I have already given a laptop with genuine Windows. What are the chances that the laptop after flashing manuallly moded bios not start?
Now all HP bios are delivered under this form. InsydeFlash is dealing with these new bios, is there a way by using functions of iscflash.dll to decrypt/decompress the file.
Depends how well the mod was done. The fact "given a laptop with genuine Windows" is completly unrelated to it sebus
Had used your tool earlier on an old Dell Dimension 8300, with succes.. Now i tried it on a WeTab Slate pc bios, which i wanted to upgrade to a ExoPC (same hardware) bios -WeTab bios is less open, no BBS, etc- So, i created a SLIC version of the BIOS with your tool (had a RW Everything file, the MEDION 2.1 SLIC that the wetab has, etc), without problems. If i opened the SLIC version with the tool, it correctly identifies as a MEDION bios. However, after flashing (tried both the official flasher, as AFUDOS Aptio), it has the SLIC that was originally in the ExoPC bios! So, somehow it didn't pick up the new SLIC? Or do i need to use another setting instead of dynamic? (I thought i was supposed to, when an old slic is present..) If needed, i have the original and the modded BIOS, and the dumps, RW Everything file, etc. Thanks. P.S: I could of course use the slic in the ExoPC bios, but haven't found the needed CERT anywhere.. (CiaraDiscover) BIOS Vendor: American Megatrends Core Version: Compliency: UEFI 2.0 BIOS Version: Lucid-MWE-0125 Build Date and Time: 09/03/2010 18.17 EC Version: 000915 SLIC wanted: MEDIONMEDIONAG SLIC in BIOS: CiaraDiscover
Something went horribly wrong when flashing the BIOS and now the screen doesn't work.. Any way to restore? If i start it with a USB stick, the stick does light up. But it doesn't seems like it restores the AMIBOOT.ROM.. Anything i could try, without having visual cues? Thanks..
Has anyone been able to successfully integrate the SLIC in the EFI BIOS? Which method to choose for the integration of EFI BIOS? The method of "Module" or "Dynamis? Method SSV2 - does not work, fails.
ELVEON - how can we reply to you? Which board, bios link, RW-report please. If you speak about ASUS P8xxx series, try dynamic mode and give us a feedback