kind of, at the end it boils down to you (silently) installing the MSI file(s) from the root directory of the MUI installer files/disc (see MUI readme files), be it before the image capturing process or after initial deployment of the wim image during xp2esd's runonceex setup phase. But do not expect MUI support to be as refined as in Windows Vista and later. Furthermore, you might need Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player 11 MUIs, the latter of which might not even be archived on the web.
@acer-5100 To integrate SVBUS in XP2ESD you need to add it these two directories. Copy the SVBUS archive into the driverpacks folder of XP2ESD: \XP2ESD_v1.6\plugins\driverpacks\ The drivers folder is the list of drivers that are added during updating install.wim phase. Extract the archive, and copy the folder in the directory down below depending on the architecture of the driver: \XP2ESD_v1.6\plugins\drivers\[x86 or x64]\ EDIT: It can also be copied into: \XP2ESD_v1.6\plugins\winpe\drivers\
Thanks. Obviously I have aready an ISO with SVbus preintegrated (and I had older ones wit winvblock anf firadisk). My suggestion to add it by default was to help other users to understand and take advantage of the convenience of native VHD boot. Perhaps once you have a good sysprepped VHD, with integrated generic AHCI drivers and SVBUS the whole installation phase becomes almost completely useless (remove "almost"" for Win7+) Just copy the VHD in place, add it to the bootloader, and boot.
I know I should've responded a long time ago but the host is Windows 11 with XP2ESD 1.5.6 at the time. Windows 10 setup engine can be run on windows 10 and newer os (while windows 7 setup engine can be run on 7+ os), so maybe I thought that setup.exe could be patched to run on XP, but probably it will try to install XP (upgrade) on top of windows 10 but I don't think it will work properly because XP2ESD is not designed to work like this. Because my pc was on UEFI mode It won't even proceed to the EULA. If it was on legacy mode, it would've continued forward but it will probably lead to another problem because it's designed to work on a clean installation.
@acer-5100 Check this out on XP2ESD_Builder.cmd. George King has done some commands to prevent generic drivers from being erased by Sysprep by adding a REG_DWORD value "SysprepCleanup" and setting it to 0. Maybe the code can be copied with the scope of replacing the driver paths (the name of the driver's service folder specifically) from the copied code with the ones matching from svbusx64 folder and inside svbus.inf with the scope of preserving SVBUS after sysprep.
REM Don't remove SVBUS driver if /i "!ABASE!" == "amd64" ( if exist "!TEMP!\mount\Windows\system32\drivers\svbusx64.sys" ( reg add "HKLM\TEMPSYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\svbusx64" /v "SysprepCleanup" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f >nul ) ) else ( if exist "!TEMP!\mount\Windows\system32\drivers\svbusx86.sys" ( reg add "HKLM\TEMPSYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\svbusx86" /v "SysprepCleanup" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f >nul ) ) @acer-5100 This is the code I have tried to do, I hope this works.
Sorry, but i have a question. How am i supposed to run this? It gives me a bunch of errors and missing files and creates iso that boots up but wont install. For example it looks for fileversion.vbs in deployment folder, but it is not there. When nLite is running it gives errors while patching IE, missing inf. Btw how big should be the iso on default settings, mine is little above 900mb. I was trying on WIn10 and Win11. I tried to redownload, did not help.
@George King Here are my settings.ini and setup.cmd files from _output iso (settings and Also my config.ini file from Auto-Sysprep (
@George King Sorry if I mentioned you a lot but here's how the net installation looks like on my case: