I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "I alternate entries installed/uninstalled" but try this in your install section: Code: :InstallACS5T CLS SET hosts=%windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts findstr /i "3dns-2.adobe.com" hosts >nul IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( echo Asc5T is already installed... pause goto ACS5T ) attrib -r %hosts% echo. >>%hosts% FOR %%A IN ( 3dns-2.adobe.com ... And try this in your uninstall section: Code: :UninstallACS5T CLS SET hosts=%windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts findstr /i "3dns-2.adobe.com" hosts >nul IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( echo Asc5T is already uninstalled... pause goto ACS5T ) attrib -r %hosts% FOR %%A IN ( 3dns-2.adobe.com ... Let me know what happens. Make sure you make backups, just in case
My bad. Change the line: findstr /i "3dns-2.adobe.com" hosts >nul to: findstr /i "3dns-2.adobe.com" %hosts% >nul for both instances (install and uninstall). Also, these lines must be put after the line: SET hosts=%windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Nope still no go. It just sits there like it's pausing It's in the IF/ELSE and EQU stuff I believe. Thank you for your time though. I appreciate it
It looks like you might have missed my edit, above, regarding where the line goes. Also, when it does work, the 2>nul displays the found entry which is why I only use >nul.
Sorry, I thought there would be no need to include a message if you are trying to install and it wasn't installed (or trying to uninstall when it was already installed). Do you think any extra messages are needed? There will be a message upon the successful install/uninstall indicating so.
It's real simple dude. If installed when someone clicks install give already installed msg! If uninstalled when someone clicks uninstall it gives msg already uninstalled
Just for uninstall Install doesn't give already installed msg's when already installed but does install when not already isntalled...lol
Not sure if I mislead you somewhere but the line within the install section should be minus the quotes (around the 0) in RED. IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU '0' (
I'm glad this all lead somewhere. Anyways, good to see you're still finding new projects to spend your time on. Can't wait to see what's up next. Until then