MD I have activated using the script, pro + project + viso, success in first try. I will uninstall later, do not use microsoft office, i'm testing and learning only. Did not touch anything in the script, so now I have 180 days to go. If I uncomment line 8, say in 160 days from now, it will reactivate again?
MasterDisaster I tried the running commands you referenced on the prior page with Administrator rights and received a dialogue stating "dism is not a recognized command". I am running Datacenter Server 2008, does this mean that this OS doesn't use dism?
If you run the script without modifying, it will reactivate. That part of the note is for running the script at every startup. Maybe, dism is not available in that OS. I am a bit confused, if you are referencing to this script, then you need to ask Phazor.
MasterDisaster No, I was talking about the commands you posted in this thread on 13_10_2010 @3:00AM (you really need to get to bed earlier) on page 33. I ran those and received the answer I posted. The last link you provided me references the instructions on how to modify the installation volume image. Perhaps dism is not installed by default but available? If dism is not included with a 2008 Datacenter install, is it on the Datacenter evaluation volume? Phazor, are you reading this?
Microsoft Security Essentials found in UniKMS Alfa 2.7z virus named Trojan:Win32/Meredrop!Is that really alert for my PC?
Egrupov, i can understand that you are concerned, but ask yourself this: What, except for a bad reputation and a well deserved ban maybe, would i gain from infecting your PC? @gmaslin: Sorry man, i have absolutely zero experience with idea if it includes DISM by default.
I have run the script ( have only deleted the code pertaining to windows) in Win 7 Enterprise new installation and office pp+project+visio are activated. However I am receiving follwoing error when starts or restart: Forgot to mention that it creates a file in KMS folder with flwg text: kms: CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """C:\Users\Public\KMS\KMS_Activator.cmd""", 0, False
The error is because of the voice.vbs, I don't know why its not working on Enterprise. It could be because there is not speech engine. Just add REM to line no. 31,53 and 104 that has call :speak "!msg!".
Have already found what was causing the error. As said I installed office in a new enterprise edition and the sound driver was missing, usually I have sound muted so did not realize that driver was missing. Once installed have not received any message, so activation script it is perfectly doing tyhe job. It was my mistake and regret to bother with something wrong. Thanks.
Tested with Windows 7, 32-bit, Enterprise and my own VLK, it worked great. Thanks! Does it have command line parameters so that it can be run automatically from Task Scheduler?
No params, but the final will come with the option to install a DLL which loads with the system so that the whole thing can maintain itself. Renewals will then take place every 7 days automatically. No scheduled tasks needed; Volume Editions are pre-programmed to do that. It will then function just like a normal KMS setup which is steadily connected to its KMS Host. In other words; its a install-and-forget solution.
Well, the wait is over. All the features are added now and have been thoroughly tested by myself (hopefully thoroughly enough) so that i dont think further testing or even a beta will be necessary. In my tests everything worked 100% flawlessly, so if a couple of you could just confirm that there are no problems i will make a release thread with details... EDIT: Bug found; checking everything again revealed that repeating the activation request in the Office section will start the activation request for Windows. (Small two-letter mistake, still annoying.) Fixed version with a couple of extra options to follow soon...
I just tried it on a fresh W7 Enterprise x64 edition, and besides a couple of re-activation attempts for the 8007000D error it was perfect. Worked with Office 2010 Professional Plus as well. Kudos! Oops! Ran into a problem. I chose the option to install the background service. Upon rebooting I see: Windows can't open this file: localhost.dll.
Was the file installation successful? Is localhost.dll present in System32? (Its a hidden system file so you have to enable the option to show them first.) The launcher seems to be there or it couldnt have thrown this error. Thanks for checking...
I did have a script with some of MDs code, but then i unwittingly deleted that folder, which left me with a rather old copy of the 5.0 script. I have then decided to just append the office part in the same format as the rest was and be done with it... As for testing; you could check out the host installer and let me know if you have the same problem as yngdiego...
I think this script is from somewhere here in this thread. (Kind of shared this thread with Did you see my edit?