Last year the micro SD card for my phone died, I just stopped working and I had no access to it. I just went out and got a new SD card. Simple as that, I didn't get all anal about a cheap SD card. The Samsung 64gb SD card wasn't even one year old but it was not worth the hassle to attempt an RMA plus the ship cost for a new SD card. Just buy a new SD card and get over it.
Static electricity can destroy an SD card. Also, depending on where you purchased it, it may have been what's called "Grey Market". When I was a Test engineer, we had a lot of problems with Grey Market ICs. They barely passed testing and were either recovered from a dumpster and sold, or were stolen before testing. Our purchasing department ended up getting screwed a few times because of it. If it's worth the time and the hassle to RMA the SD card, then do it. If not, then just purchase a new one.
Thanks for trying, but... I have written this four times now: It happened to me AND many others, when we removed the sd from the computer BEFORE what ever it was doing, was finished. And while I have no problem understanding that this can cause no access to what was incompletely installed, I cannot see the reason why it is not possible to format it. And THAT is what I asked.
Do you want a technical explanation as to why it could happen? Disconnecting the ground before disconnecting the Vcc can cause a spike through the signal lines which can wipe out the SD card. From this point on, any further engineering insights from me will be billed at $250 USD / Hour. Good luck.
You might want to try something like Acronis that bypasses Windows entirely. I've got my Easy2Boot USB drive set up with a couple versions of Acronis and I've never found any hardware that Acronis doesn't recognize. Rufus might work as well, but I haven't used it in quite a while. There is an option to format a drive, and if the drive isn't damaged, Acronis should be able to access it and format/partition it. .
we already suggest that to him to try a few third party app that mite work and format that SD drive....but he is stuck in the why the drive will not format.
Do you want me to post a list of all the third party software I have used???? I used Acronis and Macrium even BEFORE writing here, I also wasted my time trying all the ones, two or threee more, that were suggested here. Although the comments all over the Net clearly stazte that there is NOTHING that will work. THAT is why I asked the question I asked. Which seems to be something that I have to keep repeating in every thread I start several times. Everybody always knows a lot better what I do want to know. Do you ever see anyone like Enthousiast give a stupid answer? If he does does not know, he just goes to the next..... Just look at it, in #29 once again someone suggests Acronis! And if I do not like it, then I need a nappy change?
Another one who simply will not read what is written... EVERYTHING recognizes the sd. NOTHING can access it, to format it.
Have you tried spraying some electrical contact cleaner on the contacts? What if it's an issue with your card reader? Bent pin? Have you another card reader to try, perhaps on a different notebook/pc?
I looked up your answer again, and while it was correct, the way you wrote it, made it impossible to accept, here is why: First you asked if it is fake, like so many before, and I answered like before Then you wrote that the controller section is still working bad the memory section is "faulty". But it is NOT faulty, it is "simply" in another format called "Raw". This happens when the electricity supple is interrupted, while data is transferred to the sd. There actually is a software called easeUS that can format it, or at least that is what they say. To find out you have to pay from $50 upwards, which may make sense if it is an expensive 2TB HDD. This is quite different friom what Michaela Joy wrote: "Do you want a technical explanation as to why it could happen? Disconnecting the ground before disconnecting the Vcc can cause a spike through the signal lines which can wipe out the SD card. From this point on, any further engineering insights from me will be billed at $250 USD / Hour. Good luck."