Very nice Time. Sorry been really busy with college lately to be online haha. I really appreciate your work though and would want to help in the future if you need it lol
@Timesurfer You are awesome -)) I did the ir5 on my german enterprise - worked like a charm, no problems at all with acronis - I amd good for 5 new 30 day rearms Thanks
How many days grace does it say in system properties Right click computer then properties and look at bottom
have a question: I use itunes and iphone - after trying to synch today, after first use of IR5 I had to reauthorize the computer - I am now on 3 comps of 5 - is that gonna happen on each rearm or only on each reinstall of IR5? Cause you only can get that stuff back completely once a year
IR5 restores the rearm count so don't worry about that. Timesurfer has a very polished solution for the "always in trial" status
I will help you -)) as you helped me -)) Itunes needs to activate your computer to allow it to use apps and music you bought. By restriction you can only activate 5 computers on one copy of itunes. That way you can use your music or apps (for mac or iphone/ipod) on up to 5 different computers, linked to your apple id and some information about your OS. On reinstall of your OS, although on the same hardware you will be asked to reactivate your computer for your apple account. Same would happen if you just switch HDD and use an image of your OS to run. You can reset this 5 computer accounts once a year and only after reaching the 5 activated computers. Yesterday after running ir5 itunes asked me to reactivate my computer - so I got scared as if it does that on every run of ir5 I gonna be out of options soon. Although there seems to be a work around - deativate your accont/computer connection before running ir5 and activate it after reboot - but that's gonna need testing. Got it now? -))
Noob question Hi. I've been browsing through this thread all day, trying out some versions of IORRT but i'm still puzzled... Is there a working version for XP or isn't there (yet)? If there ain't, i guess that's the answer to my problem. If there is however, there must be something wrong with my computer i guess: When trying to get my status, the program end abrubtly. I added a pause in the code like this: :StatusIORRT mode con: cols=64 lines=6 title IORRT 3.7 cd /d "%InstallRoot%" cscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus | FINDSTR /i "Status" cscript OSPP.VBS /dstatus | FINDSTR /i "Remaining" echo. pause schtasks /query | FINDSTR /I "IORRT" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo IORRT is not installed... ping -n 10 >nul GOTO IORRT1 ) endlocal IORRT now pauses after telling me i have 30 days left. But when i hit a key to continue the program, it ends again... Why does the program end and not return to the menu?