it can be disabled .. but it has become harder to shut down the main service now but even if this service works, the other service shuts down and the other registry tweaks kill it ..
Nothing is going to happen, other than registry settings will go from "on" to "off", and Defender will (should) be disabled, after a reboot. It does not uninstall Defender or anything, pretty sure that would cause all sorts of random problems. It's just a one click way to do all the settings that would be done in gpedit.msc.
Microsoft has waged war against us with their consumer OS's with unneeded applications, bloat, telemetry, etc... Do not give up the fight!
This is how I got rid of it. How do I force Uninstall Windows Defender? Open Start. Search for gpedit.msc and click the top result to open the Local Group Policy Editor. Browse the following path: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Microsoft Defender Antivirus. Double-click the "Turn off Microsoft Defender Antivirus" policy.
This is disable not uninstall. To uninstall
Sorry acer-5100 but I'm not nor due I think one can uninstall it? At least for me I thought disabling it was goon enough for moi. Your link I saw yesterday and thought way too much trouble imho. Accept my apologies!
I didn't say isn't enough I just replied to your message "How do I force Uninstall Windows Defender?", and pointed out that uninstalling is a different thing. That's all
Or use Win AeroTweaker it works for me from Windows 10 (HOME, PRO, PRO for WS, Enterprise, LTSC and IoT LTSC [21H2 and 22H2] ) ATGPUD2003
Updates used to be not affected by defender properly removed using dism, not 100% sure it's still the case
Why use a random SW when you can remove it as MS intended to? Just don't use a cruise missile when a slingshot can do the job (almost surely a better job).
does NOT work on 22H2! UNLESS tamper protection is disabled p.s. in pure batch file (run as admin): Code: setlocal enabledelayedexpansion call :removepackage Windows-Defender call :removepackage Microsoft-Windows-SenseClient removepackage: Code: :removepackage ( setlocal set "key=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages" for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('reg query "!key!" /f "%~1" /k 2^>nul ^| findstr /i /c:"!key!"') do ( reg add "%%~i" /v "Visibility" /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f 1>nul 2>nul reg add "%%~i" /v "DefVis" /d 2 /t REG_DWORD /f 1>nul 2>nul reg delete "%%~i\Owners" /f 1>nul 2>nul for /f "delims=\ tokens=8" %%i in ("%%~i") do set "x=%%~i" DISM.exe /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:"!x!" /NoRestart 1>nul 2>nul ) endlocal goto :eof ) when running dism without the >nul the error "access is denied" can be seen (again, due to tamper protection)
Hmmm. Interesting. I gave this a try, cause why not, and it seems to have done the job and so far no side effects or crazy Event Viewer spam. I had to do a bit (lot) of searching to find "install_wim_tweak.exe" (v1.4.7.0). Is there an "official source" for that that I missed? I found a lot of dead links and links to forum posts to other forum posts, etc. Edit: Started getting this in event viewer (safe to ignore I'm sure, but event viewer spam is a pet peeve of mine): The server {DDCFD26B-FEED-44CD-B71D-79487D2E5E5A} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.