[Update and Support] Rufus USB Tool

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by user_hidden, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    No problems here using Rufus whatsoever.
  2. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009

    I use for such ISO's USB 2 Sticks and not USB 3 Sticks! also the ports on the Computer I use the USB 2 ports.
    NO problems with cooling in my rig's! Nothing is overheating or -heated! Air vetilation works very well. I use an special NZXT Case which has seperate compartments for Drives, PSU and Mainboard and all have their own Fan's.
    The MS Tool is that much slower than Rufus, just versy slightly! For the same ISO the differences are not more than 15sec. for the creation! And I'm not an Speed-Freak as many user's who also counting in part's of seconds!!

    If you had read my post, special tha last one with the Checksum Pictures, you should have understand where the files came from and how the ISO were created! Better you read again!

    Right now I'm uploading the whole bunch of files: .esd, .iso, decrypt.cmd and their folder BIN with content and the Readme whit no any changes on any of those files, to Mega which is complete 5,696,889KB!! The link I'll send soon as finish.

    As I don't like that aggressive behavior which is used by many members here at MDL, incl. you, I'm really not willing to spend more time on this because I didn't need Rufus at all. That said, this is the last I do. If you could not accept that your Tool isn't perfect, no one is(incl. the MS Tool!!), and that I got problems with it on my used computers (5 of them)than you must simply accept that other humans are not willing to do more than just inform you about probblem, if at all! As you expect that I need your word for all you tell, I expect that you have to do the same! Rubbish get's deleted from my computer soon it turns out it is not good and just not ready for to work for me. For what I should keep those Rubbish? It just connsumes space, a lot all together, therefore useless and need to send a way. That includes the older Builds of Windows 10, Rufus and many other files.

    According to Mega it will need more than 3h more for the upload of that files, After it's done I'll send you am PM with Link and you've time till tomorrow night for to download because I'll delete those files latest at Midnight tomorrow (Thai Time GMT +7h)

    No more discussion about this from my side and if you want anything from me, you need to contact me by PM.

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  3. leebo_28

    leebo_28 MDL Senior Member

    Jun 12, 2011
    I would do yourself a favor and cancel the upload. Let's agree to disagree here and move on. You said yourself you will NOT be using RUFUS , so don't :) Akeo won't have to worry about wasting hours and hours of his free time to satisfy what is obviously a configuration or human error on your end. You have many posts where you have been "abrasive" when confronted about something you have said or done is wrong..Your stubborn , I get it , but please consider YOU are the only one having a problem with the software. BYE.
  4. Akeo

    Akeo MDL Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2013
    That's not what I found. For instance I found that the MS tool was more than twice as slow as Rufus on some Windows 7 ISOs.

    And I am just reporting on issues that I know that could explain your problem. In the absence of sufficient data, these are guesses. At no point did I claim that overheating or USB 3 usage was your issue. I'm just trying to explain how external factors can make two applications behave differently, through no fault of the application itself.

    I read it. And I didn't understand how it could help replicate the ISO you used. I'm not familiar with ESD conversion, because that's not something I ever needed to use. Whenever possible, I try working with official ISOs downloaded from public URLs.

    Thank you for doing this. I'm not sure why I would need more than the ISO, but I guess if you provide everything, I should be able to produce the exact same ISO you used with Rufus. In case this is not the ISO with SHA1 91b84868507cdc1d474d54648a5d77f183fe4904 I would appreciate getting the SHA1 of the actual ISO you used, if you could recreate it, so that I could confirm that we are using the same data. The only thing I need really is the ISO that had an issue on your computer.

    The only reason I have a problem with you is because you changed your story from the initial report you provided about Rufus having issues with official Windows ISOs. Your original claim was very inaccurate, and it's been very difficult to get detailed information about your issues (such as where exactly you got your ISOs, etc.). This is only getting a bit better now, but it required putting a lot of pressure (or "aggression") on you to get there, as you kept indicating over and over that you didn't want to have to do anything more with Rufus... If I need to be "aggressive" to get the data I need to investigate an issue, you're damn right I will. :p

    Oh but I know that my tool isn't perfect. I address bugs and issues with it pretty much every day.

    What annoys me however is when someone reports an issue, then change their story, and then don't want to follow up as I am trying to replicate and investigate their potential problem.
    If you have a problem with Rufus, I will always try to look at it. But first I expect you to give me enough data to try to investigate and address it.

    That's new information to me.

    From what I gathered from your earlier posts, it seemed like you had always been using the same computer. Now it's 5 of them. Again, why didn't you open an issue in the very public Rufus github issue tracker if you consistently saw issues on 5 different computers? Clearly, if you tried Rufus on 5 different machines, you had an interest in ensuring that the application worked as expected, and therefore should have reported the issues you were having.

    Call that aggressive, but yeah, I can't help but feel annoyed when someone claim that they saw a failure with an Open Source application on 5 different machines, and yet didn't bother to report it, so that they could try to help others who may experience the same issue. And I'll be even more annoyed when the first I hear about this potential issue is on a public forum, through an early inaccurate statement that was then changed, and when every other post from the original reporter is how he doesn't want to be involved with the whole troubleshooting process any more...

    And yet you tried to use Rufus multiple times on 5 different computers. I can't fathom why you would try Rufus that many times if you thought it was rubbish, unless you wanted to help with troubleshooting these issues, which it didn't seem you want to do as you didn't report them then. I'm sorry but your behaviour doesn't really make sense to me at this stage...

    Thanks for this! I do appreciate the effort, and will make sure to investigate your data properly. Deleting these files tomorrow at midnight should be OK, and I'll report my findings here once I have tested them.
  5. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009

    Hadn't you read this in my last post:

    It's the same with others what you didn't read! Like the 5 computer I've at my home plus another 3 in each of the offices I use by customers where I've Service Contract's with, etc. etc.! I had't written that I all used with Rufus, I just mentioned them because of your remark in your Post before.

    And just to tell: I really gave all a change to prove that I'm wrong or that their is an problem with my hardware used, so for Rufus. It's just a question of available times, have those or not! Rubbish: is something which is useless for me, for what reason ever! That didn't mean that I say in general that things are Rubbish, I would that not do and I'd written in one of my post's about Rufus, that I didn't told Rufus is bad in general, just that I had problems with it.

    regarding the Upload: I've 3Mbps upload speed which is about 390KB/s and there still 58% left to go, which is around 2.5h.
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  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Just a words of a friendly advice. Remeber you are in a forum an sometimes people bring emotions up. Into whatever this discussion ends, please don't abandon this place, just saying in case you get really pissed off :biggrin:
  7. Akeo

    Akeo MDL Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2013

    I just don't understand why you would upload more than the ISO (which is all I need to try to replicate the problem). But that's also fine if you want to provide more.

    At this stage, I have now gotten your files on my server (Thanks again!), and am downloading the ISO back to one of my computers (had to go through my server first for various reasons). It will likely be a few hours or tomorrow before I test it. And indeed, the whole point of getting access to the ISO is to figure out if this is a general issue with Rufus, that needs to be addressed, or if it's an environmental problem. Getting a chance to figure out if it's a problem with Rufus or something with your environment is really what I've been asking all along. Now that you have provided your ISO, it should be easy to find out.


    No worries. As long as I can get useful data or suggestions from people frequenting this forum (and I do, even if I have to poke some of them a little harder to get it ;)), I'm not planning to leave anytime soon. Besides, I wouldn't be developing Open Source software if I was afraid of negative feedback or getting involved in heated arguments.
  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    It's good to know this from you own words my friend... keep up the good work!
  9. Akeo

    Akeo MDL Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2013
    OK, I have now tested pisthai's ISO a few times, using the same Rufus executable as the one he used when he reported the error, and through USB 3.0 and 2.0, and saw no issue so far.
    I should point out however that I don't have access to the same USB flash drives as the ones he used.

    I'll try from a few more computers when I get a chance, but at this stage, I can only conclude that there is an environmental component to the issue...
  10. urie

    urie retired mod

    May 21, 2007
    @ Akeo did you also use the version 4c of esd decrypter Tito mentioned that version could cause corruption.
  11. Akeo

    Akeo MDL Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2013
    The problematic ISO, that was created from the decrypted esd, was also provided, so that's what I used.
    Even if it's potentially corrupted, that's the one I want to use, because I want to be able the report that Rufus might have trouble with it.
    But so far, even with this potentially corrupted ISO, I found no issue. In the absence of similar reports, I have to conclude that this is a purely environmental issue with the system(s) that pishtai used, and the best I can tell right now is that this doesn't look like a Rufus application bug. I have now tried on a few Windows 8 and Windows 10 machines, and found no problem during the UFD creation.
  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Rufus 2.1 already tested on Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 :clap:
  13. cengizhan

    cengizhan MDL Senior Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    1.can i use grub4dos and uefi together with ntfs file system ?

    what i mean is:
    - if i boot from legacy bios, i want grub4dos to be active;
    - if i boot from uefi bios i want bootx64.efi.

    2.which partition scheme is best for ntfs and uefi boot for win7/win8?
  14. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
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  15. Akeo

    Akeo MDL Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2013
  16. ByteNick

    ByteNick MDL Novice

    Apr 2, 2015
    Akeo, if I understand well, once I format the USB stick with the option UEFI:NTFS, the only remaining thing to do is to simply copy the content of the WIndows installation ISO to the stick?
  17. Akeo

    Akeo MDL Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2013
    That is correct.

    If you do so, you should be able to boot in pure UEFI mode, even though the Windows files you copied, and especially the Windows EFI bootloader, reside on an NTFS partition.

    EDIT: But really, if you are using a Windows ISO, you don't need to first create an UEFI:NTFS drive and then copy the files. Just select your Windows ISO, select GPT boot for UEFI and NTFS as the file system, and Rufus will happily create the same thing and copy the files for you.
  18. ByteNick

    ByteNick MDL Novice

    Apr 2, 2015
    That is PERFECT.

    This puts an end to hundreds of attempts to create a bootable USB stick containing install.wim containing most of the updates (bigger than 4Gb).

    Meanwhile, I have tested it successfully.

    Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!