Apparantly he is licenced so he activated his 2010 VL already KMS activation is fine and he should stick with it In 6 months reactivate I prefer IORRT over KMS and so did I initiate the office 2010 VL rearm concept and believed in it when others did not. I also did it as alternative to the many KMS problems that arise especially for beginners but if this person is using 2010 fine then they should just stick with that I would be happy to alter my code if an solution is created but I'd rather just support non-bugged XP or W7 where IORRT has no problems I appreaciate your help as always And a special thanks to you and TTG for your endless support for my ideas and developments TS
@TS I'm out of time, more when I can be coded app in C++ to simplify use of the AT and you can use if you want to Trilogy; ~80KB ...
We are in the age of W7 so lets just support that which is already done for all languages and so forth This XP bug is not something I need to over indulge in After all he is already activated for 6 mo Lets leave it as that Thank you
Hi TimeSurfer, In your script, I've noticed that copy and restore Tokens.dat and Cache.dat is not necessary. About the registry, only HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\Data must be saved (and restored) and when the script call OSPPREARM.EXE, the OSPPSVC service starts automatically (no need of "net start osppsvc"). So, I rewrote your script and IORRT.BAT looks like that: Code: @echo off net stop osppsvc REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\Data /f REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\Data /f reg restore "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\Data" C:\IORRT\Backup\Registry\ IF Exist "%CommonProgramFiles%\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.exe" ( "%CommonProgramFiles%\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.exe" ) ELSE ( "%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\OSPPREARM.exe" ) schtasks /delete /tn "IORRT" /f schtasks /create /tn "IORRT" /tr "C:\IORRT\IORRT.bat" /sc daily /mo 1 /ru "" I hope that this can help you Great Work
In the office 2010 VL rearm concept being my original initiated idea I conclude that IORRT was designed and written correctly and has been working flawlessly for many months now No need to fix what isn't broken
I agree - I use IORRT too and I'm very satisfied - but the "light method" works too Anyway, I love your command lines that keep our Office 2010 VL always in trial ! I find that very classy to compete with the other activators with a BATCH of 30 Kb
Hi, what do you think if in "Status" command for IR5, you add a information to know how many rearms left? I add this information and works: Code: :StatusIR5 mode con: cols=64 lines=8 echo. cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv | FINDSTR /I "Status" echo. cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv | FINDSTR /I "rearm" echo. cscript.exe %windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv | FINDSTR /I "Remaining" echo. schtasks /query /tn "IR5" 2>NUL | FINDSTR "IR5" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo IR5 is not installed... ping -n 5 >nul GOTO Start NOTE: In my language (italian), this word isn't "rearm", but "ripristini". I found the english string “remaining Windows rearm count” on Internet, so I hope the string is correct. I add this line, otherwise I have to type command “slmgr.vbs -dlv” in the Search Box for this information. Now, I just know that timesurfer will call me on the carpet!
That I've only heard of that happening a couple of times in the last 1.5 years my rearm concept has been around Maybe Daz or someone good with drives bcd and help you Do you have another solution installed because it might cause bcd problems If so uninstall and reboot and try IR5 again otherwise it's never happened to me so I haven't troubleshooted it yet Why just use option B and you in IORRT What are you trying to do integrate it 1. IR5 already gives rearms Perhaps work on improving your eyesight instead of IR5 it's basically final with 4.2 2. This an english based sight and IR5 works on all languages regardless of the OS you have so gotta give you a on
Neat that everyone is making any status changes for their non-English language status, however IR5 works regardless for 6 months in-between 3-5 minute installs while all along having the same appearance and usage as if activated while never bricking bootsect or altering system files
Cool, I've tested this release ; Working fine, reset cont, rearm, install trial key, lol ; +1 for solid .cmd script Good job ...