@George King - I have a doubt that is "off topic", but what is the difference of WES2009 Standard, and WES2009 Academic? I apologize for being in the wrong topic
Can't seem to produce a proper end result with this, every attempt i do even with only MSDN versions of Windows 7, 10 and XP VL i keep getting a result that has no OOBE and no working taskbar once i install the end result. Using other ISO's with MCE integrated can also trigger missing driver errors. My host is a Windows 10 2016 LTSB host, I run the script as admin so it won't have permission issues. Guests are a Windows XP machine on Virtualbox and VMware.
One error during the PAE stage once it installs but it flashes quicker than I can grab the message, other than that nothing noteworthy. I have runs which produce a lot of errors but those are always explained by me not running the script as admin or having files stuck in my temp folder. The ISO is generated seemingly without issues, and if I monitor the install in Virtualbox I see nothing strange, but once the actual restore happens the end result will not be as expected. I assume I somehow am triggering a bug in the MYFACTORY portion. For the record, I did not add any driverpacks since i'd like a clean ISO.
Have you changed something in config.ini. What are your input ISOs? What language are these ISOs? Have you added correct UpdatePacks in same language? This should be related to broken image with bad update pack as it can be caused by missing SP3 cab. Have you modified somenthing in XP2ESD?
Images build with WES2009 Academic are valid only one year. Regarding WES2009 Standard, i do not know, im using WES2009 Retail to build and test images for fun and learning.
to me the only problem remains "Adding Windows 8 DISM" if in config.ini I put Code: ; Integrate Windows 8 Dism into XP host ADDDISM=Yes always crashes here: Code: C:\Windows\system32>if "Yes" == "Yes" ( REM Adding Windows 8 DISM xcopy "C:\XP2ESD\apps\dism\*.*" "X:\WINDOWS\system32" /i 1>nul if exist "C:\XP2ESD\apps\dism\it-IT" (xcopy "C:\XP2ESD\apps\dism\it-IT" "X:\WINDOWS\system32\it-IT" /i /s 1>nul ) else (xcopy "C:\XP2ESD\apps\dism\en-us" "X:\WINDOWS\system32\en-us" /i /s 1>nul ) )
Does this problem happends only with Italian XPs? I builded succesfully English, Spanish and Czech ISO
George ......... thank you for what your doing ......... personaly i'd rather have xp / 98 / 95 than win vista / 7 / 8 / 10 Questions ( Didnt read thread ...... yet ) ---- > What about x64 ? There was a win xp 86 version that didnt have the 4 G ram limit ........ cant remeber wich one ? Why not use that ?
Impossible to get XP2ESD in x64 too. And I think it's useless as when you build ISO using XP2ESD, it supports more than 4GB RAM too using @daniel_k PAE patcher. When setup detect 4GB or more then are automatically patched all needed files. So don't worry about RAM. You can also use Server 2003 Enterprise, than support it too
>You can also use Server 2003 Enterprise Cool Thanks . .......but where to get it ? I've looked at the links and searched for others but i only found the x64 version and the x32 sp2 ...... but not the x32 version ? >When setup detect 4GB or more then are automatically patched all needed files. I'm not sure i understand ? Do you mean it will patch Server 2003 Enterprise even though it can use more than 4 g ram ?
>Repository for all needed ISOs are linked in first post too Thanks . Thats one of the places i looked but couldnt find it . The links in that post and others are out of date and / or only lead to x64 ?.
It will happen regardless of how i configure it, my source images are as follows and can be obtained from the MSDN folder from 'The Eye' : - en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677460.iso - en_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1607_updated_jan_2017_x86_dvd_9714393.iso - en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-73974.iso I can run your XP2ESD from a clean extraction and this result will be produced, i can also add the OnePiece pack's and the same result will be produced. I used the following : - OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v1.0.9_FINAL_ENU_7A2AC7C5DD72BB4BC0C18D677A8B8FB1.7z And both a run with and without - OnePiece_WinXP_Embedded_Post-SP3_True_AddOn_ENU.7z In all cases its the no OOBE, no username, desktop without a taskbar result with the C:\SYSPREP and C:\driverpacks still remaining on the disk.
I have a doubt: How can I run Windows Post Install (WPI)? Previously, I used the cmdlines.txt files and the RunWPI.exe file inside the $OEM$ folder at the root of the CD. With this new model I don't know ...
@SunLion Did you have any errors run the CMD script of XP2ESD1.5.4 with Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 x64?If no problems, I will try to perform with Win7 x64.
There was no problem. Everything is normal. I'm just trying to run WPI after all, after the desktop is finished opening. But I am not getting it. Edit (2021.04.20): In the repository folder I use the images: - 19041.1.191206-1406.VB_RELEASE_CLIENTPRO_OEMRET_X86FRE_PT-BR.iso - pt_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677457.iso Renamed as below, to match the Config.ini: - Win10_x86.iso - Win7_x86.iso NOTE: Windows 19041.1 contains only one index: Professional