This, even changing all permissions for the key don't excludes; I believe that service is not windows Injecting a DLL could help View attachment 9671
The service that stops WPA delete is call Network This has been a very much discussed topic by me Remember I did IR5 cause it didn't hacktivate just like IORRT doesn't nor ACS5T and I'd like to keep it that way
Check my edit will you And it woudn't want to be done every boot only every 6 mo. so key does not have to be installed over and over which is longest taking time to do task So only when installing do whatever
First get it too note that I would only non-hacktivate and also do this once every 6 months cause the again the default key has to be entered and you get watermark during that key install time
Downloading .SYS plugin for Visual Studio, lol... I'll be working on. sys soon, we will see if certain
30-1=29 - From the first day to last day, since I install Win7 I wished to know simply if I must install IR5 immedialtely after Win installation. Anyway, thanks.
Yes you should install immediately after Windows 7 install He'll get nags if he doesn't Remember when you choose install option it does six things 1. Checks OS that it's win 7/R2 2. Installs task before WPA delete so task will run before 30 days is up so you won't get nag 3. Does reg setting so that you get no nags throughout the 30 days 4. Collects system information to compile into IR5.bat that gets placed in system drive to be run in RE 5. Does bcd entry to reboot into RE automatically (assuming you have no weird software's that prohibit bcd entry) 6. shutdown and restarts
OK, timesurfer. This is the kind of information that I wished. And can I set a specific time for schtasks command? For example: schtasks /create /tn "IR5" /tr "'%SystemDrive%\Windows\system32\cmd.exe' /c cscript.exe /b %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /rearm && net stop sppsvc && net start sppsvc" /sc daily /mo 30 /st 20:00:00 /ru "" /f >NUL Will this work?
Here is what first post says 1. The only "interactive" solution to use windows 7 without patches, cracks, loaders, activators or leaked keys 2. After you install IR5 only a task called "IR5" is on your computer 3. "IR5" task runs once every 30 days automatically and silently 4. Always install IR5 when your computer will most likely be on so "IR5" task can run or just manually rearm when needed 5. IR5 keeps you in trial and in trial you are always genuine and all updates and service packs are safe to use 6. Supports all Windows 7/Server 2008 R2, languages, versions, editions, 32/64bit 7. Does not modify any system files and never causes restart problems 8. Developed by timesurfer and MasterDisaster If you want IR5 to work correctly FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS
@Claysoft Tell me if these instructions for MPC are correct? Not certain about lines 6 - 10 regarding RE Thanks
Sorry but perhaps I (or you) didn't clear myself well... I read your directions more and more times! My question is because I usually don't go on my pc at morning, but at evening. With schtasks /create ... /sc daily /mo 30 /st 20:00:00 /ru "" /f >NUL, your script will run instead of at the same hour when I installed Win7, will run, every 30 days, at 20:00 evening. You say: "Always install IR5 when your computer will most likely be on". But that's precisely the problem. I do not keep on my computer all the day long. And, just because I read your directions, I have documented on the schtasks command syntax and I thought option /st it was useful for other people, and I wanted to know what do you think of it. Unfortunately, English is not my language (and maybe even yours); I understand you receive many questions every day, but there is no need to shout out. I usually try to cooperate with people on the Net, and I don't want only ask and ask... I hope this time I clear myself well. With consideration and thanks for your efforts.
Install at evening Basically when you install is when 30 day task will run So if you install at 9pm clock time then task will run at 9pm 30 days Use the status to see what time task is set to run If you rearm (manually) say at 7pm then 30 day task will be set to run at 7pm Notice if you rearm (manually) your status will be refection of time you (manually) rearmed But don't rearm manually unless your comp was not on when task was suppose to run and you got nag cause you rearm came to end Don't get confused just, again, install at time your comp is on most likely billox
Thanks, timesurfer! In this case (if I got nags), what have I to do? Manually rearm, right? Or uninstall and re-install IR5?