If I had your problem I would first try to repair the system using the install DVD - and if that did not help, reinstall windows.
Hi, Troels. I don't think that reinstall Windows is a good solution. My mirrored copy works fine, I don't want to reinstall everything only because trilogy don't works. I think the problem lies within the registry, in the way that Windows stores information about the system hard drive, the drive letters and the assignment of the same. I posted my problem because it could be an useful inspiration to those who created trilogy, so that they can find a solution. Otherwise, anyone will change the hard disk, due to a rupture of the same or for space requirements, will have the same problem.
Actually I don't know how it activates or whateva. Not sure the hosts file thing works for CS6? Pretty sure IR5 and IORRT still work on W7?
Thank you, recently met with a "non-genuine" issue and used this (reset to trial) in conjunction with WAT fix and WOAT (to KMS activate). Works great.
having problems with trilogy re-activating whs 2011. Been running fine for a year, and now showing as notification under the status option. Uninstalled and reinstalled trilogy, but when trying to run via c:ir5, its giving some registry errors. Screen flashes by too quick to catch what the error is , but looks like a certain registry or drive location not found. Have re-armed before via this method so not sure why it is not working. Any ideas or other method i can use? Note. C:ir5.bat does exist, but the other drives do not exist i.e d,e,f,g,h,etc
Can rearming be made automatic ? Also when the rearms finish and you say to reinstall IR5, do we need to unistall that first ? Thanks, for the cool program TimeSurfer.
Have been using Trilogy 4.2 for several years without issue, but this time when my rearms ran out I seem to be having trouble. The only change that may be an issue (that I have come across in my various forum searches) is the installation of Acronis. Anyway, the problem details. IR5 installs fine, then boots into recovery mode, I log in as per usual, open cmd and type in C:IR5. I am greeted with the errors in the image below. It then dissapears very quickly and boots back into Windows. The shot is a still from a video and has unfortunately missed off a bit of the text, but it should be enough. Any help would be greatly appreciated.