I try to run this on a 64 bit machine and I get a message that it is incompatible with 64 bit operating system.
You are the 2nd person to say that. It seems 16bit apps really do not run on 64bit systems then. Thats a major blow because it means in order to fix that i would have to redo the entire app yet another time. Isnt there anything that can be done? Could it be that you folks are merely missing ntvdm.exe on your systems?
I have tried to run it on both Server 2008 and Server 2008R2 and get the same message that itnf.com is incompatible with 64 bit operating systems. I have a 64 bit version of Windows 7 I could try it on but I do not have any office applications installed there so I suspect that your program would detect that early in the game and quit with a "nothing to do" message. Overall I have tried it on 4 computers. Server 2008R2 is the same code base as Windows 7, and Server 2008 is the same code base as Vista so I don't think the problem is any missing modules on any of these computers. I believe that only 32bit and 64bit applications will run on these versions of Windows.
No, it wont work on x64 because 64bit CPUs are not able to execute 16bit code in 64bit mode. For now the app can only be used on x32.
Menu Format Please take this as a constructive suggestion as opposed to nit picking. I think the menu could be more user friendly if it were constructed with a list of options that could be selected using radio buttons and then executed as a group. Then you could get red of "all the above except the port" and "all the above including the port" options. Something similar to: Main Options •Install Product Key •Set KMS Machine Name to LocalHost •Set KMS Port to 1688 •Initiate Activation/Renewal Request Misc Options •Clear Host machine Name •Uninstall Produce Key / Rearm Windows •Install/Uninstall KMS Host Display Options •Show Activation Status •Show List of all Editions supported by this application •Return to the Windows/Office Selection Menu ApplyExit And where I have the bullets put a radio button that would select the action on that line. Some combinations would have to be illegal but I don't see that as a huge problem. On the other hand you menu certainly gets the job done.
As a matter of fact i was thinking about something like that (checkboxes) but then i thought why the extra work if a user can simply press the right button. Thats not lazyness or lack of imagination, simply influenced by the fact that i have only limited time for these things and i really wanted to get this done after almost a year of development. Thanks for the suggestion anyhow...im always open to the thoughts of others.
When i download it, my norton 360 delete it straight away since it has some backdoor.sdbot. Can you make it clean for the official release? thanks
Just for the record. I am still running an x64 server 2008 install without issues that was activated with the VB script from around page 18 in this thread but it should be noted that the boot partition is a 32bit install so there may very well be 64bit incompatibility. Sorry for any previous posts that indicated otherwise.
Would it be posible the run the activator as a service on machine A (preferable win2k3 as this is my DC and is always on) and activate machine B (win2k8r2) and macine C (win7) over the network?
Error Win 7 Enterprise N SP1 I think i ran into a Win 7 Enterprise N SP1 system with this problem (see screenshots). Could you help me fix it? You wrote the port could be the problem, how can i make sure it is set as it should be? Or is there a new way to address this problem? thx a lot
Exclude it or temporary turn the av off..... its the KMS emulator that the av suspects as a virus!!!!
for some reason I am getting the error "Product not found" I have build 7601 This copy of Windows is not genuine when I am connected via A VPN
This fails and does not work for me: Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Activating Windows(R) 7, Enterprise edition (ae2ee509-1b34-41c0-acb7-6d4650168 915) ... On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0 x8007007B' to display the error text. Error: 0x8007007B Help! I spent 3 hours just to get to the point of trying this out, and still can't activate :/
Phazor isn't supporting stuff anymore here type this into admin cmd line Code: slmgr /dlv What does it say You might try a rearm then try activating again with WOAT but not with this since it requires you enter key and set host Code: slmgr /rearm Phazor never got around to supporting x64 yet anyhow If you can't get KMS WOAT to work then try IR5 or just install Ultimate and use Loader ...lol
I have found this to work. At a CMD prompt as Admin slmgr -rilc slmgr -rearm Reboot Then try activation again.