume my info just as warning, if I will have more info - I will post...

    BIOSNOIDEA MDL Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2009
    Tool revision latest

    :worthy: Well, now with this revision it works................yes, takes time on HDD but final ending.
  3. wmarsh

    wmarsh MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2010
    I am trying to work on this same BIOS (Dell 8200) using 1.91 of the Phoenix tool.

    I can confirm DED82001.exe is the file you get after you unpack the bd82009.exe file downloaded from dell, which as Andy said, also contains the batch file and tools to make a floppy image.

    DED82001.exe loads into Phoenix Tool with message "Dell BIOS HDR file not written"
    (It won't load when run in my usual 64 bit Win 7; had to reboot into 32 bit XP to make it work)

    Attached find another copy of DED82001.exe compressed to 7z as well as View attachment 11708 View attachment 11707
  4. wmarsh

    wmarsh MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2010
    I forgot to thank you for such a wonderful tool Andy.

    On an emachines M6810 I was able to use your tool successfully on the BIOS.BAK I extracted with Winphlash.

    I tried a similar work around here, but BIOS.BAK does not load (even if I rename it BIOS.rom or BIOS.exe)

    The message is "Dell BIOS File is not an EXE file"

    attached find the same bios referenced above extracted with Winphlash
  5. andyp

    andyp SLIC Tools Author

    Aug 8, 2008
    DED82001 wants to write an image to a floppy
    My lappy doesnt have a floppy
    Could you write the image to disk then post the contents

  6. wmarsh

    wmarsh MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2010
    Thanks for the help Andy!
    I should have realized that, but my lappy does not have one either.
    Took a while to find a floppy too.
    Attached find the file.

    Anyway, if I load the resulting D8200A09.exe file into 1.91 of the Phoenix tool, using 32 bit OS, with memory set on D8200A09.exe per instructions, I still get Dell BIOS, HDR file not written.
  7. lustich

    lustich MDL Novice

    Dec 3, 2010
    Hi! I now got a working 2.1 BIOS from the Insyde Request Thread, recently.:)

    But i wanted to inform addy about the bug(?) for making Phoenix Tools better anyway.

  8. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    You should turn OFF your antivirus software before the run of the Phoenix tool.
  9. picaro69

    picaro69 MDL Novice

    May 28, 2010
    Amazing work, I agree with you.
    I only want to point that version 1.91 of the Phoenix Tool did'nt work as far as my mobo (Asus P8P67 LE).
    Otherwise, previous version (1.78), did work.
  10. Cowboy

    Cowboy MDL Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    Running the tool for ASUS UEFI BIOS

    I have been thinking about buying an ASUS P8Z68 motherboard. I found a SLIC BIOS for it here on MDL but with all the updates that ASUS will probably be cranking out before they get the new UEFI BIOS running smoothly, I thought it would be advantageous for me to be able to mod my own BIOS. I read all the instructions for Andy's Phoenix tool and it seemed pretty simple (for the User that is) so I downloaded version 1.91 of the tool and also the latest BIOS from ASUS. I ran the tool and selected the unmodified BIOS. The log scrolled by for quite a while and then stopped so I could enter the additional entries. I selected Other as manufacturer, ASUS for the SLIC file, ASUS for the SLP file, and Dynamic as the method. When I hit the Go button I got a message "You MUST supply an RW-Everything file". Well according to the instructions I read you only need to supply a RW-Everything file for certain motherboards and the ASUS UEFI motherboard was not on the list. So, am I getting that message in error, or is there something special I need to do to bypass that message? Further, if I did have the motherboard and did run the RW-Everything program and supplied the file to Andy's program would that allow it to run correctly or would that screw things up?
  11. qtm

    qtm MDL Addicted

    Jul 8, 2009