Thanks timesurfer, hopefully this problem should be corrected soon since it was working fine, and sorry about the confusion regarding the chnix bat file, I guess chnix was trying was trying to help.
No problem we are just having fun here although sometimes it's frustrating Also give pm me the IORRT that worked for you
I deleted the IORRT that worked for me, but I believe it is the one you upload before this one March 7, 2011... Do you have copies or backups?
BUG Fix The 3/7/11 version has a bug. If you are on x64 architecture and install Office x86, then it fails to detect the installed Office VL. To repair the script change '%%B ' to '%%B'. The trailing space is a bug. Thanks for your efforts. Hope this helps.
I believe this makes sense, this what is happening to me... but could you explain this further? what you mentioned above are the same, no difference at all (i mean the code).
I haven't tried it myself but I believe DigitalDNA is referring to the following line (in RED). There are no apostrophes. He was just using them to indicate the issue. If you check, you will see there is a space at the end of the line. Code: REM Get Office Installed Path if %OfficeArchType%==WOW ( FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('"REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\InstallRoot" /v Path 2>NUL"') DO SET InstallRoot=%%B if not defined InstallRoot ( cls & echo Office 2010 VL is not installed... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu ) Goto:FoundPath )
Ok so the IORRT is settled but we have no volume/retail checks anymore so we'll have to those more carefully this time. Also I put original IR4 code back to how MasterDisaster did which is very little change but is original which worked for everyone with non-borked OS