I uninstalled and reinstalled, and it seems to be working great. Everthing is showing up correctly. No problems whatsoever thus far !
Guys: I could make it so IORRT wouldn't install if on XP non-english language if IORRT task was not install but I'm not going too
@koopa314 Now install SP1 then uninstall and reinstall IR5 to get that "5th" rearm hence 6 months trial
Ok I am gone have to do the jump -)) 10 days left after more than 300 days of evaluation -)) German windows 7 enterprise all updates + sp1 installed Anything to be carefull with, or rc1 should run without any problem? Ruben
Very good! I had not seen it... Another little bug in IORRT on XP: When i tried to install the IORRT on a computer's friend, got the message: No office 2010 VL detected...It's weird because I installed the volume version of office and tested with the office 2010 toolkit and it worked perfectly. After reviewing the code, i realized that the error is in this part: Code: :FoundPath cscript "%InstallRoot%"ospp.vbs /dstatus |FINDSTR /i "KMS_Client" >NUL if %errorlevel% EQU 1 ( cls & echo No office 2010 VL detected... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu ) REM Start OSPPSVC (To make sure it is started to prevent strange cases where it doesn't start automatically from failing (XP)) 1>nul 2>nul net start osppsvc The solution is: Code: :FoundPath REM Start OSPPSVC (To make sure it is started to prevent strange cases where it doesn't start automatically from failing (XP)) 1>nul 2>nul net start osppsvc cscript "%InstallRoot%"ospp.vbs /dstatus |FINDSTR /i "KMS_Client" >NUL if %errorlevel% EQU 1 ( cls & echo No office 2010 VL detected... & ping -n 5 >nul & goto mainmenu ) Portuguese-Brazil too... It's an excellent idea! Do you have something ready? I'm anxious to test...
@thanks timsurfer I always thought, dunno if I ever said it though - great job and great support Monday is gonna be my IR5 day
Fresh Install -> 3 days ?? Well, i really think that you have a messed up ISO, dude... timesurfer, looking at the past, everyone (sooner or later) had some problem with %sytemdrive%... in the script there are 2 or more reassignment for it ( %sd% , %dl% , C:\ , %Systemdrive% ) and if just one of them got fu..ed up, the script won't complete its work... I know that i had no problem in my few tries, but thinking at dual or triple boot, or bad config for partition, it can be a PITA !! Clay
HTML: Fresh Install -> 3 days ?? Well, i really think that you have a messed up ISO, dude... Not realy,a few people have same problem using simple rearm with cmd. They would have 5,8 or 14 days to activate but after rearm they all fell always to 3 days. Various versions and builds.
An example of one possible solution for what you want. If any of the tasks could not be installed, a warning is displayed stating which task could not be installed and also informs that IORRT can not be installed too and then IORRT will be uninstalled from the user's system. Tested on XP SP3 PT-BR and worked fine (the IORRT daily task could not be installed them IORRT was uninstalled). Just one example. If you find interesting change the way you like. (changes/additions in red): Code: schtasks /create /tn "Hybrid" /tr "%SystemDrive%\IORRT\IORRT.bat" /sc onstart /ru "" >NUL 2>&1 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo IORRT on start task could not be installed & echo. & echo IORRT can not be installed & ping -5 >NUL & goto :UninstallIORRT2 ) schtasks /create /tn "IORRT" /tr "%SystemDrive%\IORRT\IORRT.bat" /sc daily /mo 1 /ru "" >NUL 2>&1 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo IORRT daily task could not be installed & echo. & echo IORRT can not be installed & ping -n 5 >NUL & goto :UninstallIORRT2 ) Code: :UninstallIORRT schtasks /query | FINDSTR /I "IORRT" >NUL IF '%ERRORLEVEL%' EQU '0' ( echo. ) ELSE ( mode con: cols=45 lines=10 title IORRT 3.7 echo IORRT is already uninstalled... ping -n 5 >nul GOTO IORRT1 ) :UninstallIORRT2 mode con: cols=62 lines=5 title IORRT 3.7 echo Uninstalling IORRT... echo. net stop osppsvc >NUL xcopy /cheriky "%SystemDrive%\IORRT\Backup\Files\Tokens" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform" >NUL REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform /f >NUL REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform /f >NUL reg restore "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform" %SystemDrive%\IORRT\Backup\Registry\OfficeSPPInfo.hiv >NUL net start osppsvc >NUL DEL "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\Backup.hiv" 2> nul SET file=%SystemDrive%\IORRT IF EXIST %file% attrib -h %file% RD /S /Q %file% schtasks /delete /tn "Hybrid" /f >NUL 2>&1 schtasks /delete /tn "IORRT" /f >NUL 2>&1 cd /d "%InstallRoot%" echo. echo. cscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus | FINDSTR /i "Status" cscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus | FINDSTR /i "Remaining" echo. echo Successfully Uninstalled... set msg=Successfully Uninstalled call :speak "Successfully Uninstalled" goto :END :speak echo On Error Resume Next: CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak %1 >"%~dp0vc.vbs" "%~dp0vc.vbs" & del "%~dp0vc.vbs" ping -n 5 >nul GOTO IORRT1 P.S.: I have to leave now...Later i can post some screenshots if you want.
One of our helpers to remain unonymous changed a couple things so maybe it happened then. I remember that working fine. We are pretty close. What could my next project be? Project Relax Only a rare few had problems with IR4/5 and if I remember correctly since I support IR5 they always fixed their borked OS themselves with almost each time being different case or slightly different problem. When MD and myself designed IR4 we wanted to simplify things by typing only C:IR5 even if local drive was D, E, etc... So I'm not resisting any improvements but MD and I did a good job overall to make the rearm concept as automatic as possible without messing with system files Really in troubleshooting I can't remember one person not getting it to work. Just like Daz sometimes you have make sure nothing is being used that would interfere from IR5 detecting the hidden partition or system drive to put IR5.bat in to be run in RE As far as I can see the variables are not in interference with eachother and again it works for most Later Where is that proof that this is what is happening. And has anyone done a repair install then reinstalled IR5 to see if it is true that Enterprise is having this problem Yea that would be lot easier than idea I had...lol We had made cmds so invisible that we forgot we could just give msg and return to menu...lol Now we just need someone with german or italian to test it...lol I was however in my Trilogy moment thinking we could do a language version test then variable to insert correct language translation to make sure it did install on those languages then we just could add over time successful translations via variable. Does that sound too crazy
From what I have read previously, regarding the "SCHTASKS bug", not all non-English XP users are affected by this. I believe French is supposed to be OK (although I don't use French XP so can't verify) and possibly others. I guess we'll have to get a poll going as to who is affected and see if we can get the equivalent translated parameters. As you mentioned, maybe new language issues can just be added as they are found.