Try to use WinDBG from a second computer onto the target computer to find the root cause of the BSOD, watch WinDBG tutorials if you don't know how to do it.
I don't have time to burn it in debuging UEFI which is NOT in 1.7 priorities! You or other enthousiast will find way how to fix my UEFI mechanims, when you receive testing ISO. There are still many common things that must be done... Even my progress looks fine, it's still slow. But most important things seems to be read due a lot of testing on real machines..
Tbh, I kept receiving infinite boot delay with the latest 2.0 acpi.sys on XP x64 (from dietmar/diderius6), I don't know why. Try to use the last acpi.sys that worked for you.
A very interesting feature I have a question - does Launcher.hta script remove $WINDOWS.~BT & $WINDOWS.~LS folders?
@UsefulAGKHelper But is setup.cmd only used when we choose the Standard method instead of XP2ESD? After installing, $Windows folders are still on the disk.
Yes, but deleting $WINDOWS folders doesn't work for me. BTW I think that setup.cmd does many unnecessary things to install WinXP 64-bit. I edited him slimming and now works Spoiler Code: REM Created in 2023 by Gelip @ECHO OFF TITLE Windows XP SP2 64-bit Setup Launcher CLS REM Get DVD / USB drive FOR %%I IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST "%%I:\sources\*.esd" SET DRIVE=%%I:&&SET INSTALL=install.esd IF "%DRIVE%" == "" FOR %%I IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST "%%I:\sources\*.wim" SET DRIVE=%%I:&&SET INSTALL=install.wim IF "%DRIVE%" == "" FOR %%I IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST "%%I:\sources\*.swm" SET DRIVE=%%I:&&SET INSTALL=install.swm REM Read settings.ini call :ReadINI SetupType SetupType call :ReadINI CustomPartitionID CustomPartitionID call :ReadINI PartitionID PartitionID call :ReadINI DriverPacksType DriverPacksType call :ReadINI DriverPacksMethod DriverPacksMethod call :ReadINI BootPartition BootPartition call :ReadINI ModernBoot ModernBoot call :ReadINI ModernUEFIBoot ModernUEFIBoot call :ReadINI QuibbleUEFIboot QuibbleUEFIboot call :ReadINI DisableOOBE DisableOOBE call :ReadINI DynamicDrivers DynamicDrivers REM %SystemDrive% = X: aka default WinPE target path REM Get parameters from POWIS Launcher setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion :ReadParameter for %%F in (/setup: /imagefile: /unattended: /copydrivers: /partitionid: /skipoobe: /pae: /dynamicdrivers:) do ( for /F "tokens=* delims=: " %%P in ('"echo "%1" | findstr /i "\%%F""') do ( echo %1 set param=%1 call set param=!!param:%%F=!! call set param=!param:"=! echo !param! if not "!param!" == "" ( if "%%F" == "/setup:" ( set "SelectedSetupFile=!param!" ) else if "%%F" == "/imagefile:" ( set "SelectedImageFile=!param!" ) else if "%%F" == "/unattended:" ( set "SelectedUnattendedFile=!param!" ) else if "%%F" == "/copydrivers:" ( set "CopyDrivers=!param!" ) else if "%%F" == "/partitionid:" ( set "SelectedPartitionId=!param!" ) else if "%%F" == "/skipoobe:" ( set "SelectedOOBE=!param!" ) else if "%%F" == "/pae:" ( set "SelectedPAE=!param!" ) else if "%%F" == "/dynamicdrivers:" ( set "SelectedDynamicDrivers=!param!" ) ) ) ) shift if not "%~1" == "" goto ReadParameter REM UEFI detection rem for /f "delims=" %%I in ('bcdedit /enum {current} ^| find /i "winload.efi"') do set UEFI=1 rem for /f "delims=" %%I in ('%WinDir%\system32\efidetect.exe ^| find /i "UEFI"') do set UEFI=1 rem if not "%UEFI%" == "1" ( rem set ModernUEFIBoot=No rem set QuibbleUEFIboot=No rem ) if defined SelectedSetupFile ( set SETUPFILE=!SelectedSetupFile! ) else ( if /i "%SetupType%" == "XP2ESD" ( set SETUPFILE=setupxp.exe ) else ( set SETUPFILE=launcher.exe ) ) if defined SelectedImageFile ( set "INSTALL=!SelectedImageFile!" ) set UNATTENDED=autounattend.xml if defined SelectedUnattendedFile ( set "UNATTENDED=!SelectedUnattendedFile!" ) if defined SelectedOOBE ( set "DisableOOBE=!SelectedOOBE!" ) REM Run setup if exist "!DRIVE!\!UNATTENDED!" ( "%SystemDrive%\sources\!SETUPFILE!" /installfrom:"!DRIVE!\sources\!INSTALL!" /unattend:"%DRIVE%\!UNATTENDED!" /noreboot ) else ( "%SystemDrive%\sources\!SETUPFILE!" /installfrom:"%DRIVE%\sources\%INSTALL%" /noreboot ) rem endlocal REM Search partition OS to delete unneeded folders & files FOR %%I IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST "%%I:\$WINDOWS.~BT" SET TARGET=%%I: if exist "%TARGET%\$WINDOWS.~BT" rd /q /s "%TARGET%\$WINDOWS.~BT" >nul if exist "%TARGET%\$WINDOWS.~LS" rd /q /s "%TARGET%\$WINDOWS.~LS" >nul if exist "%TARGET%\1_display_del.bat" del /q "%TARGET%\1_display_del.bat" >nul if exist "%TARGET%\*.reg" del /q "%TARGET%\*.reg" >nul
No offense, but this is not enough for a universal solution in XP2ESD, what may work for you doesn't work for every newer hardware (Coffee Lake and newer).
@UsefulAGKHelper Yes you are right. I should make a separate topic called e.g. WinXP SP2 64-bit based on XP2ESD
100% useless as all of us want single universal solution. setup.cmd handle all systems not only one. Its true that scripts is looks like a mess If don’t know all hidden purposes. Btw, and its expectable that setup.cmd doesn’t work correctly for you, due your custom capturing process. Just be patient and wait for testing image, then it should be only about few commands. There is no need to do anything manually. I have also working EFI bootloader like normal EFI installation. No need to touch efi shell etc.
Yes, this is really good joke. You simply deleted everything that is needed to make whole proces automated and many more...
If you want XP2ESD to work properly, use the same settings provided by XP2ESD and not your own. XP2ESD is designed to work with a VirtualBox VM, not vmware. And you don't need to use XP's original Sysprep, XP2ESD already provides AutoSysprep in its modified XP installation.
I'm sorry but not everyone, I'm only interested in universal - absolutely minimum number of files and scripts UEFI WinXP SP2 64-bit installer About 5 years ago, I was very interested in the topic on - Does Windows XP have EFI? and I wanted to know what and how to do to run the system under UEFI. It was me who tested various loaders from different versions of Longhorn Beta and found 64-bit loader 16497 I'm sorry but I want to know what is really needed to install WinXP 64-bit under UEFI from ISO/CD/DVD/USB Drive. I know all virtual machines very well - VMware Workstation, VMware ESXi, MS VPC 2007, Qemu on Windows without KVM, Virt Manager Qemu on Linux with KVM, I can mention the advantages and disadvantages. I don't like VirtualBox, I don't like how it works, It irritates me I am impatient and I am still waiting for a test ISO that was supposed to be a long time ago - and for about month I only hear that "tomorrow, tomorrow" @George King You do a great job because someone (a beginner user) will start yours the UEFI installer and will not even know how it succeeded because everything will do automatically. I like to know what and how in detail - why it works or why it doesn't work - that's all Once again, I'm sorry that I delete scripts and files but thanks to this I have 670MB ISO and install the system in 3 minutes from a pendrive on NVMe disk - this is very, very satisfying
@Gelip You don't have to use VirtualBox manually if you don't want to use it. In XP2ESD, VirtualBox is only used during the AutoSyprep stage (the stage of building XP's install.wim). The finished XP install.wim/install.esd from XP2ESD that was properly built with the help of VirtualBox also runs on VMware, Qemu and physical hardware without problems. In XP2ESD, it also supports using older version of VirtualBox in case of building in Xp host. I understand that you prefer to use the minimum amount of files to get this to work, feel free to do your topic if you want to.