I know you wern't saying it was T-bug just talking to more people than just you as I post and I know what overt means
To timesurfer et al. I have now tested the 4.1 build and its working fine. No more admin check interrupts. I still dont know what was causing the hickup but it gone now. --- Im a curious guy so I tried 4.0 again - its running too! I'll do a reboot and try both of them again.... --- Back again. After a reboot both builds work fine. I did a test on my laptop too. After running 4.1 the old 4.0 is working. I now see that the first link you posted was a test version of 4.0. I never got to test it as I went straight to 4.1 (thought you linked to the same file) But its trivial now since the original 4.0 is working again. The problem has been fixed, but the cause is still to be found.
Pun taken But I suggest you rewrite your instructions and add a paragraph describing the way you have to stand on your head while drinking a glass of water, jump 5 times on your left legg saying "Ave Maria" backwards and torch your cat before you run the file as admin. I think that should cover it. ... and of course record a video and post it here Thank you all for helping me out on this. See you - next time...
Yea the turkish guy never responded so we need accurate translation for daily Here is what we have today Code: if '!Language!' EQU '041f' ( set daily=günlük ) onstart I think is ok? Thanks tomah
No problem. I'm on a Mac today and for some reason, when I view Trilogy 4.2 code, it shows up as "g,nl,k" which is what I was referring to as a problem. Maybe the problem is on my end. Anyways, I'm not sure if it is günlük or gunluk (I'm thinking it is gunluk). I guess this might be our time to find out. Another possibility that may be causing the problem is if Stackoverflow is using the "001f" version of Turkish.
Actually, I didn't mean if gunluk is correct in Turkish, I meant what does Microsoft think is correct in Turkish. Also, note edit above.
Maybe he works for MS...lol Just kidding Yea I knwo what your saying and check my last post please Saw your last post and lets see if this last build fixes it the I'll change the language code or whatever Thanks