Trilogy 4.2

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by timesurfer, Feb 11, 2011.

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  1. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #761 timesurfer, Apr 4, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011
  2. Claysoft65

    Claysoft65 MDL Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    #763 Claysoft65, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
    Sorry about your guess, but my MoBo has socket 1156, so i can surely define it as "new" :p
    And i also was thinking that the Chipset was the culprit for that rearrangement (even if, during POST, i don't see anything similar to that list...)
    anyway... i'll mess around this fu**in' AsRock BIOS to try to change something...:cool:

    BUT, first of all, the strangest thing is that WinRE is putting my Boot Device at the end of the List, even if it's connected to the FIRST SATA Channel...

    Well... that's surely good... If WinRE will see the Hidden System Partition as "C:" , that line of code will cover the majority of the user, that usually HAVE that partition...
    Just a question... is it happening only in a single HDD config ? or is it "C:" even when ppl have more than 1 HDD connected ?

    It looks like MD code is good both when there's the Hidden Partition and when there's not, so the "%sd%" variable line it looks me good, as
    both me and chnix we had IR5.bat created in the SystemVolume Partition...

    IF I remember well, I don't think that DAZ needed WinRE to place his loader, and as long as we do tries from wthin Windows, all the darn
    script looks like it's perfect :biggrin: , and the real problem i see it's just WinRE.

    BTW ... talking about my case (and i think i'm not alone in that...), it's not so hard to see where to look for IR5.bat ...
    The WinRE window (where we have to click to start the CommandPrompt) is clearly stating, in very high section, where your O.S. is installed (H: for me)
    " Installed System detected in (H: ) 'VolumeName' "
    so, maybe, for the moment, we could just change the Instruction , and ppl do not have to just "blindly" type "C:\IR5" , but they have to look
    at that line and use that Drive Letter to launch their script...

    BUT (yeah... there's a "BUT" cause i cannot test it..) ... is it working in the same way even for ppl that have the Hidden Partition ?!?
    I mean... WinRE (as chnix said...) sees the Hidden Partition as "C:"... so the O.S. (i mean WINDOWS folder...) should be "D:" for WinRE... What do you can read into that window, chnix ?!? (C: ) or (D: ) ?!?


    P.S. I hope that my English is good enough to let you understand... cause al those "question" and "no-question" made my writing time pretty hard... :p :p
  3. MyDigitalName

    MyDigitalName MDL Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    First-time user, Trilogy 2.1 on 7x64 SP1.

    I start the .cmd file.
    I select A. Enter.
    I select A. Enter.
    An error message is shown about ReAgentc.exe not finding some file, error code 2 and then I can't read the rest because the sytem is immediately rebooted.

    I assume, it did not succeed due to the error message, so I manually remove the task from scheduler and the rubbish from %SystemRoot%.

    How do I get this work?
    Thank you.
  4. Claysoft65

    Claysoft65 MDL Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    #765 Claysoft65, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    a- 1st of all... Did you launched the .CMD as Administrator ?
    b- Are you using an "official" SP1 ISO or is it a modded one ?
    c- The system restarted in "Normal Mode" or did it reboot directly in Win RE ? (like it should do...)
    d- The Task you said you had to remove... was it named "IR5" ?
    e- Are you able to find file IR5.BAT into your C:\ Root or do you have an Hidden System Partition ? (you can check for it in Hard Disk Management...)
    f- You wrote " rubbish from %SystemRoot% " ... are you sure ? SystemRoot is usually "C:\WINDOWS" and if i didn't lose something, IR5 INSTALL is not
    writing anything there, the only new file written is IR5.BAT that will be used while in WinRE (usually in "C:\" , that means %SystemDrive%,
    or, eventually, into the Hidden Partition...)

    Sorry for so many question, but your answer could help to understand if there's a problem and where it is...

    Anyway, for the moment, could you give another try after a little modification of the .cmd script ?
    Open it with Notepad, or with an advanced TextEditor (Like Notepad++) , so you can also see the line number...
    Go down to the line number 472 and you'll find these lines :
    reagentc /boottore >NUL
    echo Windows is restarting now...
    ping -n 5 >nul
    schtasks /create /tn "IR5" /tr "'%SystemDrive%\Windows\system32\cmd.exe' /c cscript.exe /b %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /rearm && net stop sppsvc && net start sppsvc" /sc daily /mo 30 /ru "" /f >NUL
    shutdown /r /t 0
    goto end
    You just need to change the "shutdown" line and add a new line to pause the script, so it'll look like this :
    REM shutdown /r /t 0
    goto end
    so you'll have the time to see (and maybe write down) the error received...

  5. MyDigitalName

    MyDigitalName MDL Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    I will go 1 by 1.

    a. Yes.
    b. Official.
    c. I would not know what Windows RE mode is and how to tell the difference. Looked like a normal boot to me.
    d. Yes.
    e. Yes, found at %SystemDrive%\ (C:\ that is)
    f. That was my mistake, I meant to write %SystemDrive%\ of course. There was also a DLL - don't remember the name anymore and I am not sure if it was added by IR5.

    Yes, I could to that test. I used HAL7600 now - is it going to screw that up? I will wait for your feedback on this.
  6. chnix

    chnix MDL Member

    May 16, 2010
    #767 chnix, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I don't know because i only have one hd. In general, i think it works like this:

    WinRE extracts the location of the system drive ( Windows installation ) from the Boot Configuration Data (BCD). Look this:

    bcdedit in Win 7:
    device                  partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume1
    description             Windows Boot Manager
    device                  partition=C:
    description             Windows 7
    bcdedit in WinRE:
    device                  partition=C:
    description             Windows Boot Manager
    device                  partition=D:
    description             Windows 7
    The BCD assigns C: to the hidden partition and then the system partition (windows) receives the letter D:. If there is not a hidden partition, the BCD assigns C: to the system partition.

    Your case is interesting because that's different: the system partition gets H: when should get C: ( we still don't know why )

    Your idea is very good but in this case we have to change the sd variable to %sd%="%SystemDrive%" if not who have the Hidden System Partition will not find IR5.bat in the system drive ( D:, in my case in WinRE ), will find it in the hidden partition ( C:, in my case in WinRE ).

    As you can see above, in WinRE appears D: in that window.
  7. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Confirmed NOT working on x64 Windows 7 Spanish.
    After install all seems fine, IORRT says 30 days grace.
    To be sure, checked with toolkit, also 30 days grace.
    Reboot the system, check status with IORRT - says no Office VL installed.
    Checked with toolkit - License error.

    Tried to rearm - Says something has tampered with the protection platform files and it needs activation, cannot rearm.
    Fire up Office app, wants to do the repair. Canceled out.

    Make it work by deleting license in toolkit, that repaired the license automatically but then I'm in notifications.
    Used EZ activator and activated OK. But I want IORRT....

    On x86 it works a charm. Shoot me, I've got no idea where to look.

  8. manch

    manch MDL Novice

    Apr 5, 2011
    #770 manch, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Most likely is reagentc.exe disabled.
    Try to enable it first.
    Administrator prompt:
    reagentc /enable
  9. Swift

    Swift MDL Novice

    Feb 10, 2011
    Nice ! I can learn from these batch files :) Very extensive
  10. Claysoft65

    Claysoft65 MDL Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    #773 Claysoft65, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    I've not looked at HAL7600 thread in the last few days, but i think that it's still having some problem with SP1, so, at least
    for the moment, it's maybe better if you use the tool linked to you by chnix if you have any problem with activation.

    Looking at your problem, it's surely possible what manch posted, that reagentc has been disabled... let's check it...
    Open an Admin command Prompt and type :
    reagentc /info
    so that in the first output line you should see if 'Windows Recovery Environment enabled' is equal to 1 or not...

    About the test with my little modification in the script, whatever is your choice about HAL7600, you can do the test with no
    fear... i just added a pause so that you can read the script output (if needed...) and I "REMMED" the shutdown line so that it
    will not start immediately with the reboot (needed to complete the IR5 procedure in WinRE).
    You can than remove the "IR5" Task created and post here the contents of C:\IR5.bat, before deleting that file too...

    If, like you said before, it's reagentc that's giving error, you won't have anything else modified into your O.S.

    Sorry, dude... but IR5 "IS" rubbish... The truth is that We've never been so brave to tell it publicly till now... :p :D :p

  11. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #774 timesurfer, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011
    Yea it's become a great learning tool for everyone

    I think it's done again

    Eat me

    and MyDigitalName can just click F8 at boot to get into RE
  12. MinaJunior

    MinaJunior MDL Junior Member

    Aug 15, 2010
    ACS5T don't have keys :(
  13. xp2k3

    xp2k3 MDL Novice

    May 7, 2010
    I had a similar problem when tried invoking IR5 via Total Commander. With IR4 there were no problems. Looks like Total Commander screws up with environment variables etc.
    Once I invoked IR5 from the desktop all worked without a hitch.
    Hope this helps...
  14. gaza_dan

    gaza_dan MDL Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    Im sure if tis versino doesnt works for you use an older version seems to always work
  15. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    If you had read first post
  16. Claysoft65

    Claysoft65 MDL Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    #779 Claysoft65, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    We still need someone with more than 1 HDD and with the Hidden System Partition to confirm us what's happening then...
    ...and... if something is wrong... we could still try to change the routine for the allocation of IR5.bat, using BCDEDIT... even
    if I don't think it's so different... (if I remember well, the IR4 script was using BCDEDIT to assign where to create RESET.BAT...
    but it wasn't working anyway for some ppl... Am I right, Mr. time ? )

    My case is not "interesting"... it's totally INSANE !!!!
    Re-using your example, chnix, my 'device' values are both 'partition=C:' while in Windows (just like, I think, everyone else
    that do not have the Hidden Partition...), BUT both 'partition=H:' in WinRE !!!
    WTH ?!? I could understand if my Boot Disk was "E:" (cause, whatever i tried into this darn BIOS, IDE HDD comes first), BUT
    WHY "H:" ?!?!? (... I HATE things that i cannot understand... if you still didn't understand me ... :p )
    BOOT Disk is connected to Channel0 of the SATA controller, it's listed at first in every place i could find in BIOS, there's
    no other Active Bootable Partition... and to say more... the other 3 SATA Disk are TOTALLY EMPTY !!

    OK... STOP... I can live even without solving this dilemma... and i didn't start posting here just to solve it.
    I'd only like to help to see if there's a better way to write this script, so that ppl won't have to come here and write
    "IR5 has a problem" just because they couldn't find IR5.BAT in C: ...

    Well... I was thinking at it as an "additional advice" in the ':InstructionsIR5' section else than a complete rewrite...
    maybe something like this could do the trick :
    2. Select command prompt and type "C:IR5" (without quotes) then press enter ;
    2b. If you receive a message "cannot find C:IR5 file" give a look at your WinRE Main Window and use
        the Drive Letter that you can see in brackets instead of "C:"
    What do you think, guys ?

    Looking further in that part of the script we're talking about (where IR5.BAT will create the 2 bat file and the task...)
    I'm afraid (even if i couldn't reproduce it) that it's still possible to have some other kind of problem, not with IR5.BAT,
    but with some multi-boot configuration that could have, even in Windows 7, a SystemDrive Letter different from C: ...
    ( I already saw a couple of screen where I remember that it was D: ...)
    I you think it's the right time, i can post the corrections that i think you should do to the script, else we could delay
    this part till when you think that what we're talking about now (IR5.BAT + WinRE) is OK, and we can look ahead...

  17. tomah

    tomah MDL Senior Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    Actually, there hasn't been any changes to the IR5 code yet so technically, the "problem" is still there. However, it doesn't look like we're getting anywhere with it. I don't have the multiple hard drives but I do have the hidden partition. As expected, all works OK for me at this time.

    @TS - As usual, it's your call where we go from here.