If you mention the md5/sha hash value of the files it would help. Tried to download 50a twice, got a corrupted file both times. Will try again tomorrow. EDIT : got the file. size = 22,873,886 bytes md5 = 80B4A1C249D642227201FE8BD4DEF50D
the hashes match my download, so they should be correct. also, you can open the file with 7-zip and verify the archive. -andy-
New build will be up tomorrow (much later today for me). It's a little late to do it at the moment as it's approaching 2 am/0200 Friday and I have to be up in a few hours .
On v50a, install.cmd, line 208 Code: if %arch% equ x64 (copy /y old_runtimes\* "%windir%\syswow64">nul) else (copy /y old _runtimes\* "%windir%\system32%">nul) The space typo is probably preventing the deployment of old_runtimes folder contents for x86 systems, if I've understood it correctly.
Code: if %arch% equ x64 (copy /y old_runtimes\* "%windir%\syswow64">nul) else (copy /y old _runtimes\* "%windir%\system32%">nul) "2017 runtimes are in-place upgrade for 2015 runtimes" is a better wording than rebranded
This space typo is already present in version 47 (the oldest I still have); the newer versions from that folder are not installed if OS x86. Edit: with a corrected install.cmd (space and "%"-character deleted) works.
Dear burfadel, Firstly, thank you so much for your tools. Especially "Visual C++ Redist Installer": I only update this tool for VC updates. I still don't understand that why Windows 10 isn't contains all the VC++ runtimes. Microsoft should have done itself. They are tired of all you. I'd installed the lastest version(V51). I just tried to run Youtube-dl. Youtube-dl can't found "msvcr100.dll". I looked VC++ parts at Contral Panel. Not existed VC+ 2010 x86. I installed the vc_red.msi after extracted from vcredist_x86_2010 folder of "Visual C++ Redist Installer V51.exe". Youtube-dl worked now. Most likely, a software should have erased it from my Win10-x64-15063. Thank you for all efforts.