As for Office related registry keys...anyone already discovered the hidden OSPP one? Code: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform This key is so super-hidden it can not be made visible by usual means. But it is definitely there. One of the entries under this key is 'VLRenewalSchedule'...
Do we have any idea what status we get after the first 30 days pass saying when we get the red bar. I'm assuming it's notification for the 30 day duration but the day after what is it? Does it go into grace then. Then we could rearm! Could we get a backup by setting the time/date to the future when after 30 day intitial red bar days them do a back up then since time/date doesn't affect restore? So go to past 30days hope it's in grace not notification anymore? It's in grace possibly? take backup reset time use backup and be able to rearm initially Then for instance a rearm concept might work? Is this
Yep, i know. Volume Windows has this one too. Aah...there it is. No wonder i couldnt find it directly under CURRENT_USER.....SB must have displayed the wrong path! The 'Value' entry under Policies/<RealLongNumber> looks pretty interesting. Its in hex, so you have to doubleclick it and look at the cleartext field on the right. Might be useful to prove or disprove one of my other theories...
@TS: Rearming Office (when all rearms are used up) is possible just by deleting something. I ran out of rearms a couple of times and somehow i always ended up with new rearms and a fresh grace period again. Unfortunately i was looking for something else at the time so i didnt pay attention to what i was doing to trigger the reset. But it is possible...without rebooting even...
When initially installing 2010 you are in notifications upon which you cannot ream! This also said true of after 2010 repairs. Hence you cannot rearm in certain notification states. IN the notifcation state after having ben in grace already you go into a notification state upon which you can rearm and even more like 4 more times. Then the notification state at that time cannot be rearmed. Are you seeing what I'm saying? Can't rearm state's: 1. Initial 2010 install 2. Just repaired 2010 3. After all rearms (5) have been used. Which my program avoids by restoring periodically Can rearm: 1. When activated with at least 1 rearm left 2. When in grace with at least 1 rearm left 3. My ? as to after the 30 days with the whole time having red bar does it stay in notification or go to grace? Basically what happens if you use 2010 more than 30 days without activating. What state does it go into? I heard you guys talking about when you couldn't or could rearm and this is my programs issue too
Well, like i said, im not sure about the details, but what i had happen (several times) was basically this: + All rearms used up, several minutes subtracted from grace + I deleted something, ability to rearm restored and grace back to full again No reboots inbetween. Thats all i can tell...
I know for certain when you repair you get back to having 5 rearms but still at that time you cannot rearm only activate And to cody what state are you in if you leave initial install after 30 days. REd bar still there? Is it still in notificaitons? or grace then? That is what I was asking? For me the picture I had was how to get from one state to another My desired state change of course would be from initial notificaitons to grace
I still have a copy of the VM with the screwed up setup...will see if i can find out what exactly i did to trigger these resets. May be a while until i get around to it though because theres so many other things on my schedule. If/when i figure it out i will let you know.
Need info on Multipoint Server. • GVLK • Registry string of HKLM\...\...\CurrentVersion\EditionID THX
Here is the GVLK key -> 736RG-XDKJK-V34PF- BHK87-J6X3K But cant give u the EditionID, as I haven't installed it yet...