thx timesurfer we all looking forward to make IORRT best version ever ;-) less and faster code because cmd has not to change the path, you directly give cmd the path of the OSPP.vbs it would be a pleasure if you implement it in your next official version
Have you tested? I just know things are working right now and the status is pretty Mostly this is for 32 office on 64 OS and 64 office on 64 OS so please test people Thank you
hi timesurfer, in my example the two tasks have different names "IORRT-OnStart" and "IORRT-Daily". whats the prob? for "non pro users" it is more clear what the tasks do if you change naming like in my example.
Naw Hybrid was in honor of Cody's variables we're perfecting because I was doing it daily only and he was doing at boot so he suggested to combine and call it Hybrid tasks. Non-Pro users will never look in Task Scheduler anyhow and I started all this error checking and msg stuff to improve function and make troubleshooting easier Thanks though
if you update the code on first post with the mentioned changes give me "go" and i will test all combinations of OS's and Office's in a clean virtual machine
Now my connection is very unstable... I think I'll take a while but I'll try as soon as i can install everything (XP/Vista on another VM).
Hi Timesurfer just a question about line 261 into the script ... IF ERRORLEVEL 1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 cls & echo Supports only windows 7 and...... Is it just a "copy/paste" error or is there a real reason for it ? Bye Clay
Thanks things got changed around a little without me So I edited last post to be correct