hey, i'm using this activator since a month now and somethimes, during the boot sequence, windows starts loading a system restore point. i don't really know why this happens, the loader is installed and actived and i've 24days of trial left. can you help me with that? i'm sick of this :| sometimes i can't even download the updates from win.up.
Hey guys, question for Timesurfer or anyone else that can help...I'm trying to use Trilogy for CS5 and have been re-registering for about 45 minutes now. I'm still getting the "Invalid serial number. Could not start your Adobe CS Live subscription." message after entering my Adobe ID and password. I did install ACS5T before downloading and installing CS5; did I do something wrong and need to uninstall/reinstall Trilogy and CS5? Thanks in advance.
Did you added to the script some valid Adobe serials ? Here at MDL we cannot share thos kind of serials, so you need to find them yourself (Google ), modify the script and add them ( you'll find a long list of XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX ).
I did, however I did it by downloading another copy of Trilogy and using a serial found there. I'm thinking that might be part of the problem. I also realized that I used the same Adobe account to load a trial of InDesign for Mac onto my system (I'm running Windows 7 bootcamp'd on a MacBook), which may play into it as well? I've uninstalled Trilogy and CS5, and am in the process of reinstalling now. I reinstalled a non-MDL friendly version of Trilogy and created another Adobe ID to use for this download that has nothing else linked to it. We'll see if this fixes the problem! Thanks for your help though!
Alright, tried the new install of CS5 using a new Adobe account, and so far no dice. I used a different serial number than the first time in case something was up with that one. I've been plugging in my Adobe ID and password constantly for about an hour...any idea what I'm missing?
i forgot an important detail : some days ago, after the restoring, i've got a popup saying that something have changed the windows configuration. in the same time i got the "windows is not original" nag, followed by the black wallpaper and the "your windows is not original" thing in the low right corner. how it can be? (please forgive me for my english and my bad errors quotation)
Probably just a clock is wack thing dude Then windows thinks you've tried to turn back linear time then it flags you. Simple solution is to just click rearm and wait a couple minutes for that msg to disappear BIOS battery can be low and the clock can go wack
Hmm ACS5T still isn't working for me. Maybe you guys can look at the steps I've done and see if I'm missing something? Here's what I've tried: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First downloaded Trilogy 2.0 from your link you gave me yesterday. Opened Trilogy, hit 'c' for ACS5T, hit 'a' to install. Then went to Adobe's website, created an account, and downloaded the CS5 Master Suite trial. After it finished downloading, I clicked 'install now' in the window that opened. I then agreed to the license agreement and, when asked, entered the first serial number in the 'keys' list in Trilogy along with my Adobe ID that I had created. A green check mark appeared next the serial number, and I could continue with the installation. After everything finished installing, I opened Illustrator and clicked 'help' then 'product registration.' I then enter my Adobe ID and password and hit submit. I then get the message 'Invalid serial number. Could not start your Adobe CS Live subscription.' I get this message every time I attempt a submission of my ID and password in Product Registration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm pretty stumped, unless one of the my steps is wrong, in which case I'll feel like an idiot haha. Thanks for any help you can give me.
CS live is a money thing just ignore it And only re-enter your if pw if you get pop up That question has been asked before but cs live is not accessible just all apps like photo, dream, indesign, etc...
Hahaha so basically I'm an idiot! In the instructions where it says to repeat entering your ID until you get no more messages, I thought it was referring to this as I never got any other type of pop-up, message, etc. So essentially it went through the first time (twice)...and I wasted several hours of my life. Haha oh well, it's a learning experience so I guess it isn't really wasted time. So I should be all set with everything? Thanks!
Your not just you wanted more than the adobe hack can provide Your experience will live on forever in this thread
Haha thanks. And I'm fine with what the hack provides, I'm really just interested in teaching myself how to use Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. The 30 day trial period just isn't enough to do all of that for me when I can only play with it a little each day, so for me this is awesome. Thanks again.