@BAU - can you outline or point to the /product server method? your git mentions it but i cant find the original reference and you apparently stopped using this method. thanks
I know I will be crucified for asking such a 'stupid' question but here goes.... I'm not a novice by any means but I just can't seem to get the batch file to work? I run as admin, select 11, and choose make usb and select path to usb. Fine so far. A MS window opens and displays a Progress indicator that just sits there for ever na dose not progress..... I've read through the Readme file and I just can't seem to see what I am doing wrong. It's there in black and white but I just don't see it. How do you use the utility... OK guy's TAKE AIM >>>> FIRE!
Obviously it won't be offered on "unsupported" hardware, just like current 11 is not. Workaround might continue to work. Or not. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
@BAU Firstly, thank you for this and all your other scripts. I'm fascinated by your high-level PowerShell knowledge, as is @abbodi1406 's BATch skills. I had installed Win 22000.282 on an old unsupported laptop via WinNTSetup. The LCU couldn't be installed due to a corrupt component (because it's 'lite'd). I downloaded the 22000.318 ISO. I ran \Setup.exe. Although there were "AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU" and "Bypass..." settings in Registry, the Setup.exe didn't allow the upgrade ('TPM and SecureBoot' condition). Then I copied your MediaCreationTool.bat to the folder where I extracted the contents of the ISO. After "Quick_11_iso_esd_wim_TPM_toggle.bat" patched to install.wim, when I ran the created "Auto.cmd", there was no unsupported error, but it went to the download process. However, the install.wim file existed in the \sources folder. I've canceled. Tried again and stuck at 38%. I deleted these two files. Code: del /f /q "%Programdata%\vd.exe" del /f /q "%Programdata%\11tpm.vbs" I wanted Setup.exe to recognize the install.wim in the \sources folder without downloading the Windows ESD file again. I copied the install.wim to the folder where the MCT will download: Code: xcopy /y d:\sources\install.wim "%Homedrive%\ESD\Download\installx64.esd*" Then I ran the Auto.cmd again and the upgrade full-screen appeared("Installing Windows Server..."). After reboot Windows 11 upgraded to 22000.318. I hope this method will be useful for those who have a similar problem.
@oceansalt You tried to mix & mach scenarios and the result was not what you expected. So, you had Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd script active, and that one was messing with the media setup that you patched via Quick_11_iso_esd_wim_TPM_toggle.bat. The easiest solution was to just run again Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd script to toggle it off (has a built-in undo). That script works globally, for both windows update 11 builds (after OfflineInsiderEnroll) and manual setup in windows via usb / mounted iso. Note that all was well before microsoft released 22509 with an updated compatibility process. So I had to change the workarounds used. v6 is much more reliable and future-proof.
@oceansalt AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU only works if you have TPM 1.2 at least, and fulfilled the other requirements (UEFI, Secureboot, RAM, Drive size ...)
Facing the below issue: Downloading with broswer is fine, PS is version 5, tried after deleting MCT dir, Powershell appears to be unblocked and BITS is enabled and running. Can someone help?
@dudedroid, where are you running the script from (directory)? Do you have Defender Controlled Folders enabled by chance, blocking the script from saving the files? Have you tried with Defender disabled (or whatever AV you have)?