Office 2007 and 2010 users. Check out this new UpSourcer by @abbodi1406! Now any XP / 2003 versions can be used with any Office 2007 and 2010. And best is Office source is rebuilded to save space and setup time! Check also Office 2007 activation tweak No more hangs with 2010 on x64 or incompatible updates for example, rebuilded setup just runs without any tricks Code:
Great I was thinking it will work. Even I wrote code in Visual Studio 2019 with XP targetting I compiled cpp with minGW 14.2 instead to support static build as Visual Studio have bug in some headers and MS don’t care about my bug report.. In static build it always adds 2 stupid imports from kernel32… I think I will release another version soon with better error logs and ability to change refresh rate too. Maybe I will add changing default monitor too. I tried to add HW name too, But it require too much coding and WMI usage aswell.
@George King I make new test and tool works also in my WinXP 64-bit in pure UEFI when is used FlashBoot 3.3n: but not work on WinPE 3.1 (Win7 SP1) when used UefiSeven 1.24 loader:
@Gelip What about UefiSeven 1.31 which you compiled? Because this means UefiSeven must somehow lock used resolution.
In WinPE I can't test the ResolutionChanger.exe because using U7 1.31 WinPE not start if I try to set the resolution by UefiSeven.ini other than 1024x768:
Now I have another piece of needed command line tool to continue on XP2ESD setup improving. Next week I will probably check my POWIS which is still in progress and I need to solve some things. GUI is still messy in WinPE and few functionalities are still not done. I think I need to find someone who can create better CSS with IE8 compatiblity. New POWIS is designed to support multiple styles aswell. But currently XP can be installed just fine using setup.cmd. But there is problem with displaying output of setup.cmd on the fly in POWIS. I think I will overcome this issue by reading another INI instead, but it's still untested.. Hope I can manage it as it would be really great to watch progress directly in HTA - I tested few easy scripts which worked fine. Maybe its caused by GOTO - hope for that. I have not touched my HTA like 2 months. So will see how fast will be new progress
I can help out with the CSS if you don't mind. I have been working that full time for a while now, plus personal projects. Only issue - i need a design (a.k.a I need to know how you want it to look) I'm not good at creating those, just following them.
Thats sound great, thanks! I will PM you when time commes. My current CSS looks almost fine on 16:9 monitor. But of course it needs to be polished. I think If you know CSS it will be easy for you to improve and extend current design.