Not old-fashioned if "states" are of the Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, North Korea etc. type. We agree there - wholeheartedly! However, not all the states can be dragged down to that level - see Scandinavia, for instance... Back to making pancakes - speak l8r...
One does not have to go far to discover the influence peddling of the Heritage foundation with members like Dick Cheney (George W. Bush's vice president) and the like. This is a neo-con, War profiteering mega lobbyist group whose dark soul is fueled by the ugliest side of capitalism and whose influence and power in global politics should not be underestimated. Believe me, if they are weighing in on regulation or no regulation do not overlook their agenda's far reach. They can be traced back to every war and the diminishing of democracy for the last 40 years. Every conservative talking point that you currently hear has their finger prints all over it.
only forty years? Lansing & John Foster Dulles are far more ancient than that.. inevitably, as we weigh such things in our minds, there comes a point where we get off topic, and out of focus for a non-political forum.. i am at a loss a bit, what we can do about that..
IMHO It would be pretty difficult to have a discussion of regulation without it including who and what goverments are trying to effectively blow past individual freedoms. Let it flow like a cold polish beer after work
‘Mega Conspiracy’ Investigation Reveals That U.S Government Officials use MegaUpload Former digital storage locker service MegaUpload was not only popular among Internet ‘civilians’, but also officials from the U.S Department of Justice and Senate according to new revelations from the site’s proprietor Kim “Kim Dotcom” Schmitz.“Guess what – we found a large number of Mega accounts from U.S Government officials including the Department of Justice and the US Senate,” Mr. Schmitz told TorrentFreak.While MegaUpload was a haven for copyright infringement, many used the service to simply store personal files in the cloud – ostensibly what the referenced U.S Government officials were doing. In order to allow users to retrieve their files, MegaUpload and the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) have been cooperating with the Department of Justice to separate innocent from infringing.“Megaupload’s legal team is working hard to reunite our users with their data. We are negotiating with the Department of Justice to allow all Mega users to retrieve their data,” said Mr. Schmitz.“EFF continues to identify more people who have lost access to legitimate personal files. Our goal is to help them get their files back as quickly and efficiently as possible,” added EFF staff attorney Julie Samuels in an interview with TorrentFreak.“I hope we will soon have permission to give [the U.S Government officials] and the rest of our users access to their files,” said Mr. Schmitz.Source
It is just the beginning of evolution, people can make new great things like mega upload, I know they can. so no worries!
more food for thought.. while by no means the ultimate wisdom, it may serve to put things in perspective, imho..
another one bites the dust..
Nobody stops Kim Dotcom. He's going for it again.
It would have been funny if it weren't seriously tragic and sad, this "MEMEMEMEMEMEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" US attitude...