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This is a lifesaver. I loaded windows 7 then windows 10 with no issue from the same flash drive, both were ISO and both over 5 Gigs. The only thing was on reboot it went back to the flash drive, this was my fault because I had set the bios to boot from USB. This is a magic program Just load it on a flash drive from a PC then drag drop the Iso’s on it.. No spaces allowed in Iso name or folder name. On A old ISO install that was originally on multiple disc’s when the installer wants the next disc just hit ‘continue’
Hello and sorry for my bad English. Run Ventoy2DiskX64 (1.0.79) Selected 'WDC WD80 0BB-00JKC0' Clicked 'Non-destructive Install' Spoiler: log.txt Code: ################################################################################## ######################### Ventoy2DiskX64 (1.0.79) ######################### ################################################################################## [2022/08/17 17:02:39.429] Current directory:<D> [2022/08/17 17:02:39.432] id=8748/4240 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.432] PPath:<C:\Windows\explorer.exe> [2022/08/17 17:02:39.432] PSize:<5126256 5006KB> [2022/08/17 17:02:39.432] Lunch main process 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.432] Control Flag: 0 1 1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.433] GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=<C:\Windows\SysWOW64> [2022/08/17 17:02:39.434] Windows Version: <<Windows 10 Education, 64-bit (Build 19044.1889)>> [2022/08/17 17:02:39.434] ===================== Enum All PhyDrives ===================== [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] RegOpenKeyExA <SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk\Enum> Ret:0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] RegQueryValueExA <Count> ret:0 Size:4 Value:2 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] GetPhysicalDriveCount: 2 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] Logical Drives: 0x6001c [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Offset:122683392 ExtentLength:41416654848 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] C --> 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Offset:41539338240 ExtentLength:192126386176 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] D --> 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] LogicalDrive:\\.\E: PhyDrive:0 Offset:233665724416 ExtentLength:6391070720 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] E --> 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.435] DeviceIoControl IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS failed \\.\R:, error:1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.436] R --> -1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.436] LogicalDrive:\\.\S: PhyDrive:1 Offset:32256 ExtentLength:80023716864 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.436] S --> 1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.437] Create file Handle:00000000000000DC \\.\PhysicalDrive0 status:0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.437] PHYSICALDRIVE0 size 240057409536 bytes [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Create file Handle:00000000000000E0 \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PHYSICALDRIVE1 size 80026361856 bytes [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PhyDrv:0 BusType:SATA Removable:0 Size:240GB(240057409536) Name: KINGSTON SUV400S37240G [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PhyDrv:1 BusType:USB Removable:0 Size:80GB(80026361856) Name:WDC WD80 0BB-00JKC0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] LogicalDrive:\\.\C: PhyDrive:0 Offset:122683392 ExtentLength:41416654848 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Logical Drive:C ===> PhyDrive:0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] LogicalDrive:\\.\D: PhyDrive:0 Offset:41539338240 ExtentLength:192126386176 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Logical Drive:D ===> PhyDrive:0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] LogicalDrive:\\.\E: PhyDrive:0 Offset:233665724416 ExtentLength:6391070720 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Logical Drive:E ===> PhyDrive:0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] DeviceIoControl IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS failed \\.\R:, error:1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Logical Drive:R ===> PhyDrive:-1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] LogicalDrive:\\.\S: PhyDrive:1 Offset:32256 ExtentLength:80023716864 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Logical Drive:S ===> PhyDrive:1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Create file Handle:00000000000000E8 \\.\PhysicalDrive1 status:0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Read MBR Ret:1 Size:512 code:183 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] =========== Disk1 MBR Partition 1 ============ [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.Active = 0x0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x7 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 63 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.SectorCount = 156296322 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartHead = 1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartSector = 1 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndHead = 254 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndSector = 63 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 1023 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] =========== Disk1 MBR Partition 2 ============ [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.Active = 0x0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartHead = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartSector = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndHead = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndSector = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] =========== Disk1 MBR Partition 3 ============ [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.Active = 0x0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartHead = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartSector = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndHead = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndSector = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] =========== Disk1 MBR Partition 4 ============ [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.Active = 0x0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartSectorId = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.SectorCount = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartHead = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartSector = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.StartCylinder = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndHead = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndSector = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] PartTbl.EndCylinder = 0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] Part1 not match 63 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.440] < KINGSTON SUV400S37240G> is filtered for not USB type. [2022/08/17 17:02:39.455] Load languages from json file ... [2022/08/17 17:02:39.455] language json file len:226881 json parse:0 [2022/08/17 17:02:39.455] Total 47 languages ... [2022/08/17 17:02:39.493] Not ventoy disk, set secure boot option [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] PartResizePreCheck ... [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] BytesPerSector for this disk is 512 [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] Logical drives in this disk: S: (WinDir:C:\Windows) [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] QueryDosDeviceA success \Device\Harddisk1\DR1 [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] [0] CreateFileA \\.\PhysicalDrive1 code:0 000000000000028C [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] MBR Part1 SectorStart:63 SectorCount:156296322 [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] DiskSize:80026361856 NextPartStart:80026361856(LBA:156301488) Index:-1 [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] Valid partition table (MBR): Valid partition count:1 [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] Partition 1 start at: 32256 31KB, end:80023749120, NextPartStart:80026361856 [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] ###[FAIL] Partition 1 is not start at 1MB [2022/08/17 17:02:44.192] #### Part Resize PreCheck Failed #### I think this is reason: ###[FAIL] Partition 1 is not start at 1MB Please help me to fix.
Align your partitions. You must have used some ancient OS for partitioning, as I recall Windows 7 and up create aligned partitions. You can align with Minitool Partition Wizard bootdisk. But you must have at least Windows XP SP3, else it won't boot. Cheers.
I tested this and it's amazing. It created a exFAT partition and copied the Ventoy files to the EFI partition of the USB flash drive. I copied some iso files to the exFAT parition and they show up in Ventoy at boot. It just works. No config needed.
Very good Tool ! tested with several ISO. Install and live. I was used to have all ISo at same level and now I've tested VentoyPlugson to use the tree view by default that help if you want to sort your ISO Excellent.