Universal MediaCreationTool.bat wrapper for ALL versions (1507 - 21H2)

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by AveYo, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    @thecom12, the not being able to download and not showing the gui issue is invariably a result of badly configured machine - considering the script is powershell 2.0 compatible..
    when I have tested italian 7 and italian 10 myself and found it working fine, I actually also tested tr ones and found it working fine as well
    every time there's an issue reported it's either tr, pt-br or it - because these are the communities that make use extensively of home-brewed (and often pre-broken) iso's
    it would prove very difficult to diagnose
    I suggest instead the common workarounds of bypassing the gui altogether by simply renaming the script as:
    auto 21H2 MediaCreationTool.bat = to launch auto upgrade with 10 21H2 version
    iso 21H2 MediaCreationTool.bat = to launch iso creation 10 21H2 version
    can change 21H2 to any other older build, or use 11 for getting windows 11

    can add desired edition to override the detected one:
    auto 11 Enterprise MediaCreationTool.bat = to launch auto upgrade with 11 version, Enterprise edition
    iso 11 Pro MediaCreationTool.bat = to launch iso creation with 11 version, Professional edition

    can also add language (example: en-us or tr-tr) or architecture (x86 or x64) or no_update (for troubleshooting)

    the script is quite versatile. of course you can also edit the script values directly, but I and many users find it more convenient to just rename the file with the additional options
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  2. thecom12

    thecom12 MDL Novice

    Apr 13, 2011
    Greetings again, first of all, I would like to state that all the software on my computer is original and/or open source, apart from that, after GitHub user Lyk5t recommended the region and time format, the interface came. I would like to inform you again that there is a problem with the command.

    Google Translated :)

    Attached Files:

  3. NitrousX123

    NitrousX123 MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2013
    Hi there i need some guidance please. I would like to create a Win 11 iso using the tool if i select create ISO do i just navigate to MCT then launch the Media creation tool which then creates the custom win 11 iso? Is this correct?
  4. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    @NitrousX123, After selecting Create ISO there's nothing else to do but wait until it's done in the same folder where you've run the script from.
    Note that it is gonna use the autodetected Edition, Language and Architecture. If for some reason that's not correct or you simply want another, you can rename the script to contain the new ones as mentioned couple posts above

    @thecom12, that's quite encouraging! I haven't been able to replicate it, but now that I know messing with the regional settings can help, I'm gonna test again! Thank you!
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  5. Oryders

    Oryders MDL Novice

    Jun 15, 2021

    I didn't understand how to skip the TPM check you indicate in the two possibilities:

    > 11: Skip TPM check at media startup via winpeshl.ini (cleaner than directly changing the system hive)
    > 11: Skip TPM check on dynamic update - system wide (works for insider previews), also as a standalone failover script.

    How can I make sure I skip the check, and that the script actually makes the changes?

    Should I just run Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.bat once Windows 11 is installed?

  6. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #186 Dark Dinosaur, Oct 3, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
    Decided to mix your CMD / PS Into one version :cool:
    10X times better from my PS / VBS version
    there is way to make loop guard for the PS version ?

    :::: Run as administrator, AveYo: ps\cmd version
    1>nul 2>nul fltmc || (1>nul 2>nul pushd "%windir%\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\" && (
        set "_=call "%~f0" %*" & powershell -nop -c start cmd -args'/d/x/r',$env:_ -verb runas) || (
        >nul reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "%tmp%\cmd.exe" /f /d RUNASADMIN
        >nul robocopy /lev:0 "%systemroot%\system32" "%tmp%/" cmd.exe& start "" /high "%tmp%\cmd.exe" /x/d/rset+=A^&"%comspec%" /rcall "%~f0" %*)
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  7. Dresan

    Dresan MDL Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2009
    Hi, this tool is fantastic and easy to use, but does it leave behind traces in the computer after its use? Is there something to delete after use?
  8. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    thats offtopic (a better place to discuss is in scripting forum section) - plus it kinda defeats the purpose when you add powershell - all the speed advantage goes down the drain;
    powershell does not need a loop guard

    if you run any of the top 3 preset provided by the script, you don't need to do anything, it's automatic.
    For Insider Builds unblocking, yes, you just run the standalone script to enable bypass (and can run it again to disable it at any time)

    I think I've solved some of the localization plague in the last update. thank you again for the motivation ;)

    that's a wonderful question!
    script creates a MCT folder next to where you run it, caching mct executables and products.cab, as well as any auxiliary files for later usage - you can delete it when you're done with setup
    with Auto Setup preset, the windows installation files are made in C:\ESD\Windows and you can delete them after upgrade is completed (windows diskcleanup will also get them later on)
    with Create ISO I explicitly clean after it, and with Create ISO or Select in MCT, MediaCreationTool cleans up automatically when exiting
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  9. james28909

    james28909 MDL Novice

    May 14, 2017
    #189 james28909, Oct 4, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2021
    i am having some problems understanding how to use this tool.

    all i want to do is create an iso that i can burn to a usb drive and do a fresh install of win 11 on another partition.

    i ran it, selected 11 and then selected create iso, which eventually downloaded and created an iso called "Windows.iso". i then loaded the iso in windows 10 on a machine that is tpm 1.2 (with no hope of upgrade to tpm 2.0 ofcourse) and it immediately told me that my system was incompatible. taking this piece of information i do not think that it will work for a fresh install either.

    please advise and thank you for the great tool

    EDIT: i think i actually selected "select in mct" on the first try. i redid it and made sure to select "create iso" this time and it had a different function that ran at the end and i have an 11 21h2.iso in the tools root folder. i am putting it on a bootable flash drive and going to see if it works. thanks again for the great tool :D
  10. yro

    yro MDL Addicted

    Jul 26, 2009
    guys, sorry if already answered but does anybody knows when the 21h2 rtm isos will be released?
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  11. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    I have improved the description of what each preset does - just a bit
    As you have found out (tho it was written in the original description as well),
    Select in MCT
    = vanilla = MCT exclusive authoring, there's nothing copied / applied to the iso by the script
    Create ISO or Create USB with 11 selected are gonna pre-apply Skip TPM Check to boot.wim after or during sources creation
    and will also copy auto.cmd to the iso - so you can run it in a new pc to to enable Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update (normally it starts Auto Setup but you can cancel it early if not needed)
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  12. james28909

    james28909 MDL Novice

    May 14, 2017
    so when updates are released for windows 11, i will be able to update or will i need to do some other configuring?
  13. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    Did you copy paste the text yourself in a new file? Because you should not (unless you use a proper editor),
    instead use download button on pastebin / download ZIP button on github - to prevent line endings from being garbled
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  14. adabo

    adabo MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2009
    Oh, I see. I clicked "Raw" in the top right of the gist, then right clicked on the new page "Save Page As" which was MediaCreationTool.bat on my desktop. Is that not correct?
  15. adabo

    adabo MDL Novice

    Aug 2, 2009
    Update: I tried select all and copy to clipboard then pasted into my text editor and it is working now. Thank you @BAU
  16. james28909

    james28909 MDL Novice

    May 14, 2017
    @BAU will android apks work on this install of windows 11 when they finally make that option available? or will it be necessary to actually upgrade hardware just to run android apps on windows 11? the highest version tpm my system will get is 1.2 with no chance of 2.0. so that made me wonder if android apps will work when it becomes available. thanks again for your great tool and all the help you have given to us peasants lol. if i wasnt dirt poor id buy you a beer or bottle of the good stuff. thanks again
  17. Dresan

    Dresan MDL Junior Member

    Oct 21, 2009
    BAU, will Windows 11 use 22000.194 just released?
  18. LoneWanderer

    LoneWanderer MDL Novice

    Mar 2, 2021
    Download directly from GitHub was precisely what I did, and this was the result. Personally, I wish there was an official download link or something to make it more normie friendly.
  19. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    @Dresan, updated to use .194 release. do note that I still use windows 10 21H1 MCT - because the new W11 one is limited crap (non working upgrade or createupgrademedia capabilities)
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