Simply using a modern Linux, with GTK3 that can copy the whole WinXP look and feel. WineHQ let runs all the old win-based apps pretty fine, without any problems.
You can.If you want I can search again for which versions runs what. (I can not find the folder right now sadly). On VirtualBox homepage you can read in the change-logs which versions supporting Win7 and WinXP.
@Gelip, can you show me what you see in diskpart in Polish Win7 please? I’m not using strings to check, so language should not be that problem. Its pure API. How was formated that disk? Both 7 are same build? Boot or * means this partition have in MBR structure true and is bootable in ListDisk. P.S. I’m trying to find way how to handle MBR settings in ListDisk. Goal is to be able to write modified MBR/GPT structure back to disk. When I achieve this I can then change MBR partition type or boot flag on the fly. This is crucial thing to achieve as deploying process require it and diskpart is not solution from various reasons.
@Gelip Can you try to change label on your Polish Windows 7 on 100MB partition? I think there is some issue with that. Check how it's labeled in ListDisk. It end's before special character in your PL screenshot.
@George King @Gelip No offense, but isn't it better if ListDisk has its own topic? That way, this topic (XP2ESD) won't go too off-topic.
After change label to same name but no Polish character "ż" listdisk see both partitions but still wrong that 100MB is Boot
Thats correct 100MB partition is used for booting - contains bootloader. Thats what I call bootpartition. I will try to fix that issue as now we know where it is. No, Thats crucial tool needed for deploying
@Gelip Please redownload, I have changed way how is loaded partition label to my partitionInfo structure. Hope it helps with your issue on polish Windows 7 host. Meanwhile I have added /setactive and /settype switches. This should probably be what I was looking for along time. It needs to be tested, but in theory we can get rid of 2 more diskpart commands. (Boot) flag becomes * and label is now setlabel /setactive 0 1 0x80 = Change MBR boot flag that partition like diskpart (select disk 0 select volume X active). 0x00 clear flag. 0x80 is defaul value. Can be used 0x81-0x89 same value like you can see in Rufus /settype 0 1 0x17 = Change MBR type for that partition to NTFS Hidden like (select disk 0 select volume X id=17 override). To change it back change it 0x07 which means NTFS Lets see how it goes, I think I have now everything ready to continue in setup.cmd rewriting to handle efectively bootloader (re)creation. EDIT: ListDisk reuploaded again now contains FileVersion. Now it's EDIT2: I have tested both new switches in WinPE they hangs on “failed to flush..” But seems like it does that job even with error message. This is probably related to WinPE itself. Partition can be hidden and set as bootable from ListDisk when handling MBR disk.
This is great news! Btw, is there a way to include the uefi equivalent of this function in ListDisk? (converting the partition to ESP EFI System partition.)
The obvious definition is that the boot partition is where the boot process starts (the active partition in MBR disks) and the system is where the OS resides. Which is exactly the opposite of the MS jargon.
@George King For some reason, trying to use ListDisk to set up my GPT VHD partition ID (From Basic Data to ESP/EFI System) didn't work in my case: Code: listdisk /settype 1 1 0xc12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b I haven't received any error prompts so far. I am running ListDisk under Administrator Command Prompt.