[TOOL] XP2ESD - Create modern Windows XP installer v1.6.2

Discussion in 'Windows XP / Older OS' started by George King, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. 381Tech

    381Tech MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2022
    Which log file ? I have many log files
  2. MilkChan

    MilkChan MDL Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2020
    Save files in your last date folder. Log
  3. UsefulAGKHelper

    UsefulAGKHelper MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2021
    @MilkChan It's good that you're improving the WMP11 addon.
    I know for a fact that WMP11 provides MTP support for USB android devices on Windows XP. Which is why I installed it years ago on my old broken XP pc.
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  4. UsefulAGKHelper

    UsefulAGKHelper MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2021
    Perhaps he wants you to upload here a zip archive of the log folder that contains all the .log files so he can see in full detail how your XP2ESD builder session worked.
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  5. UsefulAGKHelper

    UsefulAGKHelper MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2021
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  6. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    WinUSB driver from Windows 8.0 is already included in ported drivers in XP2ESD :)
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  7. UsefulAGKHelper

    UsefulAGKHelper MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2021
    So "WinUSB_6.2.9200.16384" is the driver that is supposed to give MTP support for XP? :confused:
    Interesting! :)
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  8. MilkChan

    MilkChan MDL Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2020
    add npdsplay.dll form KB943604
  9. MilkChan

    MilkChan MDL Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2020
    #1672 MilkChan, Aug 25, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2022
    I noticed copying the npdsplay.dll file or files that don't exist in Server 2003 during the install start menu items.
    It will cause the installation to fail.
    It's a file copying problem. Now I can't figure out what command to use.
    in addon
    I am very new to this writing addon.

    My addon is for : People who do not use our program.
  10. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    @MilkChan No worry XP2ESD use WMP11 integrator on 5.2 systems :)
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  11. MilkChan

    MilkChan MDL Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2020
    #1674 MilkChan, Aug 26, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
    In the x64 version I use WMP11 Slipstreamer. It's the basis for writing WMP.inf in the first place. Now I'm only facing x86 issues. I think the error is coming from that file.
    My addon is for : People who do not use our program.
  12. UsefulAGKHelper

    UsefulAGKHelper MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2021
    #1675 UsefulAGKHelper, Aug 26, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
    @George King Tests (from some months ago) confirm that XP2ESD's Auto-Sysprep doesn't work properly on vanilla non-XP2ESD-based iso to make any XP installation universal in comparison with the XP2ESD-based installation (loops during Winlogon after myfactory.exe happen in the vanilla VHD).
    I wonder if we can use Auto-Sysprep again after customizing the XP2ESD-based XP installation by re-copying the Sysprep folder from XP2ESD back into the finished installation?
    The scope of re-customization after XP installation is to be able to commit changes to the installation image (like having the programs already installed instead of running setup files, having the start menu's programs list customized, etc Obviously I would disable OOBE in settings.ini because I'm trying to do something inspired by HBCD with more updated information, drivers etc). Since XP2ESD can't choose a default theme, I would have to resort to manually changing the documents and settings folder inside install.wim in order to get it to show my theme.
    Once the changes and added programs are done in the XP2ESD-based installation using VirtualBox, Auto-Sysprep should theoretically be used in order to make the image universal again (by starting Launch.cmd), thus XP2ESD should be able to install XP with the committed changes (because let's be real, some manual finishing touches may improvize the installation with more features, etc).
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  13. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    @UsefulAGKHelper It should work as expected on XP SP3 x86 or XP SP2 x64. But it doesn't install any drivers, because they are now used in different XP2ESD phase to bring better customizations. You can easily change needed theme using REG file then use it in plugins\setup folder. There are also reasons why not preinstall software in captured image.
    And as usual you can mount install.wim and registry hives and do needed changes directly into image. If you would like to build something like HBCD, use Windows 7 instead..

    P.S. You can also customize your startmenu by writing simple CMD script that do your needed changes. CMD/BAT/PS1 scripts are launched at the end of RunOnceEx
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  14. MilkChan

    MilkChan MDL Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2020
  15. UsefulAGKHelper

    UsefulAGKHelper MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2021
    #1678 UsefulAGKHelper, Aug 26, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
    @George King Is Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Host Controller hard to backport from Windows 10 to Windows XP? I use Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Host Controller - 9DE9.

    Without the I2C host controller, the driver with hardware ID "ACPI\PNP0C50" doesn't show on the device manager at all (the backported generic touchpad driver needs to find the pnp0c50 hardware ID in order to install).
    I had tried to use windows 11 kernel as "ntoskr11.sys" and also removed imports to remove dependencies with the scope of making it work like ntoskrn8.sys. Even if I changed the os version to 5.2, it still won't work. I also haven't refreshed the security_cookie on the file yet even tho I refreshed the checksum. If you want, I can give you the file on Conservations.
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  16. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    @UsefulAGKHelper Which driver exactly I should try to modify? INF / SYS name?
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  17. SunLion

    SunLion MDL Addicted

    May 11, 2011
    Hello @George King

    I did some tests with version 1.6 and everything went well, no errors!

    Your job is very good! Everything works great!

    Already with version 1.6.2, I have a small problem with the audio. I don't know if it's because of the drivers...

    I did the process as in version 1.6, using the same drivers files, but the audio doesn't work.

    I'm still trying to figure out what's going on...

    About Windowsw Post Install (WPI), I suggest the modifications below:

    1. Remove the command below in RunOnceEx.cmd:
    line 241
    REM Run WPI
    IF EXIST "%DRIVE%\WPI\wpi.exe" (
    REG ADD %ROE%\006 /v "WPI" /d "%DRIVE%\WPI\wpi.exe" /f

    2. Add the command below in RunOnceEx.cmd:
    line 315 (after Reboot)
    REM Start WPI Post Reboot
    IF EXIST "%DRIVE%\WPI\wpi.exe" (
    REG ADD %ROE%\090 /v "WPI" /d "%SPATH%\RunWPI.cmd" /f

    3. Add the Script "RunWPI.cmd" in the SETUP folder, with the content below:

    @echo off

    REM Starting WPI
    for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WPI\wpi.exe set CDROM=%%i:

    SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

    REG ADD %KEY%\900 /VE /D "Starting WPI" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\900 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\WPI\wpi.exe" /f

    Attached Files: