I had CS5.5 running with trilogy 4.2 but suddenly it says trial period expired, I tried to run trilogy 4.2 again but when i open it, it close right away and doesn't let me do anything. Can you guys give me some tips to fix this? Thank you.
I hope you will forgive me for not reading all 116 pages of this thread...but I can get only slow dialup here in the mountains where we live. 116 pages would be....painful, let us say...lol.. I did scan a couple pages of both this thread and the original 'trilogy' thread. The first post in both threads says nothing about trilogy timing out in 180 days; as far as I could see...reading it thru twice. But when I clicked to last page of thread (my usual method to see where something has 'gotten to'...first page, then last), I saw posts by timesurfer stating that the rearmer does indeed 'time out' after 5 rearms. He then said "just spend 5 mins reinstalling windows". I agree that this may be said so calmly IF such a reinstall of win7 can be done without damaging ANY existing application-install in ANY way whatsoever. But I hope there is understanding that, with over 50gb (yes giga) of complex EDA apps, I cannot contemplate a complete OS "reinstall" so lightly!...lol. There are literally -thousands- of little setup/options/config tweaks that one makes to their exceedling complex CAD/EDA/CAM/FEA software over the months and years of use. Incredibly painful to have to reinstall and start from scratch getting all those 'twitches' made again. IF that would be necessary....which is what I could not tell from the brief mention of 'reinstall'. So, that is my question for timesurfer and others "in the know"....and I beg you to pardon my total ignorance of win7, because I have yet to install or run it. I am still running XP (and even win2ksp4 on one machine...lol). CAN this "5 minute reinstall" of the OS timsurfer spoke of in fact be done without touching -any- app-install in even the tiniest way? If not, then I will sadly be unable to use this very fine-looking tool. But if yes, then I will likely soon be another member who's very appreciative of the work of timesurfer et al. thank you! dozer
hello Tito, and thank you for the links. Since you have pointed me towards a different method, should I hear that to mean that the "5 minute reinstall" can NOT be done without damaging application-installation?? (such as the apps reg-entries, etc) ??
Solved, I was running Trilogy 4.2 from my second hard drive, for some reason it couldn't open from there, I moved it to my c: hhd and now is running without problems.
Hi folks. I'm about to use IR5 for the very first time to activate a Win7x64 install on a UEFI bios (used Daz Loader 'til now). I've read a lot a pages and seen that some people stated that you must re-install IR5 every 5 trial rearms (180 days). Is that true or is it really "infinite" and installing it just once is enough? Kind Regards and thanks in advance!
You have to reinstall every 6 months - but if you forget you can reset to "Trial" and reinstall. There is a link a few posts back.
I'm currently using WHS2011 and Trilogy was working fine for the first 6 months. After rearms ran out, I tried to run it again but it doesn't seem to work anymore. After I run IR5.bat and it restarts, it still says its not genuine. I'm also getting a notification saying that I need to re-enter the product key as well.. Any ideas?
timesurfer, I just wanted to thank you for creating such a wonderful tool for Windows 7 and Office 2010. I've been using Trilogy for a long, long time without any problems whatsoever and look forward to using Windows 7 for many years to come since Windows 8 is not for me. Thank you so much for this excellent, well-designed and well-programmed utility.