Undocumented INSYDE BIOS recovery method.-Use andy's tool to obtain possible names.

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by levonisyas, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. jason9922

    jason9922 MDL Novice

    Sep 6, 2012
    Ok, I unpacked my original BIOS file with "Andy's tool" which I finally found under the name Phoenix tool. After I put the DOS file that ended with .fd into the phoenix tool, it said the name of the file is BIOS.f? So now I'm going to try with that file name. I have a 4gb transend flash drive formatted fat32 and I'm going to copy the original BIOS.FD file onto the flash and re-name it BIOS.f? Unplug the laptop w/o the battery in it, plug in the flash drive, hold down WIN key + B (also will try Win key + R because ACER people said that was what they had to press) and then turn on notebook. I'll let you guys know if it works.

    Since Acer and Gateway are owned by the same people and my Gateway NVB19U is the same exact motherboard used in an Acer Aspire 5253, also the bios are exactly the same as my gateway and the acer 5253, I'm just going to trust that Andy's tool coming up with on its own saying that my motherboard is out of an acer and giving me that BIOS.f? is correct. Hopefully this works, if it doens't I'll try it with my 4GB sandisk SD card like you said BPaul.
  2. jason9922

    jason9922 MDL Novice

    Sep 6, 2012
    Well I forgot that you can't use the ? when naming a file so idk how I'm supposed to name the file BIOS.f? according to Andy's tool..
  3. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    Rename it to BIOS.fd; ? means that character is uncertain.
  4. jason9922

    jason9922 MDL Novice

    Sep 6, 2012
    I've done that and tried that 100's of times. Nothing is working. I found out my motherboard is the same as in an Acer Aspire 5253 and an Emachines E644. I guess I'll start researching the Emachines one...
  5. BPaul

    BPaul MDL Novice

    Feb 24, 2013
    Andy's tool show me same *.f?
    But you can't add ? in name.
    So you need use BIOS.fd and format SD on FAT file system. Not FAT32

    PS: The fan on the laptop should run at maximum speed!
    PSS: Try also Fn+Esc
  6. jason9922

    jason9922 MDL Novice

    Sep 6, 2012
    I called gateway and freaked out. They changed my original purchase date to March 3rd 2012 so I shipped it to Gateway today for $14.00. I tried using every key combination, with every USB port, with USB flash drives, 3 different ones, tried with 2 different SD cards and 4 different CD/DVD roms all formatted with every different combination from FAT to NTFS just for the hell of it. None of them worked and the boot block was still good because it would go through the motions of pulling info off the flash drive. The fan always ran on high and it would react differnet when I used FN + ESC comared to when I would try WIN + R or when I would try WIN + B. I read in multiple places that the file has to have the name of the notebook in the name of the file and that BIOS.fd isn't the correct name. Just what I read. I hunted down the BIOS for an Acer 5253 and Emachines E640 (same motherboard) and they all had the same exact bios from 1.04 to 1.16 all having the same info. So when I would download those BIOS and run them through the Phoenix programs it shot out the same answer all but one time. For the eMachines it would have the emachineE640 in the file name. It even worked the same when I used the cd rom or sd cards instead of the flash. None of them would work correctly for some reason. All I know, I'm never touching the BIOS on a laptop again unless it's wayyyyy under the warranty still. It's gonna be three weeks before I get that laptop back but at least it will come back running like new. And thank you Gateway for showing me mercy and changing my purchase date. Wheew that never happens.... Thank you to everyone that has tried to help me especially you BPaul. Appreciate all the help.
  7. hectorm18

    hectorm18 MDL Novice

    Mar 1, 2013
    this worked for me prfectly...

    this saved a laptop for me..thanks so much...its a hp pavilion 1235dx.. would load bios but then freeze when about to load the os and stay at a blank screen...couldnt even boot from cd/dvd.. followed these steps and wow laptop is working fine now.. and to think the person i got it from was gonna scrap it... thanks again...

  8. knaphih

    knaphih MDL Novice

    Mar 8, 2013
    I'm having the same problem. I tried to update my Acer 4937 bios when the blue screen of death showed up and busted my laptop (during the update process). Now theres just a black screen when I try to power it. So I tried this method; I downloaded the bios file for my laptop from Acer website, renamed it from KALG0102.FD to KALG0X64.FD as told from Andy's tool. So here's a step by step process of what I did:
    Remove battery, power cord
    Attach USB drive
    Press Fn + Esc and plugin AC Power
    After 3 - 5 secs, press power button
    Release the buttons

    Then a white screen shows up, fans start.. and disappears with fans turning off; but BIOS is still not fixed. So I burned the file to a CD and tried again, white screen stayed on for an hour and nothing happened; Then I burned another CD with some possible combinations as suggested in this forum.


    The White screen stays stuck. What am I doing wrong here?
  9. knaphih

    knaphih MDL Novice

    Mar 8, 2013
    Nevermind :) . I found a solution. Non of the methods I mentioned above worked so I copied the latest BIOS file to a USB drive formatted to FAT, renamed it to KALG0X64.FD, and copied FLAs**t.exe to the USB as well. Steps are here as follows:

    Remove battery, power cord
    Attach USB drive
    Press Fn + Esc and plugin AC Power
    After 3 - 5 secs, press power button
    Release the buttons

    The white screen showed up and stayed for around two minutes and then the laptop restarted, with the BIOS flashed. I'm now in the process of installing Windows 8.
  10. Methanoid

    Methanoid MDL Novice

    Aug 27, 2009
    I have Acer V5-171 with UEFI BIOS and need to recover and would like to put BIOS (not UEFI) on it. They call that a downgrade ;-)

    Anyway the BIOS update executables contain two FD files (some contain THREE!): HM77x64.fd & NM70x64.fd

    How can I rename them BOTH to BIOS.fd (Andy's tool says thats the default) or which one do I use? :(
  11. Methanoid

    Methanoid MDL Novice

    Aug 27, 2009
    Meh, I assumed that the 3 BIOS referred to chipsets (NM70 for Acer One 756, HM70 for older Sandybridge V5-171 and HM77 for new Ivybridge V5-171) and renamed HM77x64.fd to BIOS.fd and put on a 2Gb FAT formatted Usb stick. Rebooted with Fn-Esc and black screen and reading USB. Then bleeped a couple of times and rebooted. Instead of downgrading from 2.15 BIOS to 2.04 it was still 2.15.

    I *need* to get this onto an older BIOS. Any ideas? :bangin:
  12. Tibzkie

    Tibzkie MDL Novice

    Mar 25, 2013
    Hello guys! can you help me? I have an ACER Aspire 4745G i updated it with a wrong bios. A bios of ACER 4745 without a G. My laptop has a black screen of death. I found this website and try those methods. but nothing happens still had a black screen of death.

    This are my steps that I have Done.
    1. Download the bios file ZQ1x64EC.bin I dont know if it is the right bios for my laptop I download a lot including ZQ1_125.exe in DOS folder but it cant be extract in phoenix tool.
    2. I extract the ZQ1x64EC.bin and the phoenix tool said to rename it to ZQ1x64.fd.
    3. I rename the file and put it to my USB with a FAT format without any number.
    4. I remove the battery of my laptop and ac. press fn+esc and power button.
    5. then put the battery again and ac plug and press fn+esc and power button. I also try wihout battery.
    6. the laptop led beside power button blinks. then after 30 seconds my USB flash drive led blinks. then after a few seconds the led turns off and turns on again after a few seconds. I wait a couple of minutes but still nothing happens. I still have a black screen of death.
    I dont know what is wrong. I follow the steps but nothing happens. My battery is dead. it can affect the BIOS? Please help me.:confused:
  13. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    its the same bios file for both... so u didnt flash wrong one.
    why did u flash. what symptoms ?
    likely u have defective ram and flash fails. (try 1 ram at time)
    u might need flas**t.exe
  14. Tibzkie

    Tibzkie MDL Novice

    Mar 25, 2013
    i updated a wrong bios file. its not for acer 4745g its for acer 4745. then my laptop cant be turned on. I already checked it on a computer shop. they already checked the ram, monitor, etc... the defect is the mobo or bios and they dont know how to fix it. they recommend me to buy a new mobo or laptop.
    I follow this steps for recovering bios:
    1. download bios.
    2. extract the zip file.
    3. extract again the .exe file in windows folder
    4. there will be files (zq1x64ec.bin, insydeflash, bios0.bios, bios4.bios, ding, fwupdlci, iscflash.dll, iscflash.sys, iscflashx64.sys, platform, xerces-c_2_7.dll and atpttimerinfo.dll
    5. put the zq1x64ec.bin phoenix tool and rename it to zq1x64.fd and put it on usbflash drive
    6. put it into the laptop press fn+esc +powerbutton.
    7. the led in laptop will blink and the usbflash drive will blink.
    8. the laptop will turn off and turn on again but nothing happens still had a black screen of death.
    is there other files that i will put beside zq1x64.fd?
  15. natz074

    natz074 MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2013
    Hello guys! I'm new to the forum.. Can someone help me.. I have this Acer Aspire One 722 and now the bios is corrupt. I've tried everything that is posted on the first page but the flash drive don't respond. It only blinks when I press the power button then nothing happens. The fan runs on full speed by the way..thanks in advance:)
  16. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    EFI / Insyde BIOS
    Recovery filenames are: BIOS.fd
  17. natz074

    natz074 MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2013
    I renamed the file "BIOS.fd" and put it in a 4gb(formatted fat16) but I think the flash drive is not communicating, it just blinks once after I press the power button..thanks for the reply
  18. LatinMcG

    LatinMcG Bios Borker

    Feb 27, 2011
    what brand and size stick ? some brands dont work.
    i use sandisk and never any probs on other laptops
  19. natz074

    natz074 MDL Novice

    Mar 27, 2013
    It's Transcend 4gb flash drive. I've tried sandisk 8gb flash drive but it's not even lighting up when I plug it. I even tried sandisk 512mb sd card hook it up with card reader but it just blink and no sign of activity.
  20. test07

    test07 MDL Novice

    Jun 16, 2010
    Could someone please help me identify the correct file name and recovery method for an Acer Aspire 5560?
    Unfortunately I can't post links here yet but the current published BIOS for the 5560 is on Acer's support site - BIOS_Acer_1.09_A_A.zip.
    The original BIOS file is JE50109.bin. Andy's tool pops up ACRSYSACRPRDCT, I don't think that's the recovery name. I tried extracting the self-updating .exe but couldn't find anything useful. Also none of the methods I've tried to recover the BIOS with USB have seemed to cause the computer to behave in a way any different to usual. I've tried the main fn + esc, ac-in, 3-5 secs power on, as well as win-b... Any help would be be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks, Tom