[Update and Support] Rufus USB Tool

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by user_hidden, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Akeo

    Akeo MDL Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2013
  2. pengoau

    pengoau MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2012
    #62 pengoau, Dec 29, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    I understand. I'm just a poor person that doesn't own any larger ufds heh. 1st world problems. ;)

    At the very least it should be a simple thing to implement and ask the translators to introduce a dialog that when encountering this condition it says "RTFM" lol.. Then again might as well implement a workaround heh. A checkbox "ignore destination capacity"or something. Only mention this as novicorp "just works"without any checking of boxes or cheatcodes..

    Just a suggestion for your tool you might like to implement? Once its implemented it will be able to be used when say win 10 needs a 8gb ufd and it complains when using a 8gb ufd that doesn't report its space correctly... Just not limited to 4gb just that its encountered in this case. If its too much work for not much gain, I understand your reasons for not bothering. Like I said just a suggestion for a real minor feature suggestion or area of improvement. Just that one of your "competitors"can do it so thought I'd speak up as your tool is good but can be better :)

    I am not a developer so fair enuf you have your reasons for not bothering as per your minimise example.

    Anyways thanks for bringing it to my attention and correcting my ignorance.

    This should be a thing of the past as my UFD either dies or disappears and I'll forced to get a new ufd which should be 16gb.
  3. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Has nothing to do with to be an 'poor' people or not! That problem has simply to do with to be lazy of an user. Every user I know, and their a lot with very little knowledge of computer terms, know that space used or need to use is an major factor in case of copy something! So, they will check if the space needed is enough on the media they try or like to use!

    On the other hand, something what is offered free to you, didn't means that those who offer that or developed it, didn't has any 'cost' in that! I didn't talk about real money, even time for such development has to be translated to Cost!

    Special who calling themselves as 'Poor People' should do their homework! And if you think that there should a better tool, sit down and learn to make it on your own, than and only than you maybe get what you want (for you)!!

    What I wrote, please didn't see as offense, it isn't, just something about real life!
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  4. pengoau

    pengoau MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2012
    #64 pengoau, Dec 29, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
    I expect a 4gb UFD to fit a image that is 3.7~GB in size for which it even eports it has enuf space/capacity to fit the image.... So what am I led to believe? This has nothing to do with expecting a square to fit in a round hole or some stupidity on my part. This aint no PEBKAC or ID10T error. So I'm lazy for expecting a 4GB ufd to work with a image that is less than 4gb in size? o_O

    I'm poor as I can't afford to go out and buy a UFD every time tools fail to get around shortcomings of the hardware, so I am forced to work with what I have. Unfortunatel I don't have the knowledge to be a developer and the learning curve would be quite steep. Instead I come on here and make a suggestion and mention what has worked (another tool). So that the developer can improve their program if they so want.

    I appreciate the tool is free, this is not meant at any sort of troll, slaming or negativty against the developer. Just a feature suggestion as others are able to do it for us. I just care to see an existing tool made better.

    No offense is taken tho I am just defending my position.

    Fair enuf I was too lazy to rtfm when there are other (free) tools out there that I can try. Is it not testament to the psychology that one would prefer to spend more time trying different tools than spend less time and RTFM for the solution? :-/

    Pebkac in the end tho, maybe tweak a dialog to say how about read the friken manual for a possible workaround! ;) Instead of try something else as thats how my mind works in this day and age of googling another tool to try. I would have explored the manual if there wasn't much choice with the free tools out there.
  5. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    #66 pisthai, Dec 29, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
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  6. Leslie_Coffelt

    Leslie_Coffelt MDL Member

    Feb 6, 2014
    My rule is this: Whatever I think is needed from a size standpoint, multiply by 1.5 to be safe. 3.7GB x 1.5 is about 5.5GB - the closest available would be a 8GB. It's just my own rule, but it saves the frustration of a project delayed by "size I thought was needed" vs. "what the size really is" issues.
  7. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    That's a really safe solution!!

    A fact is, many USB Sticks having less available storage space than you bought it for. Is that fraud? From my point of view yes!
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  8. pengoau

    pengoau MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2012
    #69 pengoau, Jan 3, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
    1. is that an Microsoft Image or 3.party? Microsoft Win 8.1 image was used.
    2. what's the real size of that image file? Windows explorer reports it to be: 3.69GB, 3,871,448 KB and 3,964,362,752 bytes
    3. in what format? Disc Image File (.iso)
    4. what's about the USB Stick? FAT32 and 3.72GB and 3,999,793,152 bytes in use (100% capacity). This is whats reported after novicorp got the image on there. It works as I installed win 8.1 off it.
    5. what's the available size for storage? How to find this out short of what I have already provided? Disk management?

    I tried YUMI and other usb formatters including rufus and none worked except for novicorp which got the image on there.

    The drive reports 0 space free after novicorp formatted and applied the iso. Not sure what it did, even the official ms usb formatter failed.

    I'm guessing the cheatcode to ignore filespace/filesize would have made rufus work (maybe)? Novicorp might have just "bruteforced" the image onto it?

    At the end of the day we are just guess until I try again with the "cheatcode" with rufus.

    The 1.5GB rule is good to use and I will remember that in the future. It was wishful thinking on my part thinking I would be fine with a "4GB" stick and a image slightly less than 4GB in size.

    Well I am curious to see if this "cheatcode" will work, so going to try rufus wit hthe cheatcode and iso image again and see how I go.
  9. pengoau

    pengoau MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2012
    well used file size cheatcode, still failed..

    problem is that it reports enough space after the format but the extract fails.

    I noticed it tried to format as ntfs which novicorp formats it as fat32.

    Might try formatting it as fat32 and maybe using that large disk cheatcode..
  10. pengoau

    pengoau MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2012
    tried 1byt clusters and large drive fat32 as well as fake usb drive detection as off, got further than it usally did but ultimately failed :(

    Well I give up with Rufus, at least for this specific ufd i will use novicorp and when I can use that 1.5GB X iso siz rule I'll use rufus on the ufd.

    Thanks for the assistance.
  11. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    The problem i that the size isn't enough for to create an BOOTABLE USB Stick!! There some MB's which are extra needed for the Boot Sector! All your measuring is correct, just WITHOUT the size of the extra created Boot Sector!

    Using an DVD is no problem, you could even overburn a bit, but on USB Sticks! That said, you'll need to go for an 8GB Stick!
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  12. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. pengoau

    pengoau MDL Novice

    Jan 26, 2012
    #74 pengoau, Jan 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
    tried ms own tool fails at 99%

    I tried novicorp again and I'm guess it works coz it formats the drive as an usbhdd with fat32 lba.

    When I have time I will see if I can do the same format with rufus. I tried previously with rufus large disk cheatcode but it still failed.

    Novicorp lists it as Physical media size: 4005711360 bytes

    So like you said I guess novicorp works as is able to format it with enough space to include the image and make it bootable.

    Whereas the way rufus formats it it ends up not having enough space for the image and boot files. Which option to format it as usbhdd & fat32 lba?

  14. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009

    Can you please use MBR for UEFI i.e the second option in 'Partition scheme & target system type'.
  15. Rab

    Rab MDL Member

    May 18, 2009
    Give it a try once more with the windows tool. If it's a edited iso it still might be on the stick after it errors out. I've had sucsess using this method for ages with modified ISOs and they work all the time.
    My USB-stick is larger thoe, so as usual with some un-known source of info. Use with a grain of salt.

    Hope it works out for you.

  16. son goku

    son goku MDL Novice

    Nov 5, 2013
    #78 son goku, Feb 5, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
    Hello Akeo,

    In Rufus, under "Partition scheme and Target system type" if you choose - "MBR partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI computers" will the flashdrive be both UEFI and (Legacy) BIOS bootable? Will it be able to install in native UEFI mode? and also be able to install in Legacy BIOS mode (depending on what you set it to boot to?
    If that is the case, then what is it's difference from the other option - "MBR partition scheme for UEFI computer"? As I understand this will only allow the USB to boot in UEFI mode and not in BIOS mode. Aren't those 2 options serving the same purpose? Only the other ("MBR partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI computers") allows for native UEFI mode Plus the benefit of also booting in (legacy) BIOS?

    Since FAT32 has file size limit of 4GB, then if you choose an Windows ISO that is over 4GB in file size, will it not work? Or is the 4GB file size applicable only to the install.wim inside the ISO? meaning that if the install.wim inside the ISO is less than 4 GB, then it will still work regardless if the ISO itself is over 4GB?

    I would also like to ask, if for some reason the Windows ISO that is being used with Rufus is not bootable (has become a non-bootable ISO due to rebuilding and editing), will rufus still be able to make a bootable flash drive out of it?

    Does Rufus also support making a UEFI bootable flashdrive from a Windows AIO ISO (x32 & x64)?
    Just my two cents, I'm just puzzled why Rufus, being such an amazing and useful tool that it is, why this thread isn't stickied yet.:confused:
  17. Akeo

    Akeo MDL Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2013