this is probably fine, I have installed .NET Framework so many times with such addons or Service Pack 4 and it works just fine, despite the errors. Now, this is pure speculation, as I am not that knowledgable on this, but I suspect what you are showing there is .NET Framework 4.0 Runtime Optimisation trying to do stuff with .NET 2.0-3.5 assemblies and failing.
Be sure you are under Administrator account. No other idea why it happening. Problem is VBOXHEADLESS doesn't start when you are not under this account. Code: net user administrator /active:yes
@UsefulAGKHelper I will review your files soon. I haven't investigated these UEFI settings for a long time.. They are added mostly on theoretical base
Everyone don't worry, LOG file named setupapi I have sent to George to check Update issue. George is working on all drivers now and will continue with UpdatePacks after 1.6.1 release.
I decided to make it run VirtualBoxVM.exe instead of VboxHeadless in AutoSysprep.cmd. REM instead of VboxHeadless.exe use VirtualBoxVM.exe "%VirtualBoxPath%\VBoxHeadless.exe" --startvm "%MachineName%" >nul 2>nul "%VirtualBoxPath%\VirtualBoxVM.exe" --startvm "%MachineName%" >nul 2>nul If VboxHeadless.exe doesn't work try using VirtualBoxVM.exe instead.
@UsefulAGKHelper I tried it too, but it doesn't work as expected, it was launched, but as standalone process. Even with start /wait. On my side it generated more errors than before. It would be great to catch why VBOXHEADLESS can't be run succesfully on non Administrator account (I'm always on this account..).
@Chuterix I will PM you soon with preview of v1.6.1. I have encountered similar problem when I was adapting whole toolkit to run under XP. It should be already fixed P.S. Great building time!
@George King Perhaps soon you should make settings.ini more configurable from config.ini. So that it's easier to edit BootPartition and other setup options without having to rebuild the ISO again.
@UsefulAGKHelper What option exactly do you mean? You can easily edit settings.ini inside ISO or on USB. It's mainly used for default options in POWIS Launcher, where you can change them on the fly
@George King On settings.ini, the majority of the options are pre-established by XP2ESD_Builder.cmd. I think allowing to configure settings.ini options in config.ini before build will make it even more automatic. And once the ISO was made, the settings.ini file won't depend on config.ini (because only the final strings from config.ini are there). The scope is to allow XP2ESD Setup to be also configured from config.ini before build.