How To Install And Update Windows Vista SP2 64-bit Beyond Its EOL/ESU Dates

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by CaptainSpeleo, May 3, 2021.

  1. Burdus77

    Burdus77 MDL Junior Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    I always install .NET 4.6 as one of the first steps, then after getting the system up to date, and patching to Server 2008, I then install 4.6.2.
    Never had any issues installing it after I've used the patcher.
  2. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
  3. Burdus77

    Burdus77 MDL Junior Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    #303 Burdus77, Feb 10, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
    Okay I tried doing the process in a different order today to see if I could .NET 4.6.2 installed early.
    I did them in this order:

    1 - rootsupd-2021-10
    2 - Install KB2763674 (SHA-2 Prerequisite)
    3 - KB4493730 (April 2019 SSU)
    4 - KB4474419-v4 (SHA-2 Update)
    5 - .NET 3.5 SP1 and 4.6.2

    The rest was basically following my steps I posted earlier.

    The above order borked Windows Update for me. Only 4 Optional Updates would show up (this is from installing using an old Vista ISO). Usually I have around 190+ updates show up on the first Vista run. But only MS Tinker, Dreamscene, etc showed up.

    I thought maybe it was something to do with the new Feb SSU, so I went back and set up a new VM and did it in my usual order (3.5 SP1 and 4.6), new SSU and then installing 4.6.2 later, and it was back to normal again with 190+ updates showing up. Anyone know why installing 4.6.2 early would break windows update like that? Could it be something to do with the SHA-2 Prerequisite update breaking something?
    I can't work out what caused it to show no Vista updates at all????
  4. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    The minimum set of updates needed before restoring windows update are the four updates related to the long scan issue kb3205638, kb4012583, kb4015380, kb4019204. And then SSU1 KB4493730 and SHA2 KB4474419-v4. A total of 6 updates. Of course after that you need to install the wua 7.7 and patch it with option 1, 2 or 3. It seems to me that you installed wua 7.7 patched it but never installed the long scan updates. This is why you got only the optional updates. It happened to me as well back in the summer when I was experimenting with that part. .Net 4.6.2 or any other .net has nothing to do with that as far as I understand.
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  5. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    I can give my update order if you want
  6. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    Why is this thread not pinned yet?
  7. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    If I understand you correctly, you were able to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 AFTER step #19 and BEFORE step #20 of the current guide?
  8. Burdus77

    Burdus77 MDL Junior Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    All of those updates were installed though. I checked and even took a snapshot and went back to make sure they were all installed, and they were. Still couldn't get the updates to show up though.
  9. Burdus77

    Burdus77 MDL Junior Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Here's what works for me:

    1 - rootsupd
    2 - windowsupdateagent-7.6
    3 - .NET 3.5 SP1 and 4.6
    4 - KB3205638
    5 - KB4012583
    6 - KB4015380
    7 - KB4019204
    8 - KB971512 (IE9 Prerequisite)
    9 - KB2117917 (Platform Update)
    10 - ***Reboot***
    11 - Install IE9
    12 - ***Reboot***
    13 - KB4018271 (IE9 Update)
    14 - KB4056564 (TLS Update for IE9)
    15 - KB4493730 (April 2019 SSU)
    16 - KB4474419-v4 (SHA-2 Update)
    17 - ***Reboot***
    18 - TLS Reg File
    19 - KB4575904 (ESU Licence Prep)
    20 - ***Reboot***
    21 - Install Vista_SHA2_WUC
    22 - ***Reboot***
    23 - Patch as Vista
    24 - KB5006750 (Oct 2021 SSU)
    25 - Install IE9 CSU Using Script
    26 - ***Reboot***
    27 - Install .NET 4.6.2

    And this is what i tried today and didn't work:

    1 - rootsupd-10-2021
    2 - Install KB2763674 (SHA-2 Prerequisite)
    3 - KB4493730 (April 2019 SSU)
    4 - KB4474419-v4 (SHA-2 Update)
    - .NET 3.5 SP1 and 4.6.2
    - KB3205638
    - KB4012583
    - KB4015380
    - KB4019204
    - KB971512 (IE9 Prerequisite)
    - KB2117917 (Platform Update)
    - ***Reboot***
    - Install IE9
    - ***Reboot***
    - KB4018271 (IE9 Update)
    - KB4056564 (TLS Update)
    - ***Reboot***
    - TLS Reg File
    - KB4575904 (ESU Licence Prep)
    - ***Reboot***
    - Install Vista_SHA2_WUC
    - ***Reboot***
    - Patch as Vista
    - KB........ (Feb 2022 SSU)
    - Install IE9 CSU Using Script
    - ***Reboot***
  10. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    #310 ExtremeGrief, Feb 10, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
    My Install Order:

    Install Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 MSDN ISO
    Activate Windows via Windows Loader v2.2.2 by Daz
    2021-10 Root-Revoked Certificate Updates
    .NET 3.5
    Install Drivers
    Internet Explorer 9
    IE9 LCU KB5006671
    .NET 4.6.2
    Visual C++ AIO Pack Repack (
    DirectX End-User Runtime Repack (
    Office (If applicable) (Install Office before doing any Server 2008 Updates as it won't install after that, for some reason, I usually install it at this point.)
    Install WUC 7.7
    Patch WUC 7.7 for Vista Updates
    Install all Vista Updates and Office Updates (If applicable) (Keep in mind that Office may slow down your checking for updates, also you first need to install SP2 (For Office 2010, which is latest supported version for Vista) and enable MU by using the script provided by @Burdus77 in Post #241)
    Patch WUC 7.7 for Server 2008 Updates
    Install all Server 2008 Updates
    Patch WUC 7.7 for Vista + Server 2008 Updates and make sure there are no updates available
    Clean Update cache via DISM++ on online system
  11. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    Some of us have our own methods and steps, so I'll stick with what currently works for me.
    I don't plan to do another clean install and update of Windows Vista Business SP2 64-bit any time soon.
    But when I do, I'll find out if Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 installs after deploying Vista_SHA2_WUC and updating wuaueng.dll, but before running the initial Windows Update scan.
  12. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    As @xrononautis told me in a DM, you need to install the 3 updates: KB3170455 KB2712808 KB2705219 before any Windows Update Updates as if you don't it will break the supersedence chain between some updates. I think he can explain it better as I didn't understand all of it
  13. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    #313 xrononautis, Feb 10, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
    The updates that need to be installed before the Cumulative Update for WS2008 are: kb3060716, kb4014793, kb4018556 and kb4036162. If you try to install a cumulative update before those updates they will stuck at a 23kb size and will just keep coming back. (The solution is simple if that happens you uninstall the monthly cumulative update then install the four updates above and then reinstall the monthly.)

    The three updates that you mention is a mess of its own but they won't stuck. Those are kb3170455v1, kb3170455v2, kb2712808, Kb2705219v1, Kb2705219v2 kb4022008 and kb4037616). kb3170455v1 and Kb2705219v2 were being offered in the vista set of updates (option 1 and 3). kb3170455v2, Kb2705219v1, kb4022008 and kb4037616 were offered with the WS2008 set (options 2 and 3). After installing kb3170455v2 what is happening is that kb4022008 and kb4037616 cannot be installed anymore and instead kb2712808 is showing up. (Go figure...) In my repository I have kept only kb3170455v2 and kb2712808 I used to have also Kb2705219v2 but it is since superseded by the monthlies that came after 2020-01) and once I install them I don't see the rest of the mess. What is funny here is that kb2712808 is supposed to be replaced by kb4022008 according to the catalogue. Again go figure....
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  14. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    I am using new SSU already
    I know that the 3 updates are separate from the other "problematics" but from what you told me in DM in my opinion it's best to install them before to make sure the newest updates are installed correctly.
    I always install monthly rollups as the last thing to make sure nothing bad happens anyways
  15. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    We only have 11 more Patch Tuesdays for Vista, after that I think Microsoft will remove updates for OSes under 7 in 2024 as that's when the last SKU of 7 loses support, but maybe we're lucky for Microsoft to end Windows Updates for under 8.1 in 2026 when Server 2012/R2 lose ESU support
  16. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    #316 xrononautis, Feb 11, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
    Post #313 is now updated.

    Platform Update pack and supplement
    kb960362 part of KB971644 Platform Update
    kb971512 part of KB971644 Platform Update (IE9-prerequirement)
    kb971513 part of KB971644 Platform Update
    kb971514 part of KB971644 Platform Update (Vista only) (W7 Interoperabilty Windows Portable Devices)
    kb2117917 Platform Update Supplement(IE9-prerequirement)
    I found out that certain applications targeting .net 4.0 would crash without the Platform Update even with KB956250 installed

    This update installs automatically with dotnet3.5 (231mb installer) if you are online during the installation. I couldn't find much information about it but I noticed a problem when this wasn't present on the system.
    KB956250 .NET4.0-Shared (Applications targeting .net4.0 will show "This application requires .net4.0" error even if you have 4.6.2 installed without this update)

    kb2763674 Update related to SHA256 Application Signing (Applications signed with SHA2 will fail to start without this one even if you have SHA2 support)

    Long scan issue (the last two updates have been replaced by the monthly cumulative and can be omitted if you plan to install it before scanning for updates as I do.)
    kb3205638 Graphics Components (Fixes the long scan issue)
    kb4012583 Graphics Components (Fixes the long scan issue)
    kb4015380 Update for ATMFD.dll (Fixes the long scan issue)
    kb4019204 Update for the win32k Information Disclosure (Fixes the long scan issue)

    kb3060716 (will stuck at 23kb size and keep showing if you install a monthly cumulative update before this one)
    kb4014793 (will stuck at 23kb size and keep showing if you install a monthly cumulative update before this one)
    kb4018556 (will stuck at 23kb size and keep showing if you install a monthly cumulative update before this one)
    kb4036162 (will stuck at 23kb size and keep showing if you install a monthly cumulative update before this one)

    kb4019478 Update for d3dcompiler_4.7 (Prerequirement for the ESU .net cumulative updates for 4.5 and 4.7)

    kb4056564v2 This update enables TLS 1.1 and 1.2 (The fact that IE9 is not yet installed is not a problem here)

    kb4474419v4 SHA2 Code Signing Support Update

    kb4493730 2019-04 Servicing Stack Update

    At this point I do my first reboot

    .Net3.5sp1, .Net4.6.2 and IE9 Instalations
    netfx35_x64 or netfx35_x86 are being installed using the script "netfx35_x64 VSEXTUI=1" or "netfx35_x86 VSEXTUI=1" (Thank you abbodi!) this is the only part that is needed and not the whole 231mb installer.

    kb4575904 ESU LPP

    kb5010452 2022-02 Servicing Stuck Update

    At this point I do my second reboot

    kb5008866 2022-02 Cumulative Update for .Net2.0sp2 and 3.0sp2 (part of KB5010584)
    kb5010384 2022-02 Cumulative Update
    kb5006671 2021-10 IE9 Cumulative Update (With the script)
    TLS registry file
    kb5010458 2022-02 .Net4.6.x and .Net4.7.x ESU Cumulative Update (Install dotnetfxbypass before and remove after)

    At this point I do my third reboot

    Installing wua 7.7 with WUC patch
    Patching wua with option 3

    Reboot one last time and ready to scan for updates.
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  17. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    kb2763674 is offered in WU afaik, why install it earlier?
  18. xrononautis

    xrononautis MDL Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2021
    NDP4.6.2 couldn't install for me before kb2763674 and in my case there are more application that I install early which need this update. Like notepad++, tightVNC, firefox 52.9.0esr (if SHA2 signed). In case of firefox there is also a SHA1 signed installer but for the rest no.

    So bottom line (and what is important for everyone else) is that I install this update in the first wave so that I can install NDP4.6.2 on the second and NDP4.6.2 Cumulative Update on the third.
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  19. ExtremeGrief

    ExtremeGrief MDL Addicted

    Jun 2, 2020
    I can install .NET 4.6.2 without that update, check my update order