The modified OS cannot be shared here. But I can help you create your customized. Although the explanations on the first page are clear, I will prepare a step-by-step on how to do my process Wait.. ..
Hello, Thank you for your work, it is a very interesting project. Since Snappy Driver is used, is it still useful to integrate driverpacks ? Thanks
DriverPacks are not integrated but used during setup by SDI, it's a perfect solution for offline setup media. Integrated are only needed MassStorage pack that is automated in Auto-Sysprep, without this pack is image unusable.
what about extracting net framework 1.1-4.0 from "Service Pack 4" and its accompanying post-sp4 rollup? also honestly I find the current programme installation method makes the image more generalised (just my opinion)
Also, does somebody know what could make windows xp try to execute runonceex.cmd after the sysprep folder is already gone?
XP2ESD use nLite. Your recommendation is really useless as we have automated process done. And your personal meaning "nLite is bad" is only your opinion. All existing embedded updates are included in this pack. If you find missing one, I'm waiting for KB numbers. .NET is not fully updated, thats true. I don't have time to build updated CABs if someone have it, it should be nice. Also KB numbers of missing updates would be great. We discussed it before. If you don't like it, delete it. There is reason to have it, as if you want to archive all editions it's a great solution until I reconstruct fully working winlogon.exe patching on the fly. No it's not useless, useless is to waste image with preinstalled apps. Also apps that require custom driver installed will be broken due Auto-Sysprep as all unneeded drivers are uninstalled. Generic USB3.x driver is allready included in Auto-Sysprep. So USB3.x hardware works after first reboot. But yes, drivers that are included should be revised, feel free to advice what is needed for this. I don't see anything whats wrong with Auto-Sysprep. Please explain what needs to rework and I can consider if I can do it.
Maybe a good point to compare installed image with OnePiece pack and integrated USP4 to see differences in files
you can literally substitute Onepiece's Net Framework with Service Pack 4's Net Framework. all i did to accomplish that was: copy i386\root\cmpnents\netfx35 and i386\root\cmpnents\netfx40 from usp4 to cmpnents folder of the cd copy i386\netfx*.in_ from usp4 to i386 folder of the cd copy cmpnents\netfx35, cmpnents\netfx40 and i386\netfx*.in_ from the post-sp4 update from 2019 comment out mdx section and reference to it in the optional components section because sp4's netfx35 includes netfx30, netfx20 and DirectX for Managed Code (opmwxpup.inf) remove the requirement for xpssvc in netfx35.inf (XPS Services, which I think was included with onepiece) change the line "modes = 0,1" to "modes 0,1,2,3" in netfx40.inf to make it install by default remove all references to, netfx20.inf,, netfx30.inf, and in dosnet and txtsetup remove all references to netfx20 and netfx30 in opmwxpup.inf also, i think what windowsmystyle is talking about is that windows update shows some posready updates as available despite having integrated your update pack (i think this is a limitation of dxupac which seems to not include all registry changes needed to convince Windows Update that some POSready updates are actually installed)
If there are some of them, we can easily add needed registry entries. But they are not needed as all files are updated to latest available versions
@WindowsMyStyle I appreciate your opinion/tips. I understand that this discussion can help us improve the process. I believe that is the goal! The current script is very practical and fast. Everything will depend on whether the addons and updates are up to date. As for RunonceEx and WPI, I always liked to use WPI more so that the installation occurs only after the desktop is loaded. So it works much better, at least that's what I've been observing. In the current process, I leave the main apps and scripts that should be installed as a priority on RunonceEx and the rest are installed by WPI. For me it works well like that. I am very grateful of @George King for his dedication to the project!
it's a very subjective speech ... if I have to do only one version with all the updates I only use the SysPrep If I want to install secondary programs that change version over time ... or maybe later I want to change then it is right to take advantage of RunOnceEx or WPI