Updated to v 1.5.1! Code: 05.04.2021 - v1.5.1 - Fixed permission handling on non-english systems, thanks to SunLion - Changed Administrator to %UserName% in OOBE.cmd @Gyppie @SunLion @jiafei2427 Please let me know if you are able to build it now. I would like to fix all what can be fixed so I can focus on my Windows 6.1 project And if there are still problem, report me Host language and I can try to install your host system on testing laptop to encounter same errors
See this image of Windows XP installed on VirtualBox: Listed as "Documents and Settings\Administrador"
Alomst there. I have tried to create Norwegian and English modern installer. Everything in the script works well up until creating ESD. The script makes an ISO without install.esd. So I tried to put the install.wim that is in the XP2ESD folder into the ISO and test it in virtualbox, but get a error message after it tries to unpack and install the wim file. The error code is:0x80071128. I'm using Norwegian Win 10 Pro 20h2 x64. Code: Started on 05.04.2021 at 18:47:15,00 [1] Extracting WinXP_Pro_VL.iso Microsoft Windows XP Professional Volume License ENU [2] Integrating UpdatePack [3] Adding Auto-Sysprep [4] Building ISO [5] Installing into VirtualBox [6] Mounting VHD [7] Capturing image [8] Exporting image Started on 05.04.2021 at 19:18:10,79 Windows XP Modern Intaller [1] Extracting Windows 7 & 10 ISO [2] Building setup structure Copying installers Building bootloader [3] Upgrading setup engine [4] Patching setup design [5] Patching autorun.dll [6] Compressing boot.wim [7] Creating skiprecovery.xml + autounattend.xml [8] Updating install.wim [9] Compressing install.esd [ERROR] The root of the WIM image is not a directory! ERROR: Exiting with error code 21: The metadata resource is invalid. [10] Building bootable ISO Finished on 05.04.2021 at 19:23:48,31 Process finished, press any key to exit... Code: Started on 05.04.2021 at 19:55:54,45 [1] Extracting WinXP_Pro_VL.iso Microsoft Windows XP Professional Volume License NOR [2] Integrating UpdatePack [3] Adding Auto-Sysprep [4] Building ISO [5] Installing into VirtualBox [6] Mounting VHD [7] Capturing image [8] Exporting image Started on 05.04.2021 at 20:25:30,67 Windows XP Modern Intaller [1] Extracting Windows 7 & 10 ISO [2] Building setup structure Building bootloader [3] Upgrading setup engine [4] Patching setup design [5] Patching autorun.dll [6] Compressing boot.wim [7] Creating skiprecovery.xml + autounattend.xml [8] Updating install.wim [9] Compressing install.esd [ERROR] The root of the WIM image is not a directory! ERROR: Exiting with error code 21: The metadata resource is invalid. [10] Building bootable ISO Finished on 05.04.2021 at 20:29:45,43 Process finished, press any key to exit...
My Host is Windows 10.17763 X64 To install 32-bit windows on VirtualBox 5.2.30 I had to configure a few things: > Settings> System> Motherboard> Check "Enable I/O APIC" > Settings> System> Processor> Check "Enable PAE/NX" Without it, it would always be wrong! Check if this is your problem!
@Gyppie Change target format ESD to WIM in config.ini to see if WIM build is installable. I'm going to find whats wrong with ESD compression on your side. Bad is I have no idea why it happends... EDIT: Please inspect your install.wim with 7z to see if it look good and XP is captured correctly, but building target with WIM should be enough for test This is part where is ESD compression Code: if "%TARGETFORMAT%" == "ESD" ( echo [9] Compressing install.esd "%~dp0apps\WimLib\%ARCH%\wimlib-imagex.exe" export "%~dp0_output\sources\install.wim" all "%~dp0_output\sources\install.esd" --compress=LZMS --solid >nul del /q /s "%~dp0_output\sources\install.wim" >nul ) ELSE ( echo [9] Compressing install.wim "%~dp0apps\WimLib\%ARCH%\wimlib-imagex.exe" optimize "%~dp0_output\sources\install.wim" --compress=LZX:100 >nul )
I tried with setting the target format to WIM, but still got the same error. By inspecting the wim image with 7zip, it looks ok. I will try to build the wim image my self to see if that helps. Code: Started on 05.04.2021 at 23:00:45,63 [1] Extracting WinXP_Pro_VL.iso Microsoft Windows XP Professional Volume License NOR [2] Integrating UpdatePack [3] Adding Auto-Sysprep [4] Building ISO [5] Installing into VirtualBox [6] Mounting VHD [7] Capturing image [8] Exporting image Started on 05.04.2021 at 23:26:28,56 Windows XP Modern Intaller [1] Extracting Windows 7 & 10 ISO [2] Building setup structure Building bootloader [3] Upgrading setup engine [4] Patching setup design [5] Patching autorun.dll [6] Compressing boot.wim [7] Creating skiprecovery.xml + autounattend.xml [8] Updating install.wim [9] Compressing install.wim [ERROR] The root of the WIM image is not a directory! ERROR: Optimization of "D:\_Users\Gyppie\Downloads\no_XP2ESD_v1.5.1\_output\sources\install.wim" failed. ERROR: Exiting with error code 21: The metadata resource is invalid. [10] Building bootable ISO Finished on 05.04.2021 at 23:31:42,66 Process finished, press any key to exit...
I just send you a pm with the link to the wim file XP2ESD made. I extracted that wim file, and used dism to capture a new image. Now it installs as normal. Somehow the xp2esd script corrupts the wim file on creation. It happens every time. I did not use dism that was located in the script folder to rebuild, but dism from waik 19041.
@Gyppie and @George King After a few tests, it now seems to work well. Gippie's tip was excellent. What did I do: 1 - Updated DISM files to version 19041.1 2 - In AutoSysprep.cmd I modified, in line 490: set "VirtualMachinePath=C:\Users\SunLion\VirtualBox VMs\XP" (This seems to work better so that there are no pending residues, a problem that was happening here). 3 - In AutoSysprep.cmd I modified, for my personal use only, line 635: set admin=Administrador for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /s /b /a "%ASSIGNLETTER%:\Documents and Settings\%admin%\*.txt*"') do ( del /q /s /a "%%A" >nul 2>nul ) Let's continue testing and see if it helps!
Tool updated to v1.5.2 Code: 08.04.2021 - v1.5.2 - Added PAE option into VirtualBox VM creation - Fixed WIM/ESD compression bug that was caused by DISM VHD mounting method, reverted back to DiskPart method Thanks to all who helped in this findings!
Interesting is you fixed problem by using newer DISM. But DISM needs to be max from Windows 8.0 as it's latest one that run under XP. I will see if latest files from updated Windows 8.0 fix this weird bug. For now I reverted back to DiskPart mounting.
@Gustavox10 There should be two reasons. 1) Too less RAM amount 2) 7 + 10 + XP Languages mismatch with combination of bad image flag on install.wim / install.esd or missing License.rtf Language that must be same for all used ISOs, in my scenario en-US, in your es-ES or fr-FR (I don't know what language is it)? Home is my image flag so it must match folder in license folder. This is automated in Builder. Code: D:\XP2ESD\install.wim\Windows\system32\en-US\Licenses\_Default\Home\License.rtf I guess it's first problem?
I fixed this for next, It was caused as search pattern XP or 2K3 is case sensitive. So I added lowercase pattern too.
Is there a step by step tutorial how to do this? It's very hard to understand what to do next, what's the order etc...
1) Download and extract tool 2) Place UpdatePacks into updates folder 3) Place XP, 7 & 10 ISOs into repository folder 4) Run XP2ESD_Builder.cmd P.S. Don't forget to have installed VirtualBox and see config.ini
Rename in your XP filename “xp” to “XP” as a workaround. This is bug, updated version which contains some fixes should be soon.