TUTO: slipstream MUI language pack in installation DVD

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by shadow_shd, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. roylion15

    roylion15 MDL Member

    May 1, 2009
    Hum , sorry i don't know because i have never tested myself this "special" part of the bubuxp's tutorial ... i have always skipped all that stuff... for many people it's not a problem to boot just in english to the install language choice ...

    Translate the first boot screens of windows is for me very facultative because MS don't translate it self in the original localised iso's ... why i don't know ?

    I have now downloaded the french original iso's on msdn and the first boot screen isn't in french but always english ...

    May be Bubuxp can tell you more about that boot translation ...
  2. Chancer

    Chancer MDL Novice

    Aug 21, 2009
    I searched in this thread, but I couldn't find the info I need.
    I used BubuXP's tutorial to slipstream lang and local packs, and it was easy and successfull.
    Now I want to join both x86 and x64 versions to the same disc, but I don't know how to do it.
    Is it possible? How can I do it?
  3. Chancer

    Chancer MDL Novice

    Aug 21, 2009
    Anyone? Is that possible?
  4. razorex

    razorex MDL Novice

    Jul 20, 2009
    #344 razorex, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  5. DataRight

    DataRight MDL Novice

    Jul 28, 2009
    Anyone tried this on the Enterprise edition, the volume edition?

    I've tried two differents downloads of Enterprise, and the LP.cab works great on all other Win 7 editions, but when I try to do this on the Enterprise version I always get an error during install, saying it can't "find the correct path" or something like that.

    I'm not sure what the correct translation of the error is in english...

    I've tried only adding the langpack, without removing anything, and I still get the same error?

    I've made another iso with all of the 'retail' versions , including E and N, successfully, but I can't seem to get the Enterprise version working?

    Is there a separate langpack for the Enterprise version?

    The langpack I'm trying to add is sv-SE by the way.

    Thanks in advance!
  6. Chancer

    Chancer MDL Novice

    Aug 21, 2009
    Thanks, razorex. I'll try it soon.
  7. tuvi123

    tuvi123 MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2009
    thank you.
    so do you know how to make the "Starting Windows" in my language (heb)?

    Bubuxp doesn't respond to me.

  8. docholister

    docholister MDL Novice

    Aug 23, 2009
    win7 language

    this works, but looking forward to someone make a simpel program to make it with.
    That`s becuse i have clients from 19 countrys that i work for:D, so i need a quick way to do a new instalation cd , when needed.
  9. Raoul

    Raoul MDL Junior Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    #349 Raoul, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    This is my batch now (credit: roylion15):
    @echo Off
    rem ##################################################
    rem # Configure Paths and your language here #
    rem ##################################################
    set WORKLW=D:
    set WORKDIR=7Work
    set LANG=nl-NL
    rem ################################################## 
    rem ################################################## 
    set WIM=%WORKLW%\%WORKDIR%\Mount
    set LP=%WORKLW%\%WORKDIR%\LP\lp.cab
    Echo Give them the version , Make the good choice !!! :
    Echo 1 - Starter x86 HOMEBASIC x64 or Entreprise ISO
    Echo 2 - HOMEBASIC x86 or HOMEPREMIUM x64
    Echo 3 - HOMEPREMIUM x86 or Professional x64
    Echo 4 - Professional x86 or Ultimate x64
    Echo 5 - Ultimate x86
    Set /p EDITION=Number: 
    echo setup variables OK ...
    echo =====================================
    echo Refresh "install.wim"
    echo =====================================
    echo Mount "install.wim" to "%WIM%"...
    DISM.EXE /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%WD%\sources\install.wim /index:%EDITION% /MountDir:%WIM%
    echo Now integrate your language package "%LP%...
    DISM.exe /Image:%WIM% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%LP%
    DISM.EXE /Image:%WIM% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%WORKLW%\%WORKDIR%\LP\Windows-LocalPack-NL-Package.cab
    echo Placed Language "%LANG%" Language as the generic stuff...
    DISM.exe /Image:%WIM% /Set-UILang:%LANG%
    echo Placed Language "%LANG%" As the user language...
    DISM.exe /Image:%WIM% /Set-UserLocale:%LANG%
    echo Placed Language "%LANG%" Language as a system...
    DISM.exe /Image:%WIM% /Set-SysLocale:%LANG%
    echo Placed Language "%LANG%" As an input language...
    DISM.exe /Image:%WIM% /Set-InputLocale:%LANG%
    echo Now create new "lang.ini" file...
    DISM.EXE /image:%WIM% /Set-SKUIntlDefaults:%LANG% /Gen-LangINI /Set-SetupUILang:%LANG% /distribution:%WD%
    echo Now installing Updates and Hotfixes
    DISM.EXE /Image:%WIM% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%WORKLW%\%WORKDIR%\UPDATES
    echo Now installing Drivers
    DISM.EXE /Image:%WIM% /Add-Driver /driver:%WORKLW%\%WORKDIR%\DRIVERS /recurse
    echo Save changes and Unmount "install.wim"...
    DISM.EXE /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%WIM% /commit
    echo Done, Install.wim updated with your language ...
    echo =====================================
    echo Now Refreshing  "boot.wim"
    echo =====================================
    Rd /S /Q "%ELP%"
    Mkdir "%ELP%"
    echo Unzip language pack "%LANG%" to "%ELP%"
    echo Please wait , it will take a moment ...
    Expand "%LP%" -f:* "%ELP%"
    echo Copy files...
    Xcopy "%ELP%\setup\sources\%LANG%\*" "%WD%\sources\%LANG%" /cherkyi
    Xcopy "%ELP%\sources\license\%LANG%\*" "%WD%\sources\license\%LANG%" /cherkyi
    echo Mount "boot.wim" to "%WIM%"...
    DISM.EXE /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%WD%\sources\boot.wim /index:2 /MountDir:%WIM%
    DISM.EXE /image:%WIM% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%WORKLW%\%WORKDIR%\LP\WinPE
    echo Copy files...
    Xcopy "%ELP%\setup\sources\%LANG%\*" "%WIM%\sources\%LANG%" /cherkyi
    Xcopy "%ELP%\sources\license\%LANG%\*" "%WIM%\sources\license\%LANG%" /cherkyi
    Copy "%WD%\sources\Lang.ini" "%WIM%\sources\Lang.ini"
    Rd /S /Q "%ELP%"
    echo Unpack and Unmount "boot.wim"...
    DISM.EXE /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%WIM% /commit
    echo Mount again "boot.wim" to "%WIM%"...
    DISM.EXE /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%WD%\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:%WIM%
    DISM.EXE /image:%WIM% /Add-Package /PackagePath:%WORKLW%\%WORKDIR%\LP\WinPE
    xcopy %WIM%\Windows\Boot\DVD\PCAT\%LANG%\bootfix.bin %WD%\boot\ /cherkyi
    xcopy %WIM%\Windows\boot\PCAT\memtest.exe %WD%\boot\ /cherkyi
    xcopy %WIM%\Windows\boot\PCAT\%LANG%\* %WD%\boot\en-US\ /cherkyi
    xcopy %\WIM%\Windows\boot\PCAT\%LANG%\* %WD%\boot\%LANG%\ /cherkyi
    echo Unpack and Unmount "boot.wim"...
    DISM.EXE /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%WIM% /commit
    bcdedit /store %WD%\boot\bcd /set {default} locale %LANG%
    bcdedit /store %WD%\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {default} locale %LANG%
    erase /F /Q /A:SH %WD%\boot\*.log*
    erase /F /Q /A:SH %WD%\efi\microsoft\boot\*.log*
    echo The language pack and Drivers/Updates have been integrated!
    echo Now finally let's go building the ISO ...
    echo Create bootable Windows 7 ISO...
    %WORKLW%\%WORKDIR%\oscdimg.exe -h -u2 -m -b%WD%\boot\etfsboot.com "%WD%" "%ISO%\Windows 7.iso"
    echo Everything is done! The ISO is in the directory "%ISO%"
    Works fine for nl-NL. :D
  10. xdrez

    xdrez MDL Novice

    Sep 4, 2009
    Can we skip the steps changing the language of the boot.wim file if we just want our operating system menus and whatnot to be a certain language or is it still absolutely necessary to modify boot.wim and all those steps?
  11. SNissen

    SNissen MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2009
    I also had the DISM problem mentioned in this thread: when I ran any DISM command, I got the Error: 87, saying the command option was unknown. Not finding the answer anywhere, I found my own solutions. I deduced that the conflict was in one of two areas: 1) bad wimfltr driver from a previous WAIK installation, and/or 2) bad vhd* drivers from VhdMount from Microsoft Virtual Server 2005.

    1) Bad wimfltr? When I uninstalled an earlier version of WAIK, it correctly removed the wimfltr.sys driver, but failed to remove the wimfltr.inf file from %windir%\inf. Either uninstall all earlier versions of WAIK (and reboot), or else delete the leftover solitary wimfltr.inf file.

    2) Bad vhd*? I had installed just the VhdMount component from the Microsoft Virtual Server 2005, but then didn't have an entry in Control Panel->Programs to uninstall it later. So, download the free Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 SP1, and again install just the VhdMount component. Now uninstall Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 SP1 and reboot. That should remove the vhdbus and vhdstor drivers from %windir%\inf and from %windir%\system32\drivers.

    Obviously, before you ever delete any drivers, make sure you have a recovery solution, like a System Restore checkpoint and a recent backup.

    Once I performed both these fixes and rebooted, I was able to install the latest WAIK again, and the Error:87 problem was gone.

    I hope this information may be helpful to others. Sande
  12. BubuXP

    BubuXP MDL Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    I did some minor updates to the guide and add this note:
    If I have some positive feedback I will add a section for this on the guide.
    But if merging x64 with x86 could be safe, why M$ didn't do this already?

    I will also check how asian languages work and will modify the guide to include precisations.

    @ those people that cannot get initial screens in their languages:
    sorry, but someone at M$ is lazy :) and some languages cannot have everything translated. I tested this myself with romanian language: initial DVD loading screens and repair tools will remain in english, but everything else is translated.
    I would also know if the MSDN ISOs of those languages have the same behavior or they have everything translated.
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  13. BubuXP

    BubuXP MDL Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    #353 BubuXP, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
    To do this just skip the optional steps that removes the english stuff and:
    - set en-US as the default language in lang.ini creation (step V)
    - skip step VIII (I think it's better not to skip this, but try first to skip...)
    - follow the instruction written in red in steps X and XII
    - set en-US as the default language in bcdedit command (step XIV).
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  14. gripit

    gripit MDL Novice

    Sep 22, 2009
    #354 gripit, Sep 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Ok, sorry that i need to be spoonfed but im tired of failing at this stuff wasting DVD-R's :p

    With this code, the image will be totally in *insert whatever language of ur choice here*. Including those funky boot screens and messages like "Press a button to boot from dvd" to "loading windows files" etcetc aswell as the OS itself and the repair thing? :)
  15. BubuXP

    BubuXP MDL Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    I don't know if the batch can, but my guide can do this (if the language has been fully translated by M$).
    If you need to automate the process you can simply copy and paste the needed command line from the guide into a text file, modify the commands to suit your needs and rename the text file into a .bat file. Be sure to place the files in the right folders and to execute as admin.

    It's less elegant than the batch code, but it will be more complete and customized.
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  16. garf02

    garf02 MDL Member

    Sep 15, 2007
    I integrated the new updates come out on DVD, following the lead of BubuXP.
    I tried to reinstall and at the end, I found WU again the same updates to install. Why is this happening?

    Ho integrato i nuovi aggiornamenti usciti su WU sul dvd, seguendo la guida di BubuXP.
    Ho provato a reinstallare e al termine, WU mi ritrova nuovamente gli stessi aggiornamenti da installare. Come mai succede questo?
  17. Fleµve

    Fleµve MDL Novice

    Oct 22, 2009
  18. libertard

    libertard MDL Junior Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    Nice 1

    Thanks for sharing :D:D:D;):cool:
  19. dragon_fire

    dragon_fire MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2009
    zelda2000's bat file

    The bat file from Zelda2000 on page 16 is excellent. Do all and an easy way, including do all versions once. Congratulattions.
    My question is : could you or someone include in your bat file the way to add the winpe files, so I can have the "starting windows" in my own language ? Or a way to do it after running the bat ?Thanks in advance.:)
  20. dragon_fire

    dragon_fire MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2009
    I think the lines from tuto are about the boot.wim part. Here are the commands in my case pt-BR
    dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:c:\7Work\DVD\sources\boot.wim /index:2 /MountDir:c:\7Work\WIM
    dism /image:c:\7Work\WIM /Add-Package /PackagePath:c:\7Work\LP\WinPE
    dism /image:c:\7Work\WIM /Gen-LangINI /distribution:c:\7Work\WIM
    dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:c:\7Work\WIM /commit
    dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:c:\7Work\DVD\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /MountDir:c:\7Work\WIM
    dism /image:c:\7Work\WIM /Add-Package /PackagePath:c:\7Work\LP\WinPE
    xcopy c:\7Work\WIM\Windows\Boot\DVD\PCAT\pt-BR\bootfix.bin c:\7Work\DVD\boot\ /cheriky
    xcopy c:\7Work\WIM\Windows\boot\PCAT\memtest.exe c:\7Work\DVD\boot\ /cheriky
    xcopy c:\7Work\WIM\Windows\boot\PCAT\pt-BR\* c:\7Work\DVD\boot\pt-BR\ /cheriky
    xcopy c:\7Work\DVD\boot\pt-BR\* F:\7Work\DVD\boot\en-US\ /cheriky
    dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:c:\7Work\WIM /commit
    imagex /export /boot /check /compress maximum c:\7Work\DVD\sources\boot.wim * c:\7Work\newboot.wim
    copy /V /Y c:\7Work\newboot.wim c:\7Work\DVD\sources\boot.wim
    erase /F /Q c:\7Work\newboot.wim
    bcdedit /store c:\7Work\DVD\boot\bcd /set {default} locale pt-BR
    bcdedit /store c:\7Work\DVD\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {default} locale pt-BR
    erase /F /Q /A:SH c:\7Work\DVD\boot\*.log*
    erase /F /Q /A:SH c:\7Work\DVD\efi\microsoft\boot\*.log*