I don't understand this process. Why not create XP2ESD from needed Windows 10 x64? Then you can move your ESD / WIM / SWM files to XP2ESD USB sources folder and you have both deploy option available in POWIS Launcher.
I didn't realize that Win10 x64 was supported? On the first page, it specifically states to download Windows 7 and Windows 10 32bit. I will try 64Bit and see if that will work.
Fixed info in first post! You can also build XP2ESD based only on Windows 10 x64 using WINXISO in config.ini
@George King If the BootPartition option is fixed and set to yes then make sure that diskpart should only be used if BCD doesn't exist. If BCD exists (\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD or \Boot\BCD based on boot mode) on the boot partition and windows XP is installed on another partition, then BCD should not be overwritten. The XP entries should be added to the existing BCD instead of overwriting it. This way you can install XP2ESD without erasing the existing BCD or boot partition if the BootPartition option is set to yes.
Besides, in order for UEFI support to work properly, NVRAM support (allowing UEFI NVRAM values to be edited) should also be added into XP2ESD.
Already done in upcoming v1.6.3 I have not re-checked BootPartition process for now. XP2ESD is designed that way. Select disk, create partitions, select partition, install. Then remove all partitions that are in MBs on that disk. Make remaining first partition bootable with all other boot options from newer systems. Expected usage is, Install all needed newer systems on another disks / partitions. For example First HDD is 500GB formated as 100 (XP), 150 (7), 250 (10). Then Secondary HDD for data. Then deploy 7 and 10 to previously created partitions. Make sure both systems are bootable. Then install XP2ESD as last and at the end there are all boot options on XP partition. I just remember I gave up with BootPartition when I faced some issues with PAGEFILE. This will be probably for v1.6.4 to review
According to Unattended post #2039. I hgave decided to investigate XP OOBE more and bring 100% customization into it too. Hope it will be done soon. I would like to have 100% unattended possible in v1.6.3 EDIT: I have fixed my OOBE mod to respect needed options from oobeinfo.ini. But It's still not 100% Unattended - EULA, Computer Name and Users creation page needs to be manually processed. Good is, we can preset 5 Users to propagate their names into User creation page. But we still need to click manually on Next button. I will try to create some kind of switches to overcome these 3 pages too
I don't know if this is possible but the thought of making XP OOBE more customizable and adding settings, options that never existed before on the original oobe fascinates me!
can you offer an ISO to download, will be easier. I tried to follow the guide on post#1. no luck so far. decided to try Windows 11 1st. Last weekend, my two XP machine converted to Windows 11 successfully. but terribly slow. thought to move back to XP. need to decide what XP to use.
Well you could expect that if you try to run non xp versions on a xp machine it doesnt run well. Thats why there is a minimal system requirement like cpu and ram requirement to run the os more smoothly and additional a ssd drive to make the disk access speed better.
this tool was meant to create custom isos, it defeats the purpose if you just offer an iso + it's not allowed here
Why the step Installing into VirtualBox takes forever for me, and starting VM manually gives an error?
@George King @diderius6 I finally figured out how to get WinDDK to compile ntoskrn8.sys (it can also work to compile other custom drivers) so they can be used for XP2ESD. Basically I had to specify setenv.bat to turn cmd into Free build Environment. I chose x64 Windows Server 2003 (WNET) because I want to try to make drivers for XP x64. Before compiling, I had to set cd to the directory where George King's kernel extender fork was located. And then, to compile, all I had to do, was to type "build -cz" as specified in the documentation. Mov's instructions weren't specific at all when referencing "shell", changing directory, and "build" so I explained more so you and others know what I mean. Now that I know, I decided to share with everyone the specific instructions in order to use this tool to clarify this situation.
@UsefulAGKHelper I have no idea why you don’t follow easy instructions to compile on GitHub. Install DDK, fix header bug. Launch target environment from Start menu, CD to extender folder and BLD
Well, the instructions I specified are more specific and faster. And by "BLD", you mean "build -cz". Anyway, the good news is that the compiler works and It generated a functional ntoskrn8.sys with MmMapIoSpaceEx (along with the other 2 extender files).