[UNSUPPORTED] Universal KMS Activator (KMSA 6.0) Preliminary Tests - Part II

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Phazor, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    Thanks Tito. :)

    If someone happens to know the ID, please post so i can add MPS to the app.

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  2. ineerav

    ineerav MDL Novice

    Nov 24, 2010
    Help required!

    Hi! i m not a programmer, i m an average computer user... i have downloaded office pro plus 2010. plz help me to activate it using kms as i dont understand most from these threads...
  3. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    1) Install GVLK

    2) Set Host Machine Name to localhost

    3) Download app from 1st post, run it, select Office Activation

    If you need more help tell us what youre having problems with.
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  4. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    Nobody that EditionID of Multipoint?

    I would like to finish 1.1 now...
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  5. Slappy

    Slappy MDL Junior Member

    Aug 12, 2008
    #426 Slappy, Nov 27, 2010
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  6. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009

    Thanks very much. :)
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  7. kmr1685

    kmr1685 MDL Novice

    Dec 8, 2009
    hi Mr.phazor first thanks for this tool and second it is worked on my office 2010 professional plus vl edition x32 so thanks. if some thing else happens then i will report back here after all if i need help where can i get, here only. so i will come here sometime later in future with the result. :)
  8. jackieboy

    jackieboy MDL Novice

    Dec 5, 2010
    Confirmed working with Server 2008 R2 Ent, and have this dual booting with Win7, works/updates etc fine.

    Just out of interest when installing 2008 R2, after running through the slmgr steps and uniKMS alpha, if i run slmgr /ato i get the "0xC004F074 - The Key Management Server (KMS) is unavailable". However if i run slmgr /dlv the license staus is "licensed" and Intial Config Tasks etc display the Product as activated and as mentioned it runs / updates etc with no problems. Does the slmgr /ato just apply to windows clients or have i missed something!? :)
  9. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    You dont need to run the -ato command manually, the app does that when you select activate.

    If for some reason you want to run it manually then the app has to be running. Otherwise the host wont be online and you will get the 'unavailable' error.
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  10. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    BTW, i hope i will be able to re-release the new version soon. (Including a couple of enhancements not present in the last build.)

    I just want to make sure that there are no stupid typo-errors this time around and this means lots of testing.

    The release date only depends on how soon i can spare the time to take care of this project. But it should be soon.
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  11. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    FYI: I have now confirmed that my theory as for what causes the persistent 8007000D errors was absolutely right.

    The good news is that the fix for this is dead easy, but unfortunately the integration of it into an application is not.

    But i am working on it.

    Once i devised a viable way, things like rearming, repairing and/or reinstalling etcetera will be a thing of the past. This goes for both Windows and Office.

    The fix will either be applied via an automated solution or as simple as pressing a button in the menu. It takes effect immediately without the need for a reboot or anything else.

    Stay tuned for news...this one should be good...:)

    PS: Re-release of 6.0 delayed until further notice...
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  12. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    #433 CODYQX4, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2019
  13. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    Sure you can help testing.

    I will try to put something together in the coming days and then get back to you with a test-copy and the necessary infos...
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  14. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    I will also test if you need dude
  15. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    I am very close to a working solution - the main problem (the how) could be solved with 5kb of code. :)

    Now i only need to make it work in the app somehow...

    What i had in mind is basically this:

    A menu option triggers a .cmd which resides in the apps virtual dir. The .cmd contains a couple of commands that must not be altered, but also a couple of values that have to be altered according to user input. In other words the .cmd must execute, ask the user to input a value, and then proceed to use this value in the following command. (A random value from 0-255 would work too, which would effectively automate the process.)

    What do you think would be the simplest way to achieve this? The less code, the better...after all im working with good ol' cmd here...:)
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  16. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    #437 CODYQX4, Dec 12, 2010
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  17. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    #438 Phazor, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Suppose we have a .cmd like this:

    ask user for input
    use user input to set value
    execute a command containing value
    do some other stuff

    Not that i cant do it myself, im just curious how other people would go about it...
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  18. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    #439 CODYQX4, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2019
  19. Phazor

    Phazor MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    Well, obviously i dont want to spill the beans (yet), but let me give you some more concrete info just so you know what im really up to here.

    The thing is i have to patch a file according to user input. The file is part of UniKMS and resides along with the rest in the apps virtual dir. The patching is done via a ultra-small commandline hex patcher. The command is pretty simple: patcher offset=value. This will replace the existing value at the defined offset with the defined value.

    Thats why i need to ask the user for a value or have one created (in a predefined range) at random. Like i said, i can do it, but if there is one thing i learned than its that my way of doing things in cmd is not always the most efficient...
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