Right..... I have spent hours looking at the P67 versus the H67.... and really can't see what the problem is. The SSV2 mod itself is practically identical. Still very confused. Andy
Ok, I will try again today incase for some odd reason it was a bad flash. I will try again using a pro board and the exact same bios and see what happens. I will also try a non-pro board to verify the mod works.
THANK YOU. I can't imagine its all a bad flash. There are too many There must be some other factor i can't identify Tis very frustrating :@ When you try - could you first try a mod WITHOUT a RW report (changes less), then try one WITH a RW report. I am still mindful of the failed MSI dynamic mod (where there was NO SLIC to modify - so all that changed where a few oem/table id strings) - and it still bricked. Maybe some modules mustn't be changed/moved. Andy
Right folks, there were 2 instructions that needed patching for MSI lock... and i only found one of them!! Redownload 1.73 if you want to test MSI dynamic patch. Andy
Hi phrunt, any chance of re-uploading the file for ASUS P8H67M Pro, as the link on rapidshare doesn't work. Thanks.
I may have found a lock in ASUS EFI. Could anyone who is interested redownload 1.73 and do a dynamic mod (ASUS manufacturer) on an ASUS EFI that has a dummy 2.0 SLIC. Andy
I could mod the Bios but I wont flash it. ( I have the P8P67 Pro so I can deliver the RW Report) Does that help? I think not.
Seriously, no worries. I have someone who can test ASUS boards and someone who can test MSI boards. Take care, Andy