The tool was changing _ASUS_**_ASUS_** (where * = 00h byte) to NotebookNotebook in a few places. I just did it manually so that it was _ASUS_**Notebook Use the allow manual alterations option, then just use something like beyond compare to compare DUMP and DUMP\OLD and you can see the differences. Edit manually then click OK in the tool. Andy
Please Add Mirror link, every time the new version release I have Permission Problem, I suggest add a Mirror Link to first Post Thanks
YES!!!! I was able to work out decompression code after putting your tool thru Reflector. Unfortunately it does not preserve variable names and I am not good enough at either compression algorithms or C# to modify your code to re-compress, even though it is more simple! Cheers, Andy
I'm getting excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have this Dimension 8100 all done for a buddy who can't afford a new PC, hope you can figure this out! You guys are amazing!
Hi All, A few developments 1) Apokrif has written the recompression code for all of you with old Dells. HORRAY! 2) Another forum member has PM'd me with some very interesting before/after mod of an EFI BIOS using an official AMI SLICing tool (which he understandably can't release). 3) Anmg has made some suggestions for altering ASUS EFI settings. Good things, like busses, all seem to come at once; so I am incoroprating them all in the tool. New version in the next day or two! Andy
Wow, that is great news for everyone with old Dell machines. Microsoft really did a fantastic job with optimizing Windows 7 to scale itself down on old hardware....runs great on the Dimension 8100 I'm waiting on to mod and it isn't too terribly bad on an Optiplex GX110 with a P3 1GHz, 7200RPM hard drive, Geforce 6200 PCI and the maximum 512MB of memory (no worse then how XP runs on it). Thanks again for everyone's is appreciated!