update mine too its damn hard to translate from English to Hebrew Red Hot Chili Peppers -> become -> Peppers Chili Hot Red now try it with long sentence …
I just decided to check setup.exe patch to skip displaying 0xC0000005 error for various Windows versions and builds. I have created new patch which skip displaying any error message for these input images in SetupExeExceptionHandler function. Supported images Windows 7 SP1 Windows 8.0 Windows 8.1 Windows 10 10240 as 1507 17763 as 1809 19041 as 2004 NOTE: Windows 11 can't be currently used to deploy XP2ESD images at the moment. Maybe I can find out how to patch problematic parts in wxpsetup.dll in future. However we can still use 7-10 base to deploy 11 too There are these options to create XP2ESD image. 1) Provide only base ISO 7 - 10. When using 7 you are limited to WIM format 2) Provide Windows 7 as base + setup engine 8 / 8.1 / 10 to get Window 7 based installer with ESD support Best option for Legacy ISO is Windows 7 + Windows 10 21H2 combo. This can probably boot on machines from 2000 without issues. I have tested it on 2002 laptop For Modern ISO is best to use Windows 10 21H2 as this can boot machines from 2015 and newer
@case-sensitive There are a lot of german users here. The german translation already is done by @trashe33 - and he made an exellent job. @George King Setup of Win11 is different to Win10. There is a known restriction to install Win11 by WDS-Server with Win11-boot.wim. But the Win10-boot.wim does the job - works in WDS and also in an ISO.
Havent you caused enough problems with your ego on other now dead web sites ? Sorry George . Yen can you please delete this post
POWIS Launcher tr-TR (Launcher.ini) Code: tr-TR.AvailableDriverPacks=Sürücü Paket(ler)i Mevcut tr-TR.Selected=Seçilen tr-TR.Filename=Dosya Adı tr-TR.Size=Boyut tr-TR.Copying=Kopyalanıyor tr-TR.InstallationInProgress=Kuruluyor tr-TR.WinREButton=Kurtarma Ortamı tr-TR.CMDButton=Komut İstemi tr-TR.StartButton=Başlat tr-TR.CheckAllButton=Tümünü Seç tr-TR.UnCheckAllButton=Hiçbirini Seçme tr-TR.SetupType=Kurulum Türü tr-TR.SetupFile=Kurulum Dosyası tr-TR.Unattended=Katılımsız Yapılandırması tr-TR.WithoutUnatteded=Yapılandırma Yok tr-TR.XP2ESDSetup=XP2ESD Kurulumu tr-TR.StandardSetup=Standart Windows Kurulumu tr-TR.Options=Seçenekler tr-TR.DynamicDrivers=Dinamik Sürücü Klasörü tr-TR.DynamicDriversTip=Sürücüleri ilk önyüklemeden önce kurulum medyasındaki drivers klasöründen entegre et. tr-TR.DefaultPartition=Özel Birim No. tr-TR.DefaultPartitionTip=Windows XP/2003 için özel önyükleme birimi numarası tanımla. Çoklu önyükleme kurulumları için kullanışlıdır. tr-TR.PAEPatch=PAE Yaması tr-TR.PAEPatchTip=32-bit sistemler için 4GB RAM sınırını kaldır. tr-TR.SkipOOBE=OOBE'yi Geç tr-TR.SkipOOBETip=Administrator hesabı ile doğrudan masaüstüne önyükle. tr-TR.NoReboot=Yeniden Başlatma tr-TR.NoRebootTip=Kurulum tamamlandığında otomatik olarak yeniden başlatma. It's just a draft as I don't know where some of the strings are used. I'll rework them if needed. ---------------------- RunOnceEx.inf Code: ; Turkish ; tr-TR [Strings.041F] FINTEXT = "Windows Kurulum Sonrası" CERTEXT = "Sertifikalar yükleniyor" SCRIPTTEXT = "Kodlar çalıştırılıyor" OFFTEXT = "Microsoft Office yükleniyor" MSITEXT = "MSI paketleri yükleniyor" ACTTEXT = "Ürünler etkinleştiriliyor" UPDTEXT = "Güncellemeler yükleniyor" SILTEXT = "Uygulamalar yükleniyor" TWKTEXT = "Kişisel ayarlar uygulanıyor" DRVCLNTEXT = "Kullanılmayan sürücüler kaldırılıyor" RBTTEXT = "Yeniden başlatılıyor" Reworked some of the strings here for consistency.
Note: I do not place the RunOnceEx because it is already placed in the es-ES language Launcher.ini (es-ES): es-ES.AvailableDriverPacks=Paquetes de controladores disponibles es-ES.Selected=Seleccionado es-ES.Filename=Nombre de archivo es-ES.Tamaño=Tamaño es-ES.Copying=Copiando es-ES.InstallationInProgress=Instalación en progreso es-ES.WinREButton=Entorno de recuperación es-ES.CMDButton=Símbolo del sistema es-ES.StartButton=Iniciar es-ES.CheckAllButton=Marcar todo es-ES.UnCheckAllButton=Desmarcar todo es-ES.SetupType=Tipo de instalación es-ES.SetupFile=Archivo de instalación es-ES.Unattended=Configuración desatendida es-ES.WithoutUnatteded=Sin configuración es-ES.XP2ESDSetup=Configuración XP2ESD es-ES.StandardSetup=Configuración estándar de Windows es-ES.Options=Opciones es-ES.DynamicDrivers=Carpeta de controladores dinámicos es-ES.DynamicDriversTip=Integre los controladores de la carpeta de controladores en los medios de configuración en el sistema implementado antes del primer arranque es-ES.DefaultPartition=ID de partición personalizado es-ES.DefaultPartitionTip=Especifique el ID de partición de arranque personalizado para Windows XP / 2003, útil para instalaciones personalizadas de arranque múltiple es-ES.PAEPatch=Parche PAE es-ES.PAEPatchTip=Eliminar el límite de 4 GB de RAM en sistemas de 32 bits es-ES.SkipOOBE=Saltar OOBE es-ES.SkipOOBETip=Iniciar directamente en el escritorio con la cuenta de administrador es-ES.NoReboot=Noreboot es-ES.NoRebootTip=No reiniciar
I decided to write custom functions to fix blank TimeZones selection screen in OOBE. During this journey I tried like 10 different ways to do it and I managed to do it after few hours. But I got similar problem like orignal MS loader. MS forget to catch exception when is no Index value present in registry under TimeZone info. So I have fixed my TimeZone.inf and it works as expected. Btw, this is what I managed to use inside TimeZone.htm, VBS and JS combo does needed job correctly on all languages. Of course it burns when there is no Index key Code: <script language="vbscript"> Function ReadDisplayName(ByVal SubKey) ReadDisplayName = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\" + SubKey + "\Display") End Function Function ReadDisplayIndex(ByVal SubKey) ReadDisplayIndex = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\" + SubKey + "\Index") End Function </script> <script language="javascript"> var objShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var objExec = objShell.Exec("REG QUERY \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones\""); var strKeys = objExec.StdOut.ReadAll(); var a = strKeys.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { var Line = a[i].replace(/[\n\r]/g,""); var SubKeyName = Line.replace("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones\\", ""); if (!SubKeyName.match(/TzVersion/gi) && !SubKeyName.match(/TZBaseYear/gi) && !SubKeyName.match(/KBLast/gi) && !SubKeyName.match(/IndexMapping/gi) && !SubKeyName.match(/HKEY/gi) && SubKeyName != "") { oOption = document.createElement("OPTION"); oOption.text = ReadDisplayName(SubKeyName); oOption.value = ReadDisplayName(SubKeyName); oOption.id = ReadDisplayIndex(SubKeyName); selTimeZone.add(oOption); } } </script>
@Tiger-1 I have checked that. But nothing usefull in that distro. According to SP2.cab + SP3.cab in i386 dir I think it's really bad-made distro. But great idea is to create all Windows sound pack in future