Hi timesurfer. Thank you for a fast respond. What kind of info do you need? I tried MPC once more, the prompt comes up and swiftly disappears within a split second. Nothing new. Yesterday I deleted the first paragraph in the trilogy.cmd file contending the admin check and ran it. I was able to activate the IR5 task in task manager I opened my eyes and realized Trilogy only works with Office VL Solved! But I still dont know what was blocking the admin check. I have UAC turned off. PS. I wasn't worried about Comodos AV but its Defence and Security feature that blocks unknown executables or "sandbox" them. Thanks
RE has bug that changes drive letter which is why I created MPC to compensate No services are used with Trilogy just tasks From what I can tell you are not following instructions with MPC Trilogy is not an executable Again you have to define what Trilogy app you are using? You are just stating Trilogy you need to state IR5, IORRT or ACS5.5T Then I can help you Read instructions and report back with detail step by step in relation to MPC instructions
I know its a batch file, but I guess Comodo treats it like an exec I downloaded Trilogy 3.3.rar and I was soo fast and stupid that I ran Trilogy 3.3.cmd from within the rar I chosed A, B (IR5 and IORRT) at the first screen and A (install) at the second. At a certain point it couldn't find MPC.bat - no wonder - and restarted Windows into repair mode. I used prompt but couldn't get any driveletter:IR5 to work. When I got back into Windows I found IR5 in task manager, but it wouldn't reset activation. I tried to run it manually. Then I tried running Trilogy 3.3.cmd again (as Admin), but this time I just got "Right click Trilogy and run as Administrator", "Press a key..." By pressing a key the prompt disappear and nothing happens. I went to MPC.bat but the prompt just flashes and nothing happens. Then I went to Trilogy 4.0 but still the same. As I wrote, I removed the Admin check from Trilogy 4.0.cmd to try that. This time i chosed only IR5, and it worked. IR5 are in task manager and activation is reset. But Im still puzzled why it won't run normally.
Actually it's an .cmd file You are not reading MPC instructions correctly You have to follow instructions! IR5/MPC do not activate (You said it did) MPC is manual installation tool for IR5 as details and links say I'm not sure why admin check won't work? Please slow down and either use IR5 or MPC not both as same time...lol MPC is only needed when you don't automatically boot into RE with IR5 or when rearms don't reset Consider why would I make the MPC.bat to just click, which is not what instructions say, when IR5 needs you to be in RE? That doesn't make sense so please take deep breath and re-read IR5 instructions and also re-read MPC instructions IR5/MPC is very simple 1. Rearms reset to 5 with SP1 2. Anti-nag reg setting keeps nags away during 30 days grace period 3. IR5 task rearms auto inside windows Then every 6 mo reinstall IR5 IR5 works 98% of the time so only use MPC if IR5 is having difficulty
Ok, I've taken a deeeeep breath - and please do so too, I'm danish so we're discussion in my second language. Don't take everything too litteraly As I see it, .cmd is a modern .bat file. Both are batch files. As I recall Win 98 and back didnt use .cmd. Where do I find these instructions you keep refering to? I have read the first 10 pages or so. I never said IR5 did activate. I said IR5 reset activation - I should have said reset grace period - but I thought you got it. My bad. I have used your IR3 and IR4 without glitches and know what it does and what it doesn't. I am not running both IR5 and MPC at the same time. But if one doesn't seem to work its logic to try the other. Just like you suggest. I'll test some more with Admin check disabled.
Ok by removing: @color 06 cls mode con: cols=49 lines=12 md %windir%\TrilogyAdminTest 2>NUL if %errorlevel%==0 ( rd %windir%\TrilogyAdminTest goto mainmenu ) else ( echo Right click Trilogy and run as administrator echo. pause goto end ) from the Trilogy 4.0.cmd file everything is working as supposed. I've just installed IORRT and it's working fine. But it's still unclear why Admin check fails If you want to dig into this issue, plz let me know. Otherwise this case is solved Thank you for your patience, timesurfer.
I believe that if you try creating a directory that already exists, it WILL result in an error and will cause the "run as admin" response. Question is, if this is what is causing the problem, why is the directory not being deleted in the first place? If this becomes a big problem, we might need to find an alternative way of doing the admin check.
Of course I will be back if I can be of any help. Not doing so would be throwing a turd on the hard work being done here
Well.. I waited for the System panels timer of three days to run out, and everything is still running, activated, and functional. I even updated a few minutes ago. The Trilogy timer reports 27 days, even while the system's grace period reports 0 days left. Thanks for the great (overt) work done on this!
lol...He said turd So did you test for us? We did a whole new build for you with your admin check problem? Overt...lol...and it's a system bug not Trilogy bug
No, updates doesn't change the main structure of the program, only fixes bugs and add more OS Support [ and new features ]