When using w7sp1 every 6 months 5 minutes ir5 reinstall is needed 5 minutes To the guys for whs I have never used it so key and usage are not known to me just that server people asked for key and changed key for them If it doesn't work then ask other solution threads
Thank you for your quick reply. Temporarily uninstalling acronis would not help? Would rather avoid a clean install at this time if I can as I have a lot of work to be done, and getting all my system back to where it is now will take quite a while.
Thank you, Timesurfer. I finally figured out why I also have the same type of error reported by Whitebloodcell. I too had used Acronis, because I had to create a backup copy of my main disk and I chose that software. Now, however, the question is: there is no way to restore the boot sector?!? And, in case I need to copy partitions again to make a new backup, what software can I use that is compatible with Windows 7-8?!?
Been looking for a workaround for my W7 activation for hours when I saw this. Trying it now. I'll see in about 26 days, LOL. But I'm already a fan, timesurfer!
Trilogy does Not activate windows you are in trial mode. If you want to activate any version except enterprise use Daz loader.
I have been using IORRT for years using the same Office 2010 Pro program on several PC's without issue. I did just uninstall my Office and reinstalled it and now I can't get IORRT to work. It says "No Rearm Detected" when I try to install it. If I hit C or D it says "No IORRT Installed". I did DL another Office 2010 but the same thing happens. How can I fix this please
hello, @Timesurfer, Respect for your work and i will thank you very much. @whitebloodcell if you still want to uninstall A crap, just hit search for (Beware of Acronis "Leftovers" Issues) and study this Article attentively. thx to Arvy
It probably needs to be activated via cody's KMS activation before rearm concept can be used again. As I remember 2010 is very difficult and has cop inside 2010, otherwise upgrade or clean install Sorry but thats the ins/outs otherwise if you hadn't messed with 2010 would still be working In respect...
Hi, is this program still working? I just reinstalled windows 7 got all the updates apart form (kb971033) which said something about detcting activation exploits. I installed IR5 and rebooted but I still have the "windows is not genuine" watermark and black desktop. Under control pannel - systems its saying "status not available" and "product ID: not available" for windows activation. Have I missed something? It was working fine before I reinstalled windows and im sure I had all the updates too. This is a fresh copy of windows on a new disk so I dont know what could be going wrong EDIT: when I check status in Trilogy its saying IR5: 21/03/2013 13:16:00 Ready
I just found out about "slmgr -rearm" cmd and its not even working The cmd seems to work and asks me to restart for it to take effect but no effect on restart.
What version of windows 7 are you running why don't you just not use DAz loader. And I hope you realise IR5 does not activate windows but keeps you in trial mode.
Right-click Command Prompt and select to run it as administrator. Type slmgr /rearm on the command line and hit enter. Reboot Windows now.
I'm running Ultimate 64bit but yea I got the loader few mins ago and it seems to have done the trick I was using this because there was no need to update it. While the loaded clearly have many versions out already so I will probably have to keep updating it.
Automatic rearm did not work. Windows 7 went not genuine and had to use manual rearm. ccleaner has this information: Yes Task IR5 Microsoft Corporation "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c cscript.exe /b C:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /rearm && net stop sppsvc && net start sppsvc
Make sure your using a recommended ISO Perhaps use WATfix by Daz... No reboot necessary for rearm...lol Suggest answering questions you know about Even loaders from way back are still activating so no update necessary in most cases Welcome Comp has to be on to auto rearm Only draw back to IR5 solution