I can't install Etron USB3 drivers (I fixed this problem ) Drivers and tools to run Windows XP on newer hardware | My Digital Life Forums
I'm still working on it. I will review my work and upload it soon. I still have some things in To-Do list, but new version should be released soon as many changes were done. Currently I need to finish one big update as I want to have working solution for winlogon.exe, but my every try to reconstruct original patch into dynamic patch for bbe.exe seems impossible. So I will patch all updated XP and 2003 winlogon.exe manually on all languages and create small delta patches. Then I will release XP2ESD v1.6 as this is a preparation for future option to convert Server 2003 Enterprise into Professional and also we have this option few months without step forward. There is also still needed some touch on UpdatePacks, but this can be done in near future as it doesn't depends on XP2ESD itself. EDIT: These Time Zones are crazy. We can use strings from tzres.dll.mui, but this will require same mapping from UpdatePack to lookup correct string in any languages to fix UpdatePack string. Another option is to grab whole TimeZone registry and try grab tzres.dll + tzres.dll.mui from newer Windows during building ISO. I will see if this method can work EDIT2: I managed to write small code to convert TimeZones into XP logic with MUI. So I can export Windows 10 TimeZone registry that match Windows XP format. Thats a good start. Note this script is not tested, this can break your host settings. I will use it on mounted hives from Windows 10 install.wim. If anybody want to try it. Install Windows 10 32bit in VirtualBox, run this script and wait until it export "TimeZones.reg" in current directory. Then grab tzres.dll and it's related MUI. Then in XP add tzres.dll into system32 and MUI into related MUI directory, for example system32\ru-RU. Then import TimeZone.reg and reboot. If we are lucky, then TimeZones strings will be updated and fixed using these files. I hope tzres.dll can handle related MUI under XP. I will try it on my side in few hours when I have access to my testing machine. If not, then I can redirect strings reading directly to tzres.dll.mui Spoiler @echo off REM TimeZone Root set "TZKEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones" REM Loop through TimeZones key for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%i in ('REG QUERY "%TZKEY%"') do ( REM Loop through TimeZone values for /f "tokens=1-3 delims= " %%j in ('REG QUERY "%%i" /s ^| findstr /i /c:"MUI"') do ( REM Convert MUI linking to original values if /i "%%j" == "MUI_Display" ( reg add "%%i" /v "Display" /t %%k /d "%%l" /f >nul reg delete "%%i\%%j" /f >nul ) if /i "%%j" == "MUI_Dlt" ( reg add "%%i" /v "Dlt" /t %%k /d "%%l" /f >nul reg delete "%%i\%%j" /f >nul ) if /i "%%j" == "MUI_Std" ( reg add "%%i" /v "Std" /t %%k /d "%%l" /f >nul reg delete "%%i\%%j" /f >nul ) ) ) REM Export TimeZones keys reg export "%TZKEY%" "%~dp0TimeZones.reg" >nul pause
If you are talking about Kernel Mode Driver Framework 1.11 (updated). It should be installed automatically during Auto-Syspreping. EDIT: I haven't checked if is correctly installed in all languages yet EDIT2: After quick look into UpdatePack, seems like original installer KMDFv1.7 is hidden in wdfcoins.dll. I don't know how is installed. But when I look into ported v1.11 here is file version condition. I will see how it goes today
I make my build using WinXP SP3 VL Russian, Win7 MSDN image, and Win10 21H1 (built in Media Creation Tool) In my case, I used to install patch and drivers manually It is possible to integrate that using nLite or another way?
This is known problem, caused by original Bashrat DriverPacks (from my tests) FAQ Q: Why BSOD appeared after Welcome screen before entering OOBE? A: I encountered it too, but only when using all DriverPacks in VirtualBox, this simply mean bad driver This is related to repacked update itself as it detect newer KMDF in system and abort installation. I will review and force this setup in capturing image, as we all need to USB3.x drivers ready in first boot. Also there is a solution I can repack this repacked ported update
Is anybody tested WinXP on SSD? Is TRIM working? I tested at my PC - TRIM doesn't work It is exists in WinXP?