And while we're at it, is there also a way I can choose not to install drivers? Some computers (like Pentium M era Toughbooks) have very specific drivers that must be installed in a certain order or must come directly from the manufacturer itself.
Well I hope SDI can manage them from driverpacks correctly. Have you tried latest DriverPacks? If you don't place DriverPacks in driverpacks folder, nothing is installed
I prefer installing drivers by myself, thanks. So make a image but do not place the driverpacks in the DP folder. Got it.
You can also place your compressed drivers (INF format) in that folder so SDI will install your provided drivers. But you need to try if it cover your needs correctly as installing drivers could be pain on certain machines
Another question regarding updates: is there a XP update (or addon for XP2ESD?) out there that removes Adobe Flash?
If you write CMD / BAT / SP1 script for this removal, place them inside setup folder and it will be executed silently during RunOnceEx, just don't forget to exit your script. And don't forget to share it with us
I don't suppose there's a way to integrate any of the OnePiece addons to remove Windows Desktop Search aside from you adding a option in config.ini?
Locate this line in AutoSysprep.cmd starting at line 254 Code: echo BrowserChoice=off>>"%~dp0_output\i386\winnt.sif" And add new one Code: echo WDSearch=off>>"%~dp0_output\i386\winnt.sif"
Hi guys Has anyone else noticed SDI's strange behavior when installing drivers? He is now trying to download a complete package of around 20 GB during installation ... I do not like this. It would be better to just install the drivers copied to the ISO. Scanning and automatic downloading would be adequate after everything was installed and executed manually. Sorry if I'm wrong, but in the last few tests it happened. Or is there some code in the script that can change that?
Well, that seems weird. SDI is pointed to use drivers from offline folder. See Launch.cmd Code: @echo off title Silent Snappy Driver Installer launcher for XP2ESD REM Get DVD / USB drive FOR %%I IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST "%%I:\sources\install.esd" SET DRIVE=%%I:&&SET INSTALL=install.esd IF "%DRIVE%" == "" FOR %%I IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST "%%I:\sources\install.wim" SET DRIVE=%%I:&&SET INSTALL=install.wim IF "%DRIVE%" == "" FOR %%I IN (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST "%%I:\sources\install.swm" SET DRIVE=%%I:&&SET INSTALL=install.swm if not defined DRIVE ( set DriverPacksType=HDD ) else ( REM Read settings.ini call :ReadINI DriverPacksType DriverPacksType ) pushd "%Systemdrive%\driverpacks" if "%DriverPacksType%" == "HDD" ( set DRVPATH=%~dp0drivers ) else ( set DRVPATH=%DRIVE%\driverpacks ) if not exist "%WinDir%\Logs" md "%WinDir%\Logs" >nul REM Add firewall exception netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%~dp0SDI.exe" SnappyDriverInstaller ENABLE>nul REM Get default language for SDI for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in ("%~dp0language.txt") do set SLLP=%%A start /wait "SDI" "%~dp0SDI.exe" -theme:Grass -lang:%SLLP% -license:1 -expertmode -showdrpnames2 -novirusalerts -norestorepnt -reindex -drp_dir:"%DRVPATH%" -log_dir:"%WinDir%\Logs" -autoinstall -autoclose popd REM Remove firewall exception netsh firewall delete allowedprogram SnappyDriverInstaller>nul goto :EOF :ReadINI FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN ('find /i "%1" "%DRIVE%\settings.ini" 2^>nul') DO SET "%2=%%~B" goto :EOF
I did a new test with the driverpacks I used before and it returned to work well (see attached gif). As I updated the packages and added some new ones, it is almost certain that it has to do with some of the new ones. I will try to find out which one caused this. Thanks for your help!
Complementing the topic above, I did several tests in several ways and added several driver packages. Everything worked very well in every attempt! So I believe that what happened before, when SDI started to automatically download drivers, was due to the tool running many times. And, of course, it would be necessary to clean my host system so that everything would be fine. I believe that this has caused the temporary problem before.
SDI is nice but I had to delete it for a few reasons: 1) MySysPrep already integrates all the driverpacks you want, just add them before sealing everything ... default are only those of MassStorage 2) If I put many DriverPacks often SDI crashes ... 3) On some PCs when loading some driverpack it crashes Obviously the problem is not XP2ESD but it is SDI which is not perfect and therefore I preferred to remove it